If it doesn't matter, then why not?
They are not actually trying to help you or your life. They are only trying to make you feel inadequate so they can feel better about themselves. Retard acts like a dick in general, and they are doing the same thing here. They are using you as a target because more attention has been on you lately from the Luna lying incident, and they feel like their ego would be helped by knocking you down a peg.
Lmao you're over exaggerating, if I wanted to poke fun at them then their name in the title wouldn't be turncoat but trannycoat. Not to mention, in her situation joining the military is actually a logical thing to do, and it makes sense that she's disqualified because if not I think she would have already been enlisted by now
I'm not here to knock anyone down a peg or whatever lmao, I'm just here to mess around, and I choose you as a target because you fall for everything easily
If I am the target, why did you use some woman's username name, a username of someone I am usually noted as not getting along with on this website?
Also that's as clever as you can come up with? Trannycoat? That's not even clever. If you really wanted to insult her properly you would at least have the decency to let those distasteful low brow trans jokes go. You think you are clever? We have heard them all before, and so has she. So, it's not like I get your fucking point here?????? Like really??????
Back when I had beef with her I called her Turdcoat. And even that was stupid, but it was far more creative than trannycoat I mean COME ON. At that point you are acting like a 12 year old and it honestly says way more about you than it ever could about her, now doesn't it?
Like damn, you are probably the most boring troll on this site.
And yeah, I do react to everything. So your point is you are going to be all cute and clever by going after low hanging fruit? Yeah I don't think so.
We need higher fucking material on this website to keep it from dying and you are obviously not helping.
You want to be a troll? Get some new fucking material. Get off the stage, no one even knows or cares who the fuck you are, YOU SUCK.