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0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences

Wrote about these things before, but here we go again. 

In my late teens we were in a friends basement room in a housing townhouse. The house was built on a hill so we'd just go through the front entrance and go straight to his room, where it had a basement window. 

4 of us were there, we stat facing one another so it was kinda like a circle. 

Then.... Out from under the stairwell a white ball of light shot out and stopped in the middle of the walk way. 

As my jaw dropped with a quick inhale, it darted off into the laundry room. 

I look around and the guy next to me look at me and said "I saw that" we were amazed while the other 2 guys who never saw it got really spooked out. The thing was dead silent.


In detail. It came shot out and stopped where it can be scene. The way it moved was like a fish in water. It was the size of a basketball. It wasn't transparent, nor did it seem to emit a lot of light. Something that big and bright would surely make a room super bright, but it didn't do that. Maybe it was simply glowing, and yes it did glow quite bright. 

I spent a great deal of time trying to find out what that was. It is without a doubt something so rare, if one were to see this, it would only be once in a lifetime. 

Last time I wrote about this, Inquirer told me how they are dangerous, as one of them knocked off his Grandmothers foot. 

I read another piece of how one flew into a bathtub and the water instantly boiled.

Ball lightning is one possibility, though this floating sphere that we saw was dead silent. 




The first few videos look legit, the others look like some piece of lint on a spiderweb caused some effect. 

The comment section of this video is very soothing to me. People coming out talking about seeing this thing, and wow even I been there, and as usual, my story remains consistent. 

Posted Image

There was another video I found, where a Father and Son seemed to be communicating with a few of them in peace. Can't find that footage anymore. But yes finding footage of this is super rare. 

last edit on 9/26/2024 2:57:50 AM
Posts: 33207
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Jada said: 
The scam artists try to find ways to make it sound like it could apply to most people, while the seasoned pros go with details that would apply to only a minority. If they aren't trying to otherwise trick someone into appearing psychic through being wonderously vague and applying bullshit mysticism to it you tend to instead see people who know how to sort out what signs someone isn't, working reductively, to find the answers they seek.

After a point too the statements people make, or the patterns of their speech, show uncanny similarities that are hard to ignore. Once you've seen it enough times it's hard to unsee it, especially if your field dips into social sciences. Rather than asking for birthdays and applying the material to them in advance, it's better to observe them and see what behaviors they do that conform to the expected tendencies. 
Aren't you listing reasons NOT to take astrology seriously?

Can you predict my sign?
We had this conversation already, so saying the same answer again to try to impress you via deception would feel like cheating. 
I think the heart of the problem is that you've had some experiences I haven't had and vice versa. Which is why I think Astrology is bullshit and tend to challenge you on that, and you think my experiences are bullshit and tend to challenge me on that. We're both right, maybe, and we will never know.

It's not like it's my responsibility to sell it to you, the only thing you learning about it really does for me is give me someone to talk to about it in a more informed way. There's plenty of Astrologers out there and everyone conforms to the system as far as everyone having a birth time, so I'll still get something out of it either way. It was to my benefit to pick up the art, and all I really have to say about it are my accounts through obsessive study over the subject when ran in tandem with my psych studies. 

I didn't really believe in it either, but I also hadn't really given it a chance. Once I saw things like Pisces and Scorpio eye shape, the presence of disorders increasing and decreasing based on seasonal births, the higher odds of twin births during Gemini, and the physical characteristics of signs from the Taurus to Cancer range being jarringly apparent in the majority of subjects was enough for me to desire diving into the finer aspects of it. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 9/26/2024 12:42:44 PM
Posts: 349
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Cuckoo said: 

Wrote about these things before, but here we go again. 

In my late teens we were in a friends basement room in a housing townhouse. The house was built on a hill so we'd just go through the front entrance and go straight to his room, where it had a basement window. 

4 of us were there, we stat facing one another so it was kinda like a circle. 

Then.... Out from under the stairwell a white ball of light shot out and stopped in the middle of the walk way. 

As my jaw dropped with a quick inhale, it darted off into the laundry room. 

I look around and the guy next to me look at me and said "I saw that" we were amazed while the other 2 guys who never saw it got really spooked out. The thing was dead silent.


