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Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Trump Prophecy Recap & ...
TPG said: 

thank you for letting us see through your pristine prism of intellect o' great nigger oracle

Autists ? Don't you see this coverage is 1/2 complete ?


how do you rate his chances in the election?

 1,000+% to put it mildly.

This is spiritual warfare and the battle grounds are the people. A battle between good and evil, based on moral and imoral principals.

TrumpPence is God's trumpet. The left does reflect where they stand in their principals, not only from the DNC but the people themselves. They are enraged via deception.

In Trump's case, people either love or hate him. Those who like Trump base their decision on policy, while those who resent him vote based on how they were programmed to.

Biden, no one really likes, and even the left cringe at the thought of settling for him. His policies are widely a copy of Trump's policies, with the exception of some. 

The left who vote Biden either don't know his policies, or they think it's better to demolish and rebuild 4 million buildings which the US can't even afford to do. With Biden, your taxes will BOOM for generations while China becomes #1 economy again, as it did under Obama. Corporations will also pack up and send their operations back to China.

Biden also promises better Education, while Trump invested more into the education system than any democrat president. Case in point, they always offer better education time and time again, and the educational system in the US still sucks.





Just to get it out of thr way, we know the results of the election will not be revealed on election night. They changed rules. We're talking the same party that cheated their true front runners, twice in a row. ( I can boast about them giving you Biden, while Sanders and Warren were leading )

There is a movement for US citizens to come to Canada to vote, just for absentee ballots. All of this is desperate because the DNC probably know what will happen to them in Trump's 2nd term, meanwhile the Supreme Court is currently dominated by the Republican party.

First it was Kavanagh, now the dems in panic and trying to stall again as they lost a seat. In terms of prophecy, the timing of Ruth's death is very good.





( Turns head slowly in wonder )




Not a prediction but a personal guess. They are going to have to bring the military to protect properties. The right might not maintain a calm compose as they have been. Proud boys, ( who are multicultural and some of them actually are homosexuals cause they are diverse ) may not stand down, as the cheif requested.  There will be recounts again, blood shed.

Regardless of what one believes, from a fictional outlook, this perversion of our species will absolutely be delightful to Lucifer. But as it stands the prophecy is still kicking and partially fulfilled half way through the saga.





Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: Trump Prophecy Recap & ...

I think its undeniable that Trump is a media master, no president has done it better. 

Trump gets bad coverage near constantly, but the benefit of this is that he gets coverage constantly while Biden barely gets any. Why? Because Trump sells the news while Biden doesn't, that much is obvious. As a Trump can consciously use this to his advantage to get was essentially equates to free Marketing. His statements are, regardless of if you like them or not, always on brand for him; thus running his 'controversial' statements constantly and talking about the things he says or does is merely spreading his brand. 

An example would be Trumps recent use of the word 'Fuck' during a Rush Limbaugh interview. This is a brilliant imo because in doing so, he knowingly dropped bait he knew the press would not be able to resist. The only thing I've hear about pertaining to that interview regardless of who's talking about it is his profane use of 'Fuck'. The key here is the context of the words use, he was making a statement to Iran to not fuck with the United States. Hence, all the media has been doing the past 24 hours is running a story on how hard Trump is on an enemy of the United States. An added bonus is that it distracts from covid. 

Posts: 33609
1 votes RE: Trump Prophecy Recap & ...

I think its undeniable that Trump is a media master, no president has done it better. 

As a brand name yes, Trump's always had a flashy PR crew behind him his entire life. It's also not the first time we've elected an actor, but it's definitely the first time we've elected a wrestler. 

I see it less that Trump's a media master... and more that Trump's a sign of things to come. He's basically the dividing wall between 'A Suit' and 'The Media', and we saw these sorts of trends happening with things like Arnold Schwarzenegger becoming a governor. 

It's a transition towards Cult of Personality style leadership, and if it weren't him it'd have been someone else pulling a Russell Crowe. 

Trump gets bad coverage near constantly, but the benefit of this is that he gets coverage constantly while Biden barely gets any. Why? Because Trump sells the news while Biden doesn't, that much is obvious. As a Trump can consciously use this to his advantage to get was essentially equates to free Marketing. 

