Edvard said: 
TPG said: 

"SC has a policy not to ban people unless they affect the functionality of the site" this policy had been dropped by luna eons ago, why are you so vehemently opposing tfi's abuse of it while you kissed lunas ass and played her banning members for nothing but insulting her as just silly insecure old luna? everyone has been a witness to you simply not caring and filling chat with "XD" s whenever it became that luna had banned members for nothing more than daring to challenge her, what changed now?

"At least Luna has tits." - Edvard

 What's your excuse then for putting up with Good's abuse? Remember how you screamed against deletion of Jim's quotes, and encouraged others to rock the boat, when the admins of SC decided to ban Jim?

The difference is that Jim deserved it for trying to bring down the site with CP.

 You complain about other people choosing the easy fights here, but you always evade uncomfortable issues.