In detail. It came shot out and stopped where it can be scene. The way it moved was like a fish in water. It was the size of a basketball. It wasn't transparent, nor did it seem to emit a lot of light. Something that big and bright would surely make a room super bright, but it didn't do that. Maybe it was simply glowing, and yes it did glow quite bright. 

I spent a great deal of time trying to find out what that was. It is without a doubt something so rare, if one were to see this, it would only be once in a lifetime. 

Last time I wrote about this, Inquirer told me how they are dangerous, as one of them knocked off his Grandmothers foot. 

I read another piece of how one flew into a bathtub and the water instantly boiled.

Ball lightning is one possibility, though this floating sphere that we saw was dead silent. 




The first few videos look legit, the others look like some piece of lint on a spiderweb caused some effect. 

The comment section of this video is very soothing to me. People coming out talking about seeing this thing, and wow even I been there, and as usual, my story remains consistent. 

Posted Image

There was another video I found, where a Father and Son seemed to be communicating with a few of them in peace. Can't find that footage anymore. But yes finding footage of this is super rare. 

This is really interesting. It must be nice to have that level of certainty, an actual video proof of what happened. It's no wonder that you're more willing to believe things than I did. I only ever saw a dream. There's no recording of anything, but J was able to correctly predict a relatives death.

When that happened, did the ball of light show you anything? Did you ever try to go back to see the house and if there was anything meaningful to the experience? That's what I would've done.

I'm genuinely interested in what other stories you have, if any. I think I used to be in the Inquirer boat before where I would've dismissed everything you said. Since then I've realized that you're probably the most sane person here and recently I've become more open to experiences like these.

Posts: 102
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Jada said: 
Cuckoo said: 

This is really interesting. It must be nice to have that level of certainty, an actual video proof of what happened.

Well most videos of this doesn't prove anything, just some videos are more believable than others, plus I don't have any footage of the one I saw. 

The best part of being certain about this, is how I wasn't the only one who saw it, and for that I'm so damn glad cause if it were only me it would've been extremely haunting, while those who were in the room would've only doubted me.

The other 2 guys never saw it. HA HA HA, one of them wishes sooo hard that he saw it. He still talks about it and he's like "Dude remember that thing we saw" I'm like guy you never saw it, only me and Glen. Trust me, if anyone else saw it I'd know for sure, cause it's pretty haunting, And he's like "Nah guy I saw it remember !?" I seriously feel like punching him cause he does this type of thing a lot and I don't hang with him anymore. 

But yes it's very nice to have experienced this, even though it feel less magical and more normal.


It's no wonder that you're more willing to believe things than I did. I only ever saw a dream. There's no recording of anything, but J was able to correctly predict a relatives death.

I wrote about that in here too. 

in 2014 I was renting a space downtown near Chinatown. It was kinda illegal, it was a small basement underground, no proper ventilation no windows. It was about the area, I loved being there so I took it. On that note it felt like a place where someone would die cause of the poor air circulation.

One night before I went to sleep I said out loud how I wanted a dream I will remember, and I give permission to show me a time. It was certainly an affirmation, or an order.

 Watch this now....

I'm in a dark place, and even though it was dark, I was able to see a male figure. I was able to see him from the waist up. He wore only a hood so I couldn't see his face, he was topless, and was shredded  the same way Bruce lee was, like thin build and totally ripped. He had dark dark dark grey skin, and I was able to make that out even though the environment was black. It was as though we were in an empty space with no walls, and perhaps some light was revealing him, but the face was hidden in the darkness of that hood he wore from the neck up. 


He grabbed me, not by any clothing, but he sank his fingers into my armpits with his thumbs on my chest and pulled me in. And for real, you can grab someone like that, and I imagine it would be a cruel way of grabbing someone or picking up a child.

He grabbed me and it pulled me close and it rested it's face on my neck, as if it wanted to take something, like feeding off of blood.


I wake up, and for 10 seconds I can feel this thing gripping me, not letting go. Count 10 seconds, that is a lot of time. My eyes are wide open and I'm watching the light on the ceiling as if my eyes were already used to the light. I calmly was like "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa easy now" Then it eased off, and I get up and I can still feel it as though someone finished grabbing me by the armpits and that chest muscle. I thought to myself, someone is going to die, and It's probably my Father.

