Starcraft universe:

If Luna was more successful at her activities, she would qualify for Arcturus Mengsk.

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A selfish egomaniacal terrorizing dictator that would go to any length to keep his power. He does not care about anyone but himself. But he is an excellent strategist and charmer. He makes himself out to be either the victim, the savior or the power, depending on what he needs, while always being the manipulator.

"Arcturus Mengsk. There's a name that is synonymous with terror, betrayal and violence. A living example of the ends justifying the means. The assassin of the Confederacy of Man. The hero of the blasted world of Korhal IV. King of the universe. A savage barbarian who never let anything or anyone get in his way. And yet, he is charming, erudite and intelligent. When you're in his presence you feel that he's really listening to you, that your opinions matter, that you're someone important if you agree with him. It's amazing. I have often wondered if men like Mengsk don't carry around their own reality-warping bubbles, and all who fall in are suddenly transported to another dimension where the hellish things he says and does suddenly make sense. At least, that's the effect he always had on me."

Detailed story:

He overthrow the confederacy(the then fascist human power in the sector), using their own weapon against them: an emitter that lures zerg to the planet. Then he claimed the zerg assaulted the confederacy planet on their own, as they killed countless civilians he used this to get the popular vote of the people because as he was fighting off the zerg he made himself look like the savior of the people. Then he took over, created the Terran Dominion and proclaimed himself Emperor.

When he lured the zerg, he left one of his trusted allies: Sarah Kerrigan, on the planet to the Zerg. This created him an enemy: Jim Raynor, who also used to serve under him, but leaving Kerrigan changed Jims mind.
The Zerg infested Kerrigan and she was turned into the most powerful Zerg to ever live, as she had psychic powers that were enhanced after her infestation. This created the greatest threat to humanity to ever exist, or perhaps second greatest.

He would go on relentless chasing of Jim and the now new leader of the Zerg Kerrigan, as they are the only people that still threatened his power. Eventually, Jim would de-infest Kerrigan and she would turn Zerg again after that, but without her mind being corrupted, while still having powers and control over the Zerg. She would defeat Mengsk in revenge, but even at the final battle, she almost lost to him, if it wasn't for Jim to help her out. Even though her power was even greater and she crushed him in the entire war campaign, he almost killed her, while being a mere human: