Today I was listening to some sirens on YouTube like an autist because I find jarring noises interesting. Particularly the ones designed to be that way. For example, a tornado siren is meant to cause autonomic arousal. There's something amusing about a tower in the middle of a city emitting noises that cause the collective consciousness to vibrate to a different frequency. Or whatever you would like to call that. Anyways, since I was thinking about it, I thought "why not make a thread?"
I'm not sure how this particular siren got the OK. Someone in the comments put it best:
"That is not what a tornado siren sounds like,
That is what an ice cream truck from hell sounds like"
This one is great, it holds, droning, and oscillates at the higher range to create alternating sharp effects. It's like the school fire alarm on steroids.
During WW2, the Nazis would put sirens on their Stuka divebombers to create wailing sounds intended to break enemy morale. To have been on the ground hearing this coming toward you must have been unnerving.
The signaling sounds/music chosen for Number Stations to give orders to spies tend to be curious choices. Rarely do they sound like regular music. Instead, many people describe most of them as "creepy." They seem to be intentionally made that way, as if the intended audience was both the operative and the counter-espionage.
And of course there are Amber Alerts. Someone snaps, and the whole State gets put on edge. Or annoyed, now that they've become more familiar (and intrusive) with phone notifications. I see a lot of people on Twitter complaining about these.
If you have something you think fits here, post it.