3 days later my Father died. It was on Easter Sunday. That being Sun, Apr 20, 2014, so I can easily remember the actual date of that experience too. 




I can honestly tell you "I think" I met what we would refer as the grim reaper, or some kind of being who is tasked with meeting us when we pass away, and maybe he mixed me up with my Father cause that place I was renting, like I mentioned was a closed off doom and gloom. The way it appeared and how it treated me, it was as though it was in it's nature, and while it seemed to try, it couldn't have me, at least not yet. Or maybe it behaved in a way so I can identify it as such ( death ) and it certainly woke me up and gave me something to remember, as I requested. I can easily make a CG mock up of what I saw in less than an hour. 

I sometimes wonder, why did it take 3 days ? Maybe because my Father was about 4059 klm away ? Maybe I was given time to say and do something, but I did not and I knew my Father was probably going to die. No idea. 


When that happened, did the ball of light show you anything? Did you ever try to go back to see the house and if there was anything meaningful to the experience? That's what I would've done.

It showed me nothing but itself. It swooped in very quickly and stopped, then it darted off in the direction it was going. I was facing south, and it came in from left to right.  

The whole event must've taken about 2 seconds. The guy next to me who also saw it was an arms length next to me.

By description It behaved as though it got caught, then ran. Like it stopped in shock that we saw it, then it fled the scene before the other 2 guys could've turned around. Other than that how fast it came in, it should not have had a reason to stop, then dart off in the direction it was going. Like it stopped in our field of vision after it seemed to have passed through a wall, under the staircase and next to a furnace. 

As for the house, yeah it was one of my boys place of residence and we'd go there all the time. I had no fear of being in there alone after that happened, I simply never expected to see it ever again. They've since moved out of that unit and into another unit in the same neighborhood so some other people live there now.  


I'm genuinely interested in what other stories you have, if any. I think I used to be in the Inquirer boat before where I would've dismissed everything you said. Since then I've realized that you're probably the most sane person here and recently I've become more open to experiences like these.

 Well you have 2 now. The next one is pretty wild too, I can't say I met or was acquainted with it, but I saw what can only be the gauntlet of my guardian. My protector. I don't know if it was my mind that manifested the protection simply because I kinda wished for the threat to go away, or if was an angel, or if it was God. The thing protected me from a Giant cat head with eyes all over it's face and shark teeth when I was practicing an OBE exercise. I never even felt scared when the monster was drifting toward me.  Yes I used the word monster. Some will think monsters aren't real and argue it lol. It was an unfriendly predatory thing the size of a 10 story building. It wasn't very fast and I was unwilling to move out of the way, I was just observing it and then came the unexpected action of it getting swatted before I was sent back.

That's the short version, but there you go. 3 stories. 

last edit on 9/27/2024 11:47:09 AM
Posts: 349
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Cuckoo said: 
Jada said: 
Cuckoo said: 

This is really interesting. It must be nice to have that level of certainty, an actual video proof of what happened.

Well most videos of this doesn't prove anything, just some videos are more believable than others, plus I don't have any footage of the one I saw. 

Yes I am envious that you have others who've seen something similar. Instead of needing to be in a position where you're the only person with conviction with others around you doubting you over nobody having experienced something similar, you both had an eyewitness to the same thing you saw AND video tapes of others seeing similar things.


The best part of being certain about this, is how I wasn't the only one who saw it, and for that I'm so damn glad cause if it were only me it would've been extremely haunting, while those who were in the room would've only doubted me.



The other 2 guys never saw it. HA HA HA, one of them wishes sooo hard that he saw it. He still talks about it and he's like "Dude remember that thing we saw" I'm like guy you never saw it, only me and Glen. Trust me, if anyone else saw it I'd know for sure, cause it's pretty haunting, And he's like "Nah guy I saw it remember !?" I seriously feel like punching him cause he does this type of thing a lot and I don't hang with him anymore. 

But yes it's very nice to have experienced this, even though it feel less magical and more normal.

