you know i've been pushing nuclear power for years now. nuclear power really is the only viable emissions free option we have. its a 100 year interim solution until we as human kind can find an alternative. something like fusion. no AOC we cant fix this in 10 years, but we can start it now.
you know its time when the environmentalists finally start waking up and agreeing.
the interesting part of this video is how the oil and gas companies are pushing wind and solar. this is because they understand that oil and gas is needed to offset the variability and deficiencies of wind and solar.
he also talks about hydro. hydro has its own set of problems like artificialy flooding natural river valley habitat for human needs. and as the video talks about, the precious water is needed for agriculture.
on another topic, the reason the far right does not give a shit about this is that they believe the end times are coming anyway. these extreme religions really are a disease on humanity