He's also been grasping for press since he was a young adult, competing with New York types over it. He's oddly trained for peacocking attention, and him being in office shows us much of what that office constitutes. 

The Waldo Moment starts to look increasingly possible as people desire faster entertainment as their means of acquiring information. 

His statements are, regardless of if you like them or not, always on brand for him; thus running his 'controversial' statements constantly and talking about the things he says or does is merely spreading his brand. 

He does have some areas he's picky over, but interviews with people like Howard Stern essentially helped him break the ice when it came to audacity. If you check his older footage he used to behave more professionally, but his environment in conjunction with his narcissism's effectively trained him to not care. 

An example would be Trumps recent use of the word 'Fuck' during a Rush Limbaugh interview. This is a brilliant imo because in doing so, he knowingly dropped bait he knew the press would not be able to resist.

TV news is easy, this choice is appealing to an older style of tabloid grabbing, but I wonder what sorts of strategies will be employed as people transition further towards internet news. 

The only thing I've hear about pertaining to that interview regardless of who's talking about it is his profane use of 'Fuck'.'s the only part of politics the layman's expected to understand, and at this point their own leader is relatable over how he doesn't understand almost any of it. 

The key here is the context of the words use, he was making a statement to Iran to not fuck with the United States. Hence, all the media has been doing the past 24 hours is running a story on how hard Trump is on an enemy of the United States. An added bonus is that it distracts from covid. 

He's really stuck on trying to keep "the people" (including himself) from feeling afraid. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Trump Prophecy Recap & ...

I think its undeniable that Trump is a media master, no president has done it better. 

Trump gets bad coverage near constantly, but the benefit of this is that he gets coverage constantly while Biden barely gets any. Why? Because Trump sells the news while Biden doesn't, that much is obvious. As a Trump can consciously use this to his advantage to get was essentially equates to free Marketing. His statements are, regardless of if you like them or not, always on brand for him; thus running his 'controversial' statements constantly and talking about the things he says or does is merely spreading his brand. 

An example would be Trumps recent use of the word 'Fuck' during a Rush Limbaugh interview. This is a brilliant imo because in doing so, he knowingly dropped bait he knew the press would not be able to resist. The only thing I've hear about pertaining to that interview regardless of who's talking about it is his profane use of 'Fuck'. The key here is the context of the words use, he was making a statement to Iran to not fuck with the United States. Hence, all the media has been doing the past 24 hours is running a story on how hard Trump is on an enemy of the United States. An added bonus is that it distracts from covid. 

 "He is a genius"

- Spirt of God




Trump got billion worth of advertizing for free. At the same time millions of people realized the mainstream media is full of shit, to the point where no one calls fake news a conspiracy theory anymore. 

One of Trump's funniest plays is when he had the press show up at the grand opening of his new hotel in 2016, and he used the news to advertize the new place before spending a few seconds talking politics.


Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Trump Prophecy Recap & ...

I think its undeniable that Trump is a media master, no president has done it better. 

Trump gets bad coverage near constantly, but the benefit of this is that he gets coverage constantly while Biden barely gets any. Why? Because Trump sells the news while Biden doesn't, that much is obvious. As a Trump can consciously use this to his advantage to get was essentially equates to free Marketing. His statements are, regardless of if you like them or not, always on brand for him; thus running his 'controversial' statements constantly and talking about the things he says or does is merely spreading his brand. 

An example would be Trumps recent use of the word 'Fuck' during a Rush Limbaugh interview. This is a brilliant imo because in doing so, he knowingly dropped bait he knew the press would not be able to resist. The only thing I've hear about pertaining to that interview regardless of who's talking about it is his profane use of 'Fuck'. The key here is the context of the words use, he was making a statement to Iran to not fuck with the United States. Hence, all the media has been doing the past 24 hours is running a story on how hard Trump is on an enemy of the United States. An added bonus is that it distracts from covid. 