I have friends like that too. I'm sympathetic to people like that, although maybe I shouldn't be.


It's no wonder that you're more willing to believe things than I did. I only ever saw a dream. There's no recording of anything, but J was able to correctly predict a relatives death.

I wrote about that in here too. 

in 2014 I was renting a space downtown near Chinatown. It was kinda illegal, it was a small basement underground, no proper ventilation no windows. It was about the area, I loved being there so I took it. On that note it felt like a place where someone would die cause of the poor air circulation.

One night before I went to sleep I said out loud how I wanted a dream I will remember, and I give permission to show me a time. It was certainly an affirmation, or an order.

 Watch this now....

I'm in a dark place, and even though it was dark, I was able to see a male figure. I was able to see him from the waist up. He wore only a hood so I couldn't see his face, he was topless, and was shredded  the same way Bruce lee was, like thin build and totally ripped. He had dark dark dark grey skin, and I was able to make that out even though the environment was black. It was as though we were in an empty space with no walls, and perhaps some light was revealing him, but the face was hidden in the darkness of that hood he wore from the neck up. 


He grabbed me, not by any clothing, but he sank his fingers into my armpits with his thumbs on my chest and pulled me in. And for real, you can grab someone like that, and I imagine it would be a cruel way of grabbing someone or picking up a child.

He grabbed me and it pulled me close and it rested it's face on my neck, as if it wanted to take something, like feeding off of blood.


I wake up, and for 10 seconds I can feel this thing gripping me, not letting go. Count 10 seconds, that is a lot of time. My eyes are wide open and I'm watching the light on the ceiling as if my eyes were already used to the light. I calmly was like "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa easy now" Then it eased off, and I get up and I can still feel it as though someone finished grabbing me by the armpits and that chest muscle. I thought to myself, someone is going to die, and It's probably my Father.

3 days later my Father died. It was on Easter Sunday. That being Sun, Apr 20, 2014, so I can easily remember the actual date of that experience too. 

Seriously? How often did you have that feeling that someone was going to die? Did you experience it before? Did you call anyone to check if they're dying? Was your father already in a hospital? I had a very, very similar experience.

I never dream of Finland, and I never feel homesick. I had a dream about Finland, and I felt it was like a bad omen, I was worried that one of my family members died or go into an accident, I felt homesick, and I felt like calling  my sister, made a forum post here about my homesickness and about seeing my grandparents while theyre still around, and then my dad called me that my grandfather died. Already when I received the call I was watching the number (my dad) in disbelief, because I knew he'd only call me if someone died.

I had no experience whatsoever about any of my relatives being sick. I got my phone out and was about to text my sister right after I woke up but then thought, nah, superstition. I never, ever, feel homesick, and I never feel worried about any of my family members. Not in 20+ years.

Honestly I've felt like I'm going crazy ever since then over how it feels like the world is gaslighting me. Like, that just happened, and I'm supposed to go on with my life as if everything is normal again when everything I know was just turned upside down.





I can honestly tell you "I think" I met what we would refer as the grim reaper, or some kind of being who is tasked with meeting us when we pass away, and maybe he mixed me up with my Father cause that place I was renting, like I mentioned was a closed off doom and gloom. The way it appeared and how it treated me, it was as though it was in it's nature, and while it seemed to try, it couldn't have me, at least not yet. Or maybe it behaved in a way so I can identify it as such ( death ) and it certainly woke me up and gave me something to remember, as I requested. I can easily make a CG mock up of what I saw in less than an hour. 

I really want to see it. I'm willing to pay you to make it, although the amount I can afford probably means nothing to you.


I sometimes wonder, why did it take 3 days ? Maybe because my Father was about 4059 klm away ? Maybe I was given time to say and do something, but I did not and I knew my Father was probably going to die. No idea. 

For me, I think my dream coincided with my grandfather passing away. I should ask what exact time my grandfather passed away and cross match that with when I woke up. The phone call came later.

last edit on 9/27/2024 6:52:23 PM
Posts: 349
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Cuckoo said: 

When that happened, did the ball of light show you anything? Did you ever try to go back to see the house and if there was anything meaningful to the experience? That's what I would've done.

