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need some help with some research for global investments

Posts: 2876

i'm pursing the marketing idea that companies must reinvest their money inorder for a market to continue, and i'd like to perhaps find out what companies are reinvesting in, and how much their investing..

does anyone have any good recommendations for websites or something? i googled "global investment data" but all that comes up is like investment firms telling you to invest with them lol





Posts: 2473
need some help with some research for global investments

 You should e-mail ME for investment advice. She has stated before on her blog that she has earned a substantial amount of money playing the stock market.

Posts: 2876
need some help with some research for global investments

 i dont want investment advice.. i need data!

Posts: 2473
need some help with some research for global investments

Perhaps you should open your mind to new ways of accruing it, instead of always thinking you know so much better than everyone else. Jussayin'.

Posts: 1063
need some help with some research for global investments


Posts: 2876
need some help with some research for global investments

 that's obsurd. if i thought i knew better i wouldnt be asking you guys lol as it stands, i came running for help after 1 failed google search. :P

besides, i thought this could open up a nice conversation where everyoen can collaterate some cool informational statistics we can all learn from..

why do you have to see the worst in people? some of us are innocent little puppies 

Posts: 2473
need some help with some research for global investments


 present participle of ac·crue (Verb)Verb

  • Be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.
  • Accumulate or receive (such payments or benefits)

Amateur. :P

Posts: 1063
need some help with some research for global investments

She's talking about data not finances. It's the same principle when people say realize and realise. 


Sorry doll ;)

Posts: 10
need some help with some research for global investments

 You can accrue data:

"She develops treatment-allocation procedures that use accruing data to produce better predictive estimates."

This English lesson is brought to you by the letters T and R: as in Tyrannosaurus Rex, and Try again next time, Retard. XD

Posts: 3722
need some help with some research for global investments

 i love it! you should use this when you are in a heated argument with someone..

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