Because I'm a well trained dog. And so is Space, he just doesn't see it. If he did- he wouldn't continue to show his loyalty to the gaslighting technique that was used to set me off on this very forum, in front of everyone, so that I could then be made out to be this crazy "Borderline" bitch, and the gaslighter come off looking like one who made the mistake of falling for another lunatic.
I'm so well trained that I still haven't bothered to set the record straight, so that it can't be used as something that triggers me.
What Edvard did was the perfect example of what was done to me on this forum. It's a little unsettling to say the least. And even though I know it's gaslighting, it still works on me. Not because I care if that is what Edvard believes or Space believes to be true... or even because I doubt the truth- but because the one person I trusted not to do something like that to me... especially in public... did.
And everytime he goes after me, telling me that I'm this horrid person who verbally mamed the one who loved me and submitted to all my wishes... it's like she's still kicking me in the face.