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1 votes RE: Nvidia uses AI to gener...

Matter of time before it simulates creativity ?

By definition, it's already doing that better than we can in the OP. None of those images are real, and it's just pumping out endless faces like fractal art, which only computers can really do with finesse might I add. 

That's more of a process based on preset guidelines (the shape of a human face). I'm meaning the ability to make anything it wants, whenever it wants, on the fly. 

The Ai in the OP is called Generative Adversarial Networks. "Learns to generate entirely new images that mimic real photos", which is no doubt a part of Nvidia's deep learning projects. The fact that it's separating poses and variations from different angles is noteworthy. The morphing process shown in the video is part of an endless sea of potentials and numbers.

As far as our own creativity goes. We can only work with what we've got, and what we imagine isn't really anything new. It's come to the point where our own storytelling and other arts is mix and match, as the next film may or may not be better than the last time we told stories of superheros or beings from space, while our technology despite what designs we give it, is more along the lines of discovery rather than creativity. 


The Ai would go beyond thought police, and probably end up as judge and jury. And in all honesty, it'll probably be better at it.

Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Nvidia uses AI to gener...

AI will be mankind's greatest achievement, but sadly we don't have much control over it. And our government is not reacting properly to it. Automation should change the workforce entirely within 10 years. Trucking is the main job in most US states. It should be entirely automated within a decade, leaving many unemployed. And thus removing one of the main jobs that take people out of poverty. Maybe we won't even need jobs once superintelligent AIs do thousands of years worth of human research in 6 months. But we have to trust private companies like Google and Amazon to do this well. Unfortunately, humans tend to respond to problems in a reactionary way more so than preventative. So by the time the danger is real, it will already be too late with AI.

It's quite possible that within our lifetimes, we will be facing some very unique ethical and emotional issues. Like your lover falling for an AI that probably outclasses you in every dimension of what it means to be attractive. Or cities that try to abstain from allowing AI to be present. What a time to be alive. :)

Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Nvidia uses AI to gener...

I don't deny that ai will make great strides in revolutionising our world but don't make any illusions, the singularity is not as near as many seem to think. We would have to map out our entire brain neurologically, and with that every function of every neuron on relation to every other neuron etc. 

And even if we did that, artificial consciousness is still very very far away from us so don't expect shit like that in the coming 50 years, hell, I doubt our grandchildren will live to see AI humans walking around. I sincerely think that we over estimate our technology out of a fear of missing out as well as eracentrism which I should still make a thread on. 

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