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Posts: 4486
0 votes RE: My suicide video

This makes me sad.

Posts: 894
0 votes RE: My suicide video

you see, Jim has a choice, if he wants to kill himself, thats his decision and his alone. its his life.

if jim jr gets killed, well, someone else made that choice for him/her. so if i have any empathy for either one. it would be jim jr. cuz he/she never had a chance.

 i always like the underdog


last edit on 7/23/2019 4:26:04 AM
Posts: 5402
0 votes RE: My suicide video
Billy said: 

you see, Jim has a choice, if he wants to kill himself, thats his decision and his alone. its his life.

if jim jr gets killed, well, someone else made that choice for him/her. so if i have any empathy for either one. it would be jim jr. cuz he/she never had a chance.

 i always like the underdog


Suicidal thoughts preceding the act of suicide, are a result of mental illness, so that makes them less of a choice and more of a symptom. I don't consider killing yourself a choice when you're under this much distress. Whether it's from depression, or anything else. 

I also wonder what effect Jim's severe therapy sessions have had on him. 

Posts: 675
0 votes RE: My suicide video
Kestrel said: 

You absolute faggots, drawn like magnets to the same age old, radial,  political arguments

Fuck your stance on abortion, this is about Jim fucking lol

They don't give a shit, only a select few of us do. 



Kestrel said: 

You absolute faggots, drawn like magnets to the same age old, radial,  political arguments

Fuck your stance on abortion, this is about Jim fucking lol

  if jim is dead no amount of staying on topic will bring him back and if you watched the video it was a point he touched on so its sorta on topic~


Posts: 566
0 votes RE: My suicide video

>when you'd rather feign being apathetic over the possible suicide of a person you've known for years instead of admitting fault because you're that contrarian

I am with you, even unto the end of the age
last edit on 7/23/2019 6:42:27 AM
Posts: 675
0 votes RE: My suicide video
Kestrel said: 

>when you'd rather feign being apathetic over the possible suicide of a person you've known for years instead of admitting fault because you're that contrarian

 I'm not apathetic about it, just because I'm not digitally wailing about it doesn't mean I'm apathetic about his possible death.

What am I at fault for?

Continuing a line of discussion on a point jim talked about that may have been the reason for his suicide? 

Posts: 833
0 votes RE: My suicide video

If he truly did die, then he was doing the world a favor, ridding his own filth from it. Another pedophile dead, maybe Challenge will kill herself, though I would doubt that. I could only hope that Cawk finds misfortune and becomes a vegetable.  

Regardless of your differing moral values and levels of empathy, or whatever it is that is making you mourn his alleged death, I can't say I feel sorry, rather glad that there's a potential that he could be dead. His existence was a threat to society and it's children. 

The song just randomly came into my head, it fits in my head with this event. 

Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: My suicide video
Billy said: 

you see, Jim has a choice, if he wants to kill himself, thats his decision and his alone. its his life.

Doesn't mean I have to like it. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: My suicide video

If he truly did die, then he was doing the world a favor, ridding his own filth from it. Another pedophile dead, maybe Challenge will kill herself, though I would doubt that. I could only hope that Cawk finds misfortune and becomes a vegetable.  

Regardless of your differing moral values and levels of empathy, or whatever it is that is making you mourn his alleged death, I can't say I feel sorry, rather glad that there's a potential that he could be dead. His existence was a threat to society and it's children. 

The song just randomly came into my head, it fits in my head with this event. 

 you are a faggot

Posts: 10
0 votes RE: My suicide video
12% said: 

Abortion is always wrong

 Abortion isnt wrong unless it is literally forced on someone csrrying a healthy child they can and want to support. Nothing wrong about saving a child from a mother that doesnt want it/ has pedophilic fantasies.

 Yea it is


Yes, abortion is ALWAYS wrong! Even if you're a 9 year old that was raped and impregnated by a homeless crackhead and can't support it! In such a case, you should go through the extreme physical agony of giving birth to that child and then put it up for adoption, even though the adoptive parents might severely abuse it. That's just the risk and sacrifice you'll have to take if you want to do the right thing!

 still wrong

gay fag below (except for if it's me)
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