SC didn't start as the hugbox of whiny post-2016 sensitive newfag central we have now. It was a cutthroat place where sensitive people left very quickly after getting ripped apart by members, a real shark tank.
Then we had an influx of sensitive normie snowflakes (Primal, hd, BH,delora,scar,peach) who couldn't handle the heat in the kitchen (the trolling, emotional baiting etc.) and started whining incessantly.
In the old community these bleeding birds would've been torn apart but idk what happened. Maybe we got too peaceful with time?
My proposal is that we re-start the community with only the REAL members pre-2017 (me, ed, cain, dani, etc etc etc) and keep the SC culture unaware kids out (BH, delora, hd, primal, scar, peach, so on)
This community has been turned into a touchy fragile narc safe space hugbox and we need to stop right now. I don't even care if you kick me out of it just let me see that it has been returned to it's old glory from far afar.