 "He is a genius"

- Spirt of God




Trump got billion worth of advertizing for free. At the same time millions of people realized the mainstream media is full of shit, to the point where no one calls fake news a conspiracy theory anymore. 

One of Trump's funniest plays is when he had the press show up at the grand opening of his new hotel in 2016, and he used the news to advertize the new place before spending a few seconds talking politics.


Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Trump Prophecy Recap & ...

I'm personally fond of Trump, but I would be careful about idolizing the guy or thinking he's some kind of figure foretold in the Bible. That seems excessive. It also might blind you to some of his failings.

Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Trump Prophecy Recap & ...

no president has done it better. 

That sounds like something he would say verbatim.

AliceInWonderland said:
Trump gets bad coverage near constantly, but the benefit of this is that he gets coverage constantly while Biden barely gets any. Why? Because Trump sells the news while Biden doesn't, that much is obvious. As a Trump can consciously use this to his advantage to get was essentially equates to free Marketing. His statements are, regardless of if you like them or not, always on brand for him; thus running his 'controversial' statements constantly and talking about the things he says or does is merely spreading his brand. 

An example would be Trumps recent use of the word 'Fuck' during a Rush Limbaugh interview. This is a brilliant imo because in doing so, he knowingly dropped bait he knew the press would not be able to resist. The only thing I've hear about pertaining to that interview regardless of who's talking about it is his profane use of 'Fuck'. The key here is the context of the words use, he was making a statement to Iran to not fuck with the United States. Hence, all the media has been doing the past 24 hours is running a story on how hard Trump is on an enemy of the United States. An added bonus is that it distracts from covid. 

This is true, and I'm wondering if the attention and hatred will actually ruin him this election. I don't think Kenosha or Portland may be good samples, but it seems like a lot of people are pissed. Remember that older woman dressed in green that screamed "NOOOOOOO!!!!" when Trump got elected? That is nothing compared to what we're about to see if he gets re-elected. People aren't just divided, they are livid.

On the note of cursing, I find it an endearing trait. Studies show that honest people are more prone to cursing. Less to hide, I think.

Posts: 3222
0 votes RE: Trump Prophecy Recap & ...

I'm personally fond of Trump, but I would be careful about idolizing the guy or thinking he's some kind of figure foretold in the Bible. That seems excessive. It also might blind you to some of his failings.

Atheist. You haven't been paying attention to the content. I'm covering what was prophesied years in advance, by a self proclaimed prophet, who died the same month Trump became President elect in 2016, and it actually happened.

- In advance, I waited to see what would really happen with the Supreme Court, waiting for 2 Judges to step down. 2 Judges stepped down.

Amazingly a 3rd Judge died on an election year, and Trump is putting in his 3rd Supreme Justice. Republicans are dominating the Supreme Court as it was said "I wish to place righteousness in the court".

- It also mentioned how the democrats wanted to fill the supreme court to suit their own endeavours. Meanwhile every time Trump fills a seat we see the dems raise a huge fuss with scandals and whatever they can do the stall Trump's progress

- In "2014" it was said they will shout "impeach" And look at the debacle that went on last year.

- In the first video, Kim Clement ( who lived long enough to see Trump win, then died the same month ) Said "This man will emerge in the coming weeks, Then we see Trump emerge into politics a few weeks later.

I think I mentioned God can only work through imperfect people. And no, this is not idolatry, this is actually happening. It so happens that Trump openly suggests he'll drain the swamp, and here we see him gutting corruption out of government like crazy. ( Other day CIA referred FBI's Russian collusion report originated from Hillary. A lot of officials are going down )


As for the Bible, with the use of Bible code software they are able to find hidden messages in the Bible.

This one was posted September 20, 2016. Two months before Trump won the election, and it came correct.

starts at 40 seconds.

Another one from 4 years ago.

^ That guy keeps laying them down in advance, like the rest of the subject matter here and it keeps turning up correct when the time passes. Of course his latest one is about Trump's next win.

When self proclaimed divine sources are right over and over again, it's worth looking into. Not everyone will be able to digest this.

last edit on 10/10/2020 9:36:41 PM
Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: Trump Prophecy Recap & ...