It showed me nothing but itself. It swooped in very quickly and stopped, then it darted off in the direction it was going. I was facing south, and it came in from left to right.  

The whole event must've taken about 2 seconds. The guy next to me who also saw it was an arms length next to me.

By description It behaved as though it got caught, then ran. Like it stopped in shock that we saw it, then it fled the scene before the other 2 guys could've turned around. Other than that how fast it came in, it should not have had a reason to stop, then dart off in the direction it was going. Like it stopped in our field of vision after it seemed to have passed through a wall, under the staircase and next to a furnace. 

As for the house, yeah it was one of my boys place of residence and we'd go there all the time. I had no fear of being in there alone after that happened, I simply never expected to see it ever again. They've since moved out of that unit and into another unit in the same neighborhood so some other people live there now.  

Have you ever been curious who lives there?

I don't know, I always have this feeling like if I go back in time, it'll be like Truman show. I can see the stage crumbling down, if I just follow my intuition. Right now, for me, it's "Elohim Academy". That's where my next clue is. Elohim academy is the thing that stands out in the story, and its where my next clue is supposed to be, if I choose to follow it.

The choice was set up in a rather biblical fashion. Right next to Elohim Academy was an office for psychotherapy. So, really, I can choose one of two. I either choose to follow what people call rationality and go to psychotherapy. Or I choose to believe in the supernatural, choose loneliness, and follow Elohim Academy. I believe something or someone set this up. Maybe our encounter, too, Spatial, was set up.

I wonder if I should've dismissed this person who followed me to my house. He said he hears voices ever since he fucked some girl in mexico while high on mushrooms. He told me that people at work are watching him and he's set up to do meaningless work as a part of some intricate plan to play with his mind. He was kind of lonely, I could see that. Probably because everyone thought he was nuts. I think he recognized something in me. His eyes said he thinks I know something. All my life, crazy people have followed me. Something about me attracts crazy people. Now I'm wondering if they're actually sane. Or maybe I'm crazy now, so I can finally relate.


Well you have 2 now. The next one is pretty wild too, I can't say I met or was acquainted with it, but I saw what can only be the gauntlet of my guardian. My protector. I don't know if it was my mind that manifested the protection simply because I kinda wished for the threat to go away, or if was an angel, or if it was God. The thing protected me from a Giant cat head with eyes all over it's face and shark teeth when I was practicing an OBE exercise. I never even felt scared when the monster was drifting toward me.  Yes I used the word monster. Some will think monsters aren't real and argue it lol. It was an unfriendly predatory thing the size of a 10 story building. It wasn't very fast and I was unwilling to move out of the way, I was just observing it and then came the unexpected action of it getting swatted before I was sent back.

That's the short version, but there you go. 3 stories. 

 Wait, you were awake? What's an OBE exercise?

last edit on 9/27/2024 6:56:22 PM
Posts: 102
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Jada said: 

I wake up, and for 10 seconds I can feel this thing gripping me, not letting go. Count 10 seconds, that is a lot of time. My eyes are wide open and I'm watching the light on the ceiling as if my eyes were already used to the light. I calmly was like "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa easy now" Then it eased off, and I get up and I can still feel it as though someone finished grabbing me by the armpits and that chest muscle. I thought to myself, someone is going to die, and It's probably my Father.

3 days later my Father died. It was on Easter Sunday. That being Sun, Apr 20, 2014, so I can easily remember the actual date of that experience too. 

Seriously? How often did you have that feeling that someone was going to die? Did you experience it before? Did you call anyone to check if they're dying? Was your father already in a hospital? I had a very, very similar experience.

Never in my life did I expect anyone to die. It's a surprise every time except that time.

My Father fell ill in January that year, he got bitten by sand flies in Maruga Trinidad and it fucked him up. We thought he was going to die then. He recovered but was weakened. Later on he died of a heart attack. Crazy stuff.  

When that encounter happened I did not tell anyone until after he passed away. I have family members who are tired of me being right all of the time. They would have been dismissive about it in advance. I kept to myself. I never expected some time limit but when it comes to death, 3 is the magic number isn't it. By that I mean, they say death happens in 3's and I saw 3 people die that year.


