If it is your FIRST time doing opiates, I wouldn’t suggest roxis first. If anything reagular 5-10mg percocet can get you a similar feeling. Or even start at vicodin. This goes without saying: DO NOT EVER IV ANY PILLS OR MOVE ONTO HEROIN. That is the fatal mistake a lot of people make and once you’re there, that’s the point of no return. I hope you change your mind and start at vicodin or even tramadol and decide its not for you. Natural drugs like bud or psychedelics can work for people and are much safer.
It's rehab or death at that point, there is no such thing as casual heroin use. Most people don't live very long after the point they start. If they're lucky enough to live long enough- you have to go to rehab. If you don't, you'll end up living on the street as a prostitute, dead, or in jail.
Also there isn't really much heroin on the street anymore, all of it is fentanyl (fent) and thus the rise in overdoses. I'm sure you know fent is stronger than heroin. This problem is only going to increase, as there is a new drug 100x stronger than fent, that is going to be circulating on the streets and being laced into opiate drugs and other drugs of all kinds, no doubt. absolutely no doubts about it.
if you don't know how to test your shit- then you will die. there are also bad batches of heroin all the time, and people drop like flies from the bags.
IV use causes severe damage to the body, risks painful infections, etc. I'm sure you know all of this but it's all the more reason to not *start* with heroin.
That's like becoming a full blown alcoholic, and drinking straight moonshine on day 1 first thing when you wake up in the morning. No one does that. This isn't how you become an alcoholic.
Start with percs. Percs are already highly addictive, and you'll have enough of a struggle not being hooked to those. People move on to heroin from that point.
drug alternatives, that are stronger than weed:
Stimulants - cocaine, MDPV, mdai, mpa, Hexen
Depressants/“Downers” - hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, Soma, alprazolam, nitrazepam, zopiclone, zolpidem, pregabalin, gabapentin
Psychedelics - LSD, DMT, magic mushrooms/truffles
Disassociatives - ketamine, DXM, Salvia, MXE
Empathogens - MDMA, Mescaline
Benzos- you already know all about those
There’s a start…
and please do not do any goddamn research chemicals.