I think its undeniable that Trump is a media master, no president has done it better. 

As a brand name yes, Trump's always had a flashy PR crew behind him his entire life. It's also not the first time we've elected an actor, but it's definitely the first time we've elected a wrestler. 

I see it less that Trump's a media master... and more that Trump's a sign of things to come. He's basically the dividing wall between 'A Suit' and 'The Media', and we saw these sorts of trends happening with things like Arnold Schwarzenegger becoming a governor. 

It's a transition towards Cult of Personality style leadership, and if it weren't him it'd have been someone else pulling a Russell Crowe. 

Trump gets bad coverage near constantly, but the benefit of this is that he gets coverage constantly while Biden barely gets any. Why? Because Trump sells the news while Biden doesn't, that much is obvious. As a Trump can consciously use this to his advantage to get was essentially equates to free Marketing. 

He's also been grasping for press since he was a young adult, competing with New York types over it. He's oddly trained for peacocking attention, and him being in office shows us much of what that office constitutes. 

The Waldo Moment starts to look increasingly possible as people desire faster entertainment as their means of acquiring information. 

His statements are, regardless of if you like them or not, always on brand for him; thus running his 'controversial' statements constantly and talking about the things he says or does is merely spreading his brand. 

He does have some areas he's picky over, but interviews with people like Howard Stern essentially helped him break the ice when it came to audacity. If you check his older footage he used to behave more professionally, but his environment in conjunction with his narcissism's effectively trained him to not care. 

An example would be Trumps recent use of the word 'Fuck' during a Rush Limbaugh interview. This is a brilliant imo because in doing so, he knowingly dropped bait he knew the press would not be able to resist.

TV news is easy, this choice is appealing to an older style of tabloid grabbing, but I wonder what sorts of strategies will be employed as people transition further towards internet news. 

The only thing I've hear about pertaining to that interview regardless of who's talking about it is his profane use of 'Fuck'.'s the only part of politics the layman's expected to understand, and at this point their own leader is relatable over how he doesn't understand almost any of it. 

The key here is the context of the words use, he was making a statement to Iran to not fuck with the United States. Hence, all the media has been doing the past 24 hours is running a story on how hard Trump is on an enemy of the United States. An added bonus is that it distracts from covid. 

He's really stuck on trying to keep "the people" (including himself) from feeling afraid. 

 I feel like i should give Black mirror a chance. 

Posts: 2266
0 votes RE: Trump Prophecy Recap & ...

no president has done it better. 

That sounds like something he would say verbatim.

I am dying right now, thank you for pointing that out. 

AliceInWonderland said:
Trump gets bad coverage near constantly, but the benefit of this is that he gets coverage constantly while Biden barely gets any. Why? Because Trump sells the news while Biden doesn't, that much is obvious. As a Trump can consciously use this to his advantage to get was essentially equates to free Marketing. His statements are, regardless of if you like them or not, always on brand for him; thus running his 'controversial' statements constantly and talking about the things he says or does is merely spreading his brand. 

An example would be Trumps recent use of the word 'Fuck' during a Rush Limbaugh interview. This is a brilliant imo because in doing so, he knowingly dropped bait he knew the press would not be able to resist. The only thing I've hear about pertaining to that interview regardless of who's talking about it is his profane use of 'Fuck'. The key here is the context of the words use, he was making a statement to Iran to not fuck with the United States. Hence, all the media has been doing the past 24 hours is running a story on how hard Trump is on an enemy of the United States. An added bonus is that it distracts from covid. 

This is true, and I'm wondering if the attention and hatred will actually ruin him this election. I don't think Kenosha or Portland may be good samples, but it seems like a lot of people are pissed. Remember that older woman dressed in green that screamed "NOOOOOOO!!!!" when Trump got elected? That is nothing compared to what we're about to see if he gets re-elected. People aren't just divided, they are livid.

I've considered this as well, the issue of over saturation. 

On the note of cursing, I find it an endearing trait. Studies show that honest people are more prone to cursing. Less to hide, I think.

Indeed, and more importantly when he chooses to use it. 


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