I never dream of Finland, and I never feel homesick. I had a dream about Finland, and I felt it was like a bad omen, I was worried that one of my family members died or go into an accident, I felt homesick, and I felt like calling  my sister, made a forum post here about my homesickness and about seeing my grandparents while theyre still around, and then my dad called me that my grandfather died. Already when I received the call I was watching the number (my dad) in disbelief, because I knew he'd only call me if someone died.

I had no experience whatsoever about any of my relatives being sick. I got my phone out and was about to text my sister right after I woke up but then thought, nah, superstition. I never, ever, feel homesick, and I never feel worried about any of my family members. Not in 20+ years.

Honestly I've felt like I'm going crazy ever since then over how it feels like the world is gaslighting me. Like, that just happened, and I'm supposed to go on with my life as if everything is normal again when everything I know was just turned upside down.

It's more interesting that way though. It didn't simply happen. Now you can be open to greater possibilities and reach out to more interesting aspects of the psyche. The worst has yet to come, and these kind of things will prepare you for that so you'll handle it better.

I never mourned over someone's death until earlier this year. I found out an old friend died and it really knocked me on my ass. He was only 36. In 2014 his Brother died which was 1 of the 3 deaths I mentioned a minute ago. Yeah, we never see it coming, but when we do we certainly have things to say about that aspect.  





I can honestly tell you "I think" I met what we would refer as the grim reaper, or some kind of being who is tasked with meeting us when we pass away, and maybe he mixed me up with my Father cause that place I was renting, like I mentioned was a closed off doom and gloom. The way it appeared and how it treated me, it was as though it was in it's nature, and while it seemed to try, it couldn't have me, at least not yet. Or maybe it behaved in a way so I can identify it as such ( death ) and it certainly woke me up and gave me something to remember, as I requested. I can easily make a CG mock up of what I saw in less than an hour. 

I really want to see it. I'm willing to pay you to make it, although the amount I can afford probably means nothing to you.

Don't be fooled, I take all kinds of money. From a dime to unlimited amounts. Not today though. Here's the quick mockup and it's at least 98% accurate to how it looked


So this fucker right here.... He was standing in front of me like so

Posted Image 

digs his fingers into both of my armpits, see his thumb on the chest, he had a crushing grip.  It was shocking, I think this time I was catatonic, like an animal being hung by the scruff. I had no will to fight nor was I that afraid, just observe and see what this guy does to me.

Posted Image

Then he rests his face on my jugular. It felt like he was resting the side of his lips or cheek on my neck, just as a way to bring in a 3rd arm or illustrate how vulnerable and hopeless this situation was for me. 

Posted Image

This last image here. I just thought it looked funny. I like using Ai as a co-pilot these days.

Posted Image

Posted Image


I don't think this being looks like this, I think it appeared in a way that our culture would understand who or what this is supposed to be. After rendering these images I think he appeared topless so I can even see him, while we can see if he were completely covered we wouldn't even begin to understand the form standing there in this dark environment.


I sometimes wonder, why did it take 3 days ? Maybe because my Father was about 4059 klm away ? Maybe I was given time to say and do something, but I did not and I knew my Father was probably going to die. No idea. 

For me, I think my dream coincided with my grandfather passing away. I should ask what exact time my grandfather passed away and cross match that with when I woke up. The phone call came later.

 Do you recall saying anything out loud that has to do with the supernatural ? Like requesting some kind of experience like this ? We can manifest things simply by speaking it.

I ask cause in my case as described, I asked for it openly and I meant it before I laid to rest that day.

Posts: 102
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Jada said: 
Cuckoo said: 

When that happened, did the ball of light show you anything? Did you ever try to go back to see the house and if there was anything meaningful to the experience? That's what I would've done.

It showed me nothing but itself. It swooped in very quickly and stopped, then it darted off in the direction it was going. I was facing south, and it came in from left to right.  

The whole event must've taken about 2 seconds. The guy next to me who also saw it was an arms length next to me.

