I guess I see where you're coming from.
being iconic as usual- glasses shopping:)
Is that Costco? 🤔
other people can post their selfies in here too btw lol
While I am reluctant to do so, it's purely because I feel ugly when I look at myself the majority of the time.
Still, I ought to work harder at getting over that than just avatars:
Should post more one day - I like your face and wild hair.
being iconic as usual- glasses shopping:)
Is that Costco? 🤔
ye lol
^ This guy thinks he'd look good as a woman lol
lol you're completely full of shit.
You never miss an opportunity to tell me how shallow you think I am.
It's the core of your current line of reasoning.
Basically at this point it's just you yelling at me that I'm ugly and a bad person with no depth or substance beyond that.
lol yes you are.
Being a shitty person means you'll be a shitty woman, too.
You'll still be the same asshole, you'll just be a diaper wearing asshole with fake boobs and a fuckhole.
I mean, it's not like a dishwasher or smthg that would improve smthg about your life.
Fuck. $30 000. That's like a car.
A vagina is nowhere near as useful as a car, you silly creature.