Greta has definitely calmed down. this is good to see. people will take her much more seriously. in the video she made a statement that the US was the largest oil exporter in the world, which i did not know. so i looked it up.
here are the top 15 oil producers according to wikipedia (it must be correct its wikipedia)
Rank -- Country barrels/day -- barrels/day per 1 million people
01-- USA[6]-- 15,043,000-- 35,922
02-- Saudi Arabia (OPEC)-- 12,000,000-- 324,866
03-- Russia-- 10,800,000-- 73,292
04-- Iraq (OPEC)-- 4,451,516-- 119,664
05-- Iran (OPEC)-- 3,990,956-- 49,714
06-- China-- 3,980,650-- 2,836
07-- Canada-- 3,662,694-- 100,931
08-- United Arab Emirates (OPEC)-- 3,106,077-- 335,103
09-- Kuwait (OPEC)-- 2,923,825-- 721,575
10-- Brazil-- 2,515,459-- 12,113
11-- Venezuela-- (OPEC) 2,276,967-- 69,914
12-- Mexico-- 2,186,877-- 17,142
13-- Nigeria-- (OPEC) 1,999,885-- 10,752
14-- Angola-- (OPEC) 1,769,615-- 61,417
15-- Norway-- 1,647,975-- 313,661
a couple things came to mind when i looked at the above data, 1) Canada and Norway being number 7 and 15 and 2) the per capita number is interesting. If you sort by per capita numbers, Norway is then 4th and Canada is 7th in the world. hmmm both countries known for there liberal nature but participating in full out capitalistic war on the environment. i mean you kinda expect this behaviour from Trump and the US but Canada and Norway? WTF lol i had no idea.
last time i looked 33% of the CO2 being emitted was from driving cars. I don't see anyone stopping their driving. Do you? BTW electric cars get their power from coal/gas electrical plants. does not count
another 33% was coming from power plants making electricity. i dont see people shutting down coal and gas plants. do you?
and the last 33% was everything else, industry, other emitters, people, animals w/e
Greta says we have 8 years left in our carbon budget. I don't think we are going to make it. so, what is going to happen?
Global warming will have serious consequences for human health, biodiversity, ecosystems and the goods and services they provide, as well as for many social and economic sectors, including agriculture, tourism, and energy production.
U.S. Regional Effects
Below are some of the impacts that are currently visible throughout the U.S. and will continue to affect these regions, according to the Third3 and Fourth4 National Climate Assessment Reports, released by the U.S. Global Change Research Program:
Northeast. Heat waves, heavy downpours and sea level rise pose growing challenges to many aspects of life in the Northeast. Infrastructure, agriculture, fisheries and ecosystems will be increasingly compromised. Many states and cities are beginning to incorporate climate change into their planning.
Northwest. Changes in the timing of streamflow reduce water supplies for competing demands. Sea level rise, erosion, inundation, risks to infrastructure and increasing ocean acidity pose major threats. Increasing wildfire, insect outbreaks and tree diseases are causing widespread tree die-off.
Southeast. Sea level rise poses widespread and continuing threats to the region’s economy and environment. Extreme heat will affect health, energy, agriculture and more. Decreased water availability will have economic and environmental impacts.
Midwest. Extreme heat, heavy downpours and flooding will affect infrastructure, health, agriculture, forestry, transportation, air and water quality, and more. Climate change will also exacerbate a range of risks to the Great Lakes.
Southwest. Increased heat, drought and insect outbreaks, all linked to climate change, have increased wildfires. Declining water supplies, reduced agricultural yields, health impacts in cities due to heat, and flooding and erosion in coastal areas are additional concerns.
food and water supplies are going to be affected,
this means serious trouble in the next 20 to 30 years.
my thoughts are that things are going to change quickly, the ice core data has shown that CO2 has never risen this fast, ever. this is our human experiment on the earth. oceans and land will change so quickly that plants and animals will have a hard time adapting.
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