Thresh said: 
Thresh said: 
Thresh said: 
Thresh said: 

Being loved is so much better for so many reason. Only idiots try to be hated.

There is a certain passion and beauty in hate though. 

Once they hit Stockholm though it's not really love or hate anymore. 

 I can't think of one advantage of being hated.

What's so bad about it? 

 I think a better questions is, what is so good about it?

I was trying to ask you the question that'd grant you the room to elaborate. 

What's bad about "being hated" is a matter of one's own ego and the potential for causal damages. Beyond that what's so bad about people not liking you?

Okay, I will elaborate. I've been disliked or hated by a few people in the past. No advantages or positive outcomes came about from this hate. I prefer to be liked or loved as it opens more doors for me. I accept that not all people will like me. Thinking that everyone will like you would be naive. Hate is a very strong negative emotion that is not easily swept away. I think it's best to avoid hate if you can.

So you just like "like and love" because it's easier to understand? 

I like passion

What are the advantages to being disliked or hated? I can think of none.

It's largely one of the many forms of validation, one that can give the receiver of it a sense of believed "power" or "control" over the situation through attempting to steer towards something predictable and understood in their minds. 

It confirms that you're on someone's mind instead of alone and forgotten, and it shows people responding to your call in matter of "Call and Response", which is sometimes the only form of manipulation that someone has. Beyond that what makes hate an advantage is mostly based on the specifics of who hates you, as as I said before, it's a matter of your own ego and the potential for causal damages. 

If it doesn't hurt you, it can be funny, but imagine if some rich lawyer type were the one gunning for you for instance and the joke goes kinda stale.