I want to do makeup on people that's literally my dream job.
I've applied like three times, and a fourth time in person and they told me I need more sales experience and then to come back and try again.
I have a family member who works at clinique (like in the high ups at the HQ for the actual company) so *perhaps* she can wiggle me into a position at a makeup counter, Ulta also has like clinique sales people there sometimes so perhaps she could recommend me for an Ulta position selling clinique or something? Her recommendation helps regardless so I can put that on resume as a contact.
It's just so annoying because I have no trouble getting hired for like positions for working with kids, and for life guarding positions. I have a family member who talked to the CEO of a certain establishment that happens to have lots of pools all over the country and hires lots of life guards, and she said he could wiggle me into a life guarding position. But I literally have no trouble getting life guarding jobs, it's the *easiest* job to get in Florida ya'll. I even have people calling me from New York trying to get me to come work in their pool I'm like dawg I"m not moving to New York to be a life guard?? Lol! I get more work here with swim instruction as well on the side to life guarding, and I do private lessons and stuff but. If you have the certifications I have and the experience I have with kids, it's super easy.
Also, summer camps- are always hiring. There's literally endless opportunities with just that vein of kids, and swimming/water related stuff. I also know someone who owns a paddle boarding company not too far from me locally and I could literally be giving paddle boarding lessons but here's the tea- I actually *don't like lakes* and I prefer ocean or pools. And this one is in a lake. But being a life guard, and being that I know her- she would totally hire me.
Dawg I am SICK of the sun! I'm sick of kids. I want to do makeup!!
I also have opportunities in design work, or I can continue persuing the medical vein and go into surgical tech- as I was accepted into a program for that and, based on all my test results from the exams they think I would excell in this. I also have phlebotomy experience and training, and state certification but- I heard from my last manager I worked with that they only want people with national certification- so I could brush up and study a bit, take the exam and go for that job. But until I do that, they're literally not interested even with the experience and training and state certification, the people who are nationally certified will always get preference so you're fucked in a big city like this, there's just too much competition. Hospitals only will hire people with years of clinical experience *typically* or if you were previously an EMT or Nurse or something like that. So "newbies" like me, are passed over usually- even with experience I have from working in the Emergency Department *face palm*.
Obviously there are plenty of other types of jobs to apply for, don't worry I haven't forgotten them. But these are just *higher paying* jobs is why I try to focus more on them.
TLDR: It's really hard to get out of the "vein" career wise you get stuck in because of the whole "experience=hired" dynamic. It's like, you end up getting very stuck with what you *can get* and I just want to branch out into something different. I know it's really hard to get hired at Sephora or Mac things like that but I'm going to go for it.
There is a Nyx store as well I could apply at, lots of little places like that around so. All they want is retail sales experiences so I guess I can try to get that somewhere, anywhere honestly.
Maybe instead of doing design I can squeeze my way into a Sales position at the place I do design stuff with hm... Just so I can have that to put on my resume. The boss is really open minded and stuff so, maybe I could be like "this internship is fun but can I also do some sales here and there just to start building my experience in that realm? I think it would help me as a designer a lot especially with learning to market for this company and, with sales pitches and presentations and all that."
Just a thought.
I probably won't end up getting a job at Sephora but it would just be really fun so I'm going to lowkey shoot for it on the DL while still working and also pursuing my other options as well. I don't really want to to close any doors or anything but.
It would just be so fun to do makeup on people and like, stocking all the pretty products and telling everyone why they need this one palette, or this one skin care thing. I'm actually passionate about the products and knowledgable about them and stuff so. I'm fine with learning about them and pitching things to them about it. My life is makeup anyway.
It would be really cool to work for a brand one day like, in marketing and design- but for a makeup company like that, is my literal dream job. That's why I'm like, should I be getting a business degree and not a science degree? Should I be going to cosmotology school? I don't know!
But my ex-gf got her estheticians license, and she had restaraunt experience that's it- and she got hired to work in Sephora doing makeup on people. So apparently that route works too? But it probably helped she was bilangual.
Everywhere I look or go, they're like, "can you speak two langauges tho?" and I'm like :( no but pls hire me lol (Florida has a very large spanish speaking population so that's probably why) (and a LOT of tourists)