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Posts: 2473
Gonna go to a strip club within 2 weeks!

Tell me more about "cybersex stage 1"?

And don't forget, I'm always watching you, aspie. ;)

Posts: 3110
Gonna go to a strip club within 2 weeks!


 Look at the avatar of Alterego aspie. Now pictUre that eye beneath a fAke blonde wig (like on DR Phil).

Theres one of your cluEs.

Posts: 1953
Gonna go to a strip club within 2 weeks!

 It's all starting to make sense now.  Oh. my. God.  :O

Posts: 3110
Gonna go to a strip club within 2 weeks!



 CAnt believe you didnt see it. What kind of brother are you!


Posts: 1953
Gonna go to a strip club within 2 weeks!

 I was thrown off gurd by Aspie's normal posts lately.

Posts: 178
Gonna go to a strip club within 2 weeks!

  i THougHT i rEad iT aS fOR 2 wEEKs LOl


Posts: 579
Gonna go to a strip club within 2 weeks!


 Yeah I know Jamie, I was just humouring you. We already went through this like about a week ago were I told you that I knew I was only talking to M.E. Thomas. I told that although I know but I didn't mind that much, and that I was not going to try to blow your cover and point out who you are on the forum.

Posts: 579
Gonna go to a strip club within 2 weeks!


 Yeah probably. I don't keep track of time that much. How are the mormons at BYU. Are they pretty easy pickings. Are they really gullible. I stayed in salt lake city for a day and talked to some Mormons. I even saw the big super temples, and I thought they looked pretty cool. I heard the faculty can't drink coffee and caffienated sodas. How do you get around that? You know its funny because I know more about you then you know about me. For a sociopath your not very mysterious.

Posts: 579
Gonna go to a strip club within 2 weeks!

 Why do you think I would forget. I already told you, you know what.

Posts: 579
Gonna go to a strip club within 2 weeks!

 What am I supposed to ask Jamie? What mystery is there with Jamie. I still don't understand what is mysterious about her. I though I knew everything about her already.

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