i been wondering why people are attacking guns? why this emotionally charged media campaign? if someone thinks they have an answer please post here.
i am going to assume at this point the attack on guns is due to the children being killed by psycho criminals with guns. as this is being exploited by the media to try to change gun laws. why though?
is it because the act is deliberate and calculated against helpless children? the feeling of helplessness? wtf is it?
why not focus on other forms of children's death? why guns?
i've been looking into some of the statistic for leading cause of children's death https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr67/nvsr67_04.pdf
the stats go up through 2016 due to government delay so are a bit outdated, but this is all i have for now
leading 2016 deaths for children ages 10 through 19, yes 19, hmmm
accidents 4999 deaths
suicides 2553 deaths
homicides 1963 deaths
US mass shooting deaths in 2016 numbered 49. if you assume all of these deaths were children, this would still be a crazy insignificant number https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shootings_in_the_United_States
my point is, children dying is obviously not the motivation for the attack on guns. if preventing children from dying was the motivation. we would have a mass media campaign against accidents and suicides. not guns used in mass shootings
so what is the basis for the hate on guns?