lol, no? I don't feel entitled to anything most things* in the sense of feeling like it was deserved or earned, and having that mindset seems gross and narcy to me. The only 'deserved' things are reciprocity, and that's moreover what I owe them than how I feel they ought to 'treat me' or whatever like some sort of Diva.
Do you feel like you deserve to be treated with respect?
For example, if someone is late to a meeting, do you deserve to know? Or would you say it's only up to reciprocation?
Forget gifts for a second. Do you think there are any things you feel you deserve?
What's the difference with gifts? do you see something wrong with thinking you deserve gifts or that you're worth the present you're getting?
If they got me something nice, then they deserve something nice for their trouble, and even fairly bad or off-the-mark gifts still show me they appreciated me or whatever enough to think of me independent of me bringing myself to their attention more literally. Them thinking of me without my prompting them to is part of the gift. Even a small gesture like someone bringing me flowers is really nice, or even something like when my cat brought me a mouse when I was starving myself.
You could repay the cat by giving it an mp3 player or something equally useless to what he gave you as a matter of reciprocation.
What do you think about requesting gifts? For example if you're hosting a wedding will you ask the participants to bring you gifts, with some suggestions based on a price range.
I'm guessing you would be against that. It sounds like in your world you're indebted to people a lot.
Not everyone's love form is gift giving but showing love is still nice, I'm not rich so I generally won't do it first, and after enough times not giving eachother gifts I tend to just assume that's "the nature of the relationship". One sided gift giving tends to give the impression of the relationship itself being one sided, while one between two peers has them go dutch in a healthier way.
I don't get it.
Would you accept a house as a gift from your parents? Or would you feel like they'd own you if you accepted it?
They wouldn't give me said house short of them being on their deathbed, and it costs money to own a house, a lot of money.
At the very least I wouldn't feel entitled to it emotionally.
I don't believe you. Imagine your parents gave it to your sister or, even worse, some stranger. I don't think you wouldn't care.
It's different. One case is true reciprocation, the other case is calculated. In order to reciprocate, you need to be unaware of your actions.
Pretty sure that's not in the word's definition, at all, it's just a response in turn to what was given.
One can reciprocate a beating with revenge for example.
Yeah well they should be two different words but the English language sucks.
It's an entirely different context if someone receives a gift and writes it down in a notebook that they owe someone a gift now.
When a gift is too imposing, I'll usually turn it down for being 'Too Much'.Is that because you don't like them and feel that they think your friendship with them is deeper than it really is?
No? What the fuck?
No? You've never had a situation where someone you feel you don't know well enough gives you a gift and you don't accept it because you feel it'd send them the message that you're good friends?
The two fun parts of a gift are the excitement and surprise of The Unveiling and the practicality of it's Use, so a gift both people can use that the other would like can be nice, as long as it's not the 'secret gift for themselves' proble
Do you feel genuine surprise/excitement when you receive a gift? That must feel nice.