i dont know why and i wish it wasnt so
I would totally go completely wgtow, i probably wouldnt have ever had sex in my life if a tulpa worked for me because i probably would have found out about it in high school and i was not sexually active in high school (until I was 17 but I had my ged and had already been dual-enrolled in some college classes and was moved out and not in high school or college and was working full time by the time i lost my virginity)
anyway ignore this mini rant it is off topic
if everyone goes mgtow/wgtow in the future yeah, that will def help decrease the population lol. and i do think that is part of the plan, to influence men and women to be more independent from each other and not want to be sexually intimate or at the very least not want to raise children together, which would increase the use of birth control
but I have to actually be able to visibly see im impacting another person who exists
So kinda like the ones they have in Blade Runner 2049?
but think of all the ways - unleash a deadly virus that only the "chosen" survivors are given the vaccine for is one
gas chambers obviously, nuking while hiding underground