To feel nothing where emotions cripple descision. How could anyone see that as weakness?
Also, no one ever said it was a weakness. It definitely goes againt what many people view as normal or healthy, but really it is not seen as a weakness.
That is not callous or anything, that is called being stoical. Schizoids tend to be more natural stoics, while sociopaths many times still let rage blind their decisions.
Implying sociopaths are actually too different from everyday people. Fuck labels, people are people and no one is a unique snowflake. Yes, people are different but we lump shit into "normal" and "If we can treat the problems in specific without fucking labels, we can be like France taking care of ADHD. ADHD is not a problem in France because the symptoms are treated without medication.
by Calebwe can be like France taking care of ADHD. ADHD is not a problem in France because the symptoms are treated without medication.
Would you want things to be like in France? France still believes in Freud et al. ADHD, autism and things we assume come from the brain, they assume come from childhood.
They still believe in refrigerator moms, they think autism is a "symbol" of something going on in a normal child's brain and that the child can be brought out of its shell with psychodynamic therapy, rebirthing and so on.
That is their take on ADHD as well. They don't have any training programs, they assume ADHD is an effect of a bad mother and when the child talks it out, it will be cured. The inattention and hyperactiveness in their opinion are symbols of ongoing trauma. Just an escape mechanism. Nothing neurological at all.