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Humility is a form submission.

Posts: 2278

Here is the definition of humility:

"A modest or low view of one's own importance." 

So basically, humility is the art of considering yourself unimportant. This is put up as a virtue in our society by people who overestimate their own importance so such that they dare tell others that they should lower their own sense of importance so they can be more comfortable, to submit to them and give into weakness. Like Kendrick Lamar, he is telling everybody but himself to be humble so he can be the only arrogant one. But me, I am consistent and not a hypocrite so,


if you are naturally humble, then fine. But if you are not, be yourself.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 894
2 votes RE: Humility is a form subm...

i like this definition

"True humility is to recognize your value and others value while looking up. It is to see there is far greater than ourself into who we can become, who others can become, and how much more we can do and be. To be humble is to serve others and be for their good as well as your own. To be humble is to have a realistic appreciation of your great strengths, but also of your weaknesses"


i feel very humble when out in the ocean, a small morsel in the food chain



Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: Humility is a form subm...
Billy said: 

i like this definition

"True humility is to recognize your value and others value while looking up. It is to see there is far greater than ourself into who we can become, who others can become, and how much more we can do and be. To be humble is to serve others and be for their good as well as your own. To be humble is to have a realistic appreciation of your great strengths, but also of your weaknesses"


i feel very humble when out in the ocean, a small morsel in the food chain



 I prefer normal confidence. I great liking of yourself does not mean a contempt for others. It can and often does lead to that, but part of it us- you see and catagorize types of people out there, and observe how their behaviors are objectively worse for you or themselves than yours are. If you have to hurt others or yourself to reach an end, then your approach needs tweaked and optimized.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 894
0 votes RE: Humility is a form subm...
Billy said: 

i like this definition

"True humility is to recognize your value and others value while looking up. It is to see there is far greater than ourself into who we can become, who others can become, and how much more we can do and be. To be humble is to serve others and be for their good as well as your own. To be humble is to have a realistic appreciation of your great strengths, but also of your weaknesses"


i feel very humble when out in the ocean, a small morsel in the food chain



 If you have to hurt others or yourself to reach an end, then your approach needs tweaked and optimized.


Posts: 749
0 votes RE: Humility is a form subm...

A great liking of yourself does not mean a contempt for others.

Confidence is extremely useful and healthy to have in life, and the opposite goes for low self esteem. However, I do not see modesty and low self esteem as the same. I see modesty more like not tooting your own horn in an arrogant manner, so the opposite of arrogance.

A "great liking" of yourself should also not come with self sufficiency. Narcs often have this, and refuse to grow, because they fail to see their flaws as flaws, and refuse to listen to others when they are called out. Like Tony for example, who claims to have "the exact right amount of narcissism", LMAO.

In the grand scheme of things, we are all flawed and failing to reach our potentials, and our importance is not that great either. So maybe people who don't see themselves as "important" are just more realistic than others, although I do agree that focusing on your qualities and value rather than your flaws (while not neglecting those) is a key factor in being successful and is much more preferable to seeing yourself as insignificant and powerless.

I just want other people to read this shit and be confused whether it's part of the post or not.
last edit on 5/21/2019 6:35:27 AM
Posts: 819
0 votes RE: Humility is a form subm...

For me being humble is when it’s

common knowledge you are above someone else in a subject but you carry yourself like they were in your level, even thought everyone else knows you are somehow better.

Posts: 1937
0 votes RE: Humility is a form subm...

Humility is just a tool for insecure people to surpress people from boasting and outshining them

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: Humility is a form subm...

Humility is just a tool for insecure people to surpress people from boasting and outshining them


My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 2891
0 votes RE: Humility is a form subm...

Humility is just a tool for insecure people to surpress people from boasting and outshining them

 ride on, u all need some Eastern European wisdom 

Cheery bye!
Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Humility is a form subm...

This thread reeks of sour grapes. I bet humility has been tried and failed, so now it's because humility is gay and not because you're too weak to apply yourself in a virtuous manner. 

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