Oh my bad i called it too early
Eating disorder
Sometimes I buy food and then don't eat it and throw it away.
This isn't as much as about a desire to be thin as much as it is about an OCD fear of food and bacteria.
I overly clean dishes, and uh, have a hard time eating left overs, or trusting new restaurants etc.
I just have a hard time trusting food. Used to be severe when I was young, it's honestly really retarded and something I'm sort of ashamed of. It's taken me a long time to talk about.
Because Idk, it's just really fucking weird but. Like, I have a hard time with food. I'll just leave it at that lol.
Like I'll order food at a restaurant, and then suddenly get anxiety about it and I'm like mmm.... never mind lol and can't eat it.
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12/16/2019 10:02:08 PM