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For Primal

Posts: 749
Good said:
Sturm88 has been allowed to ban Primal puppets too, its easier than having Sturm88 report them to me, when I'm not here to see it for myself.
I take full responsibility if Sturm88 does anything wrong.

This Sturm lady does not even participate on SC, yet we have her as MODERATOR because of some personal petty squabbles no one from SC gives a shit about. I think Meta believes he can do whatever the fuck he pleases, just because he coded this place. It's worse than Luna and Crave combined.

Sturm accepting to come here to powertrip over Primal already decreased my opinion on her. I had a talk with her on Discord, asking her to try change Meta's mind about banning  Primal, and she played it as if she did not care about banning Primal, that it was ALL Meta's decision.

This is why I am reaching out to Primal offering to POST every single thing she wishes to have public on this forum. Both in chat and on the forum, I will post for her whatever she wants. If any bitch, Meta or Sturm, touches my posts, I will stir so much shit Cawk would look like a a kitten.

Primal, I promise to check my email more often. Using Discord is even better and allows more real time messages.


I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
last edit on 5/21/2019 7:25:22 AM
Posts: 749
0 votes RE: For Primal

You can also use a puppet, come here, and PM me everything so I can copy paste it in real time. I believe this would be the most effective way.

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
last edit on 5/21/2019 7:28:38 AM
Posts: 894
0 votes RE: For Primal

she was just here in PMs

Posts: 2891
1 votes RE: For Primal

If you post what Primal posts in relation to her blackmail I will delete it. If you post more after that and I tell you about it, I will ban you.

Neither you, jim, luna or cawk scare me at all lol.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 894
0 votes RE: For Primal

Posts: 51
1 votes RE: For Primal
Edvard said: 
Good said:
Sturm88 has been allowed to ban Primal puppets too, its easier than having Sturm88 report them to me, when I'm not here to see it for myself.
I take full responsibility if Sturm88 does anything wrong.

This Sturm lady does not even participate on SC, yet we have her as MODERATOR because of some personal petty squabbles no one from SC gives a shit about. I think Meta believes he can do whatever the fuck he pleases, just because he coded this place. It's worse than Luna and Crave combined.

Sturm accepting to come here to powertrip over Primal already decreased my opinion on her. I had a talk with her on Discord, asking her to try change Meta's mind about banning  Primal, and she played it as if she did not care about banning Primal, that it was ALL Meta's decision.

This is why I am reaching out to Primal offering to POST every single thing she wishes to have public on this forum. Both in chat and on the forum, I will post for her whatever she wants. If any bitch, Meta or Sturm, touches my posts, I will stir so much shit Cawk would look like a a kitten.

Primal, I promise to check my email more often. Using Discord is even better and allows more real time messages.


  Why do you want Primal here so badly? Is she your friend?

Posts: 749
0 votes RE: For Primal


Good said:
Sturm88 has been allowed to ban Primal puppets too, its easier than having Sturm88 report them to me, when I'm not here to see it for myself.

This means this Sturm bitch has been lurking on the forum reporting Primal to you so you can ban Primal for her like a good boy.


Posted Image

"No one has told Tefi to do anything. Except me, lurking on the forum and reporting Primal puppets to him so he can ban her. I will also lick Tefi's ass along with this statement, because he's a virgin gullible idiot who can't see he's being manipulated in the most obvious way."

I smell dishonesty here, and my nose is perfectly fine, Meta. Have yours pul out of Sturm's vagina, bro, and you'll smell the dishonesty too.

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
Posts: 60
0 votes RE: For Primal

I'm just waiting for the day this little Good faggot puts up advertisements to monetize us. He clearly has no respect for SC or it's past. Fuck you Good you little German bitch.

Posts: 749
0 votes RE: For Primal
wahoo said: 
Edvard said: 
Good said:
Sturm88 has been allowed to ban Primal puppets too, its easier than having Sturm88 report them to me, when I'm not here to see it for myself.
I take full responsibility if Sturm88 does anything wrong.

This Sturm lady does not even participate on SC, yet we have her as MODERATOR because of some personal petty squabbles no one from SC gives a shit about. I think Meta believes he can do whatever the fuck he pleases, just because he coded this place. It's worse than Luna and Crave combined.

Sturm accepting to come here to powertrip over Primal already decreased my opinion on her. I had a talk with her on Discord, asking her to try change Meta's mind about banning  Primal, and she played it as if she did not care about banning Primal, that it was ALL Meta's decision.

This is why I am reaching out to Primal offering to POST every single thing she wishes to have public on this forum. Both in chat and on the forum, I will post for her whatever she wants. If any bitch, Meta or Sturm, touches my posts, I will stir so much shit Cawk would look like a a kitten.

Primal, I promise to check my email more often. Using Discord is even better and allows more real time messages.


  Why do you want Primal here so badly? Is she your friend?

 She's an interesting addition to the forum. Also, SC has a policy not to ban people unless they affect the functionality of the site. Which Primal does not do.

Meta has brought some PF attitude from your PF sewers, and it has no place on SC.

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
Posts: 738
3 votes RE: For Primal

"SC has a policy not to ban people unless they affect the functionality of the site" this policy had been dropped by luna eons ago, why are you so vehemently opposing tfi's abuse of it while you kissed lunas ass and played her banning members for nothing but insulting her as just silly insecure old luna? everyone has been a witness to you simply not caring and filling chat with "XD" s whenever it became that luna had banned members for nothing more than daring to challenge her, what changed now?

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