OK theee thoughts when you read the FAQ.
See: “I heard SPECT has a poor resolution , some refer to it as poor man’s PET”— he is saying that the resolution of PET scans is better than SPECT, but for some reason he upholds their “clinical reading” of scans is better. Ask him if it’s indicated for you to have SPECT.
Two, your visit is NOT covered by insurance. May want to consider that.
Three, how did you find their clinic. He says the scans are indicated, mostly in traumatic brain injury and addiction —but also some subtypes of disorders where patients just “get stuck”
—-did you walk in off the Internet (he’s a New York Times bestselling physician) or did you get a referral ?
1) interesting......here is info on PET scans https://cerescan.com/services/pet-brain-imaging/ it doesnt seem to be as focused on psychiatry as the SPECT scans, seems like its looking instead for abnormalities that might be results of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, traumatic brain injury, brain tumor, epilepsy or movement disorders (such as Parkinson’s disease). also the SPECT scans seem to be more thorough, its going to take 3 days to finish all the scanning
2) my mother is paying for it and can afford it
3) my mother found it online and scheduled the appointment(s). I have been freaking out lately and going to some really dark places mentally and fear about the future if i keep sabotaging myself and since psychiatric meds dont seem to work for me(although there are a couple meds i might try together for the first time after the scans, i havent tried them together yet and they are the 2 that have had the least side effects)
most of my depression/anxiety comes from the uncontrollable drive in me to self-sabotage, and medications dont really stop that drive so normal anti-depressants/mood stabilizers do not work on me because they are not stopping the root cause of all of my problems. those type of meds can work on a lot of people, but they dont work on me very well. i can keep myself in positive moods well enough and my anxiety is there for a damn good reason its because i have an uncontrollable mental illness