By description It behaved as though it got caught, then ran. Like it stopped in shock that we saw it, then it fled the scene before the other 2 guys could've turned around. Other than that how fast it came in, it should not have had a reason to stop, then dart off in the direction it was going. Like it stopped in our field of vision after it seemed to have passed through a wall, under the staircase and next to a furnace. 

As for the house, yeah it was one of my boys place of residence and we'd go there all the time. I had no fear of being in there alone after that happened, I simply never expected to see it ever again. They've since moved out of that unit and into another unit in the same neighborhood so some other people live there now.  

Have you ever been curious who lives there?

Some black people. I met them in 2017 I think. I was in the area and the kids on the street wanted to race me, so we went up the street by the house and I met them. They were very cool.

I don't know, I always have this feeling like if I go back in time, it'll be like Truman show. I can see the stage crumbling down, if I just follow my intuition. Right now, for me, it's "Elohim Academy". That's where my next clue is. Elohim academy is the thing that stands out in the story, and its where my next clue is supposed to be, if I choose to follow it.

The choice was set up in a rather biblical fashion. Right next to Elohim Academy was an office for psychotherapy. So, really, I can choose one of two. I either choose to follow what people call rationality and go to psychotherapy. Or I choose to believe in the supernatural, choose loneliness, and follow Elohim Academy. I believe something or someone set this up. Maybe our encounter, too, Spatial, was set up.

In Toronto the Church of Scientology had a similar set up. It was psychological in nature. I did buy their book Dynetics but I never got around to ever reading it. 

I'd pick neither. It's all social conditioning. If you want to get closer to God, then it's better to do it without any conditioning. I grew up Roman Catholic and I see it as something the Lord dislikes. They idolize and kneel to art pieces, which their own book instructs them not to do. This month I had a classmate from elementary school hit me up asked for my number and she then added me to her whatsapp group. She's bringing in all of the old classmates. She still goes to St. Barnabas church, weekly and I know I can't even point out why I think they're wrong or else they'll get triggered. 



I wonder if I should've dismissed this person who followed me to my house. He said he hears voices ever since he fucked some girl in mexico while high on mushrooms. He told me that people at work are watching him and he's set up to do meaningless work as a part of some intricate plan to play with his mind. He was kind of lonely, I could see that. Probably because everyone thought he was nuts. I think he recognized something in me. His eyes said he thinks I know something. All my life, crazy people have followed me. Something about me attracts crazy people. Now I'm wondering if they're actually sane. Or maybe I'm crazy now, so I can finally relate.

I'll be 47 in December. I'm at a point where I won't take in any new people unless there's some kind of worthwhile exchange. That is, something I can do for them, and them for me. I think that's a good practice at any age. If you don't get any kind of fulfillment from someone don't waste your time on them cause they'll rub off on you and you won't be happy in life since their energy holds you back from where you'd rather be. You'll also have to hide them from people who align with your goals or who are key to what you're trying to achieve. Your own company can fuck things up for you. 


Well you have 2 now. The next one is pretty wild too, I can't say I met or was acquainted with it, but I saw what can only be the gauntlet of my guardian. My protector. I don't know if it was my mind that manifested the protection simply because I kinda wished for the threat to go away, or if was an angel, or if it was God. The thing protected me from a Giant cat head with eyes all over it's face and shark teeth when I was practicing an OBE exercise. I never even felt scared when the monster was drifting toward me.  Yes I used the word monster. Some will think monsters aren't real and argue it lol. It was an unfriendly predatory thing the size of a 10 story building. It wasn't very fast and I was unwilling to move out of the way, I was just observing it and then came the unexpected action of it getting swatted before I was sent back.

That's the short version, but there you go. 3 stories. 

 Wait, you were awake? What's an OBE exercise?

 I believe I was yes. The point is to keep awareness. OBE is an acronym for Out of Body Experience. I have a book that trains oneself to heal through the human energy field and astral projection is one of the practices it teaches.

There's a meditation exercise for this, though it entails relaxation it's quite difficult to do, cause we have to mouth breathe and that really drys out the throat and if we swallow it breaks it and we'd have to start over again.

