So, I've decided I am going to start my foray into transhumanism right here on SC for all of you to bear witness to. This thread is where I will organize all my ideas and notes. However, I am aware that some of you might try to hijack some of my ideas and try them for yourself. That's no good, so I might keep it really general when I start making real breakthroughs and keep those to private threads.
Anybody can bounce ideas to me, given that they build upon my ideas or add to the topic of transhumanism in general. I'm going to create a similar thread for holograms as well, another one of my areas of ambition and anybody can give their feedback on there as well. Eventually these threads will give way to actual experimentation both physically and digitally. For transhumanism some of it may have to be digital experiments due to how expensive and hard to get ahold of some of the materials are in relation to it. For holograms you will see actual experiments eventually.
So, let's get to the basics. What specific aspects of transhumanism do I intend to investigate? I'll organize this in terms of human limitation.
- Prosthetic arms and legs
- Arm and leg augmentations
- Shoes that enhance jumping ability
- Leg/shoe augmentation that allows improved jumping ability and running speed.
Cognitive Abilities-
- Investigate genetic/environmental/circumstantial causes of high intelligence (especially focus on geniuses)
- Investigate neurology of thinking, including access to more parts of the brain. Investigate "smart drugs" and drugs that tend to open brain pathways.
- Investigate neurological/chemical circumstances for those with high cognitive ability.
- Seek to mimic those circumstances through development of safe, long acting drugs that will do this.
- Seek to mimic reproductive/genetic circumstances that produce genius.
- Investigate what stimuli in the brain induces high cognitive activity and seek to mimic that stimuli through technology.
- Investigate what goes on in the brain as aging takes place and look into ways to reverse or halt this.
- Investigate both chemical and mechanical/electrical ways that could combat the breakdown of various parts of the human body such as skin, the heart, the brain, the immune system, and the central/peripheral nervous system.
- Investigate which parts of the human body age the most rapidly, and if there are any parts that do not age. If there are, identify the difference between these parts and the ones that age.
- Investigate the composition of neurons, nerve cells, ect and look into ways to recreate them.
- Investigate memory pathways in neurons and synapses and how they form over time.
- Investigate in particular, how information is transferred between different parts of the brain.
- Investigate how energy is taken in and converted within neurons. What kind of energy?
- Seek to recreate actual neurons and their synapses. Investigate a way to connect these recreated neurons to an actual brain and transfer the information from the brain to the recreated brain.
- Investigate digital means to recreate neurons in the form of computer memory, and how actual memories from the human brain could be transferred into this digital brain.
- Investigate integration of this digital brain into practical applications such as a virtual world, or even uploading it into a full on Android body.
So for strength and speed, I feel that the way to go is biotic and mechanical. Ideally, I believe that transhumanism would be best done in a way that preserves our current bodies. So I think that for the operations of muscles the forces of mechanical advantage ought to be taken advantage of rather than amputation and substitution of a brand new limb.
For cognitive abilities, same. I think it should be pursued in a chemical or genetic way. Or with some kind of safe mechanism that gives the brain stimuli that encourages cognitive activity in parts of the brain that are associated with high intelligence.
As for something as grand as defeating mortality I see three foreseeable paths. One is combating aging itself in our existing bodies; the most ideal. One is transferring our memories onto a brand new, improved brain/body that is synthetic and stronger. One involves straight up uploading your mind into the cloud. I guess that last one isnt technically immortality unless YOU consciously go into this virtual world. It's perhaps the most compelling because at that point you could design your personal heaven. I really dig the idea of writing programs that essentially minic the functions of neurons, neurotransmitters, and eventually muscles, thinking, ect. This idea excited me.
This is an outline for what I got so far. Further research into all the questions these raise will undoubtedly split off into many branches but I'll try to stay organized.
That's about all. This is more of an introduction post to get the ball rolling. I hope you all enjoy participating with me on this journey to change the world. Feel free to drop any good resources, articles, or ideas you have on this topic.