We pay mind to the 2-4 breathing, that 4 seconds inhale, hold for 2 seconds, then exhale 4 second and hold for 2. We build a rhythm to the mental count. Of course we can hear our own breath and the dryness combined with the feeling ( kinda annoying cause we really can't swall ) and the sound. It's like a windpipe. The heart starts to beat harder causes the breathing to sound like an echo. Like imagine breathing in, and the heart beat is disturbing the breaths we take in and out The following sounds all sync up to make music.

- Breathing

- Heart beat

- Clicking in the ears

- electronic pulsing  < This one starts to happen and it sounds like a lightsaber. Very electronic sounding, we can also feel a vibration pulsing to the rhythm like Vroom Vroom Vroom + the hear, and the eco breathing and the clicking in the ears. At this point you no longer have to count mentally or monitor different parts of your body trying to make it more relaxed Just follow the music which is literally there in the physical even though only you'd hear some of the sounds. You really feel it. You can even think to yourself it's working while it's working, and that's when I found myself somewhere else, something came at me and it got swatted by something beautiful and I was sent back. 

Later on I'll take a snapshot of the page and post it. I'm sleepy now.

last edit on 9/28/2024 8:40:40 AM
Posts: 349
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Never in my life did I expect anyone to die. It's a surprise every time except that time.

My Father fell ill in January that year, he got bitten by sand flies in Maruga Trinidad and it fucked him up. We thought he was going to die then. He recovered but was weakened. Later on he died of a heart attack. Crazy stuff.

When that encounter happened I did not tell anyone until after he passed away. I have family members who are tired of me being right all of the time. They would have been dismissive about it in advance. I kept to myself. I never expected some time limit but when it comes to death, 3 is the magic number isn't it. By that I mean, they say death happens in 3's and I saw 3 people die that year.


Do you think the experience you had is rare? What I keep thinking about is over how I could've written on that forum post that I put out that I feel like death or something similar has happened to my family member. I would've had a written record with a time stamp. Now it states that I'm homesick and want to see my grandparents while they're still alive. It's still something, but I regret not typing it out explicitly.

If our experiences are common, what puzzles me is the lack of evidence. That's why I feel like I must be alone. Or the beyond is conspiring not to let the world know of their existence.


It's more interesting that way though. It didn't simply happen. Now you can be open to greater possibilities and reach out to more interesting aspects of the psyche. The worst has yet to come, and these kind of things will prepare you for that so you'll handle it better.

I still don't have that certainty. It's like you went to Alice's wonderland and came back and everyone around you pretends you had a bad dream, and you start to think, are they right? Even if you're consciously rejecting the thought, it creeps into my subconscious, like a feeling that everything is normal again. But it's not.


I never mourned over someone's death until earlier this year. I found out an old friend died and it really knocked me on my ass. He was only 36. In 2014 his Brother died which was 1 of the 3 deaths I mentioned a minute ago. Yeah, we never see it coming, but when we do we certainly have things to say about that aspect.  

My condolences. Was he a good person?


Don't be fooled, I take all kinds of money. From a dime to unlimited amounts. Not today though. Here's the quick mockup and it's at least 98% accurate to how it looked


So this fucker right here.... He was standing in front of me like so

Posted Image

Thanks for taking the time to make this. That's a very decent model. I was hoping that it would ring bells to me. However, after staring at it for 10 minutes, it looks foreign to me. When you said that it looked like Bruce Lee, I was expecting someone skinnier.

If anything, the body looks a bit like me in 2014. I had somewhat less thick forearms and no tattoos, but the rest matches. It's about the same amount of both muscle and fat. Did it have any scars or moles? I reckon Turncoat has a picture of me from the old forum around that time. But it matches with a lot of people I suppose.

I'm happy to pay you via wiretransfer or so.


digs his fingers into both of my armpits, see his thumb on the chest, he had a crushing grip.  It was shocking, I think this time I was catatonic, like an animal being hung by the scruff. I had no will to fight nor was I that afraid, just observe and see what this guy does to me.


Did it grab you in the arm pits or below between the arm pit and the ribs?


Then he rests his face on my jugular. It felt like he was resting the side of his lips or cheek on my neck, just as a way to bring in a 3rd arm or illustrate how vulnerable and hopeless this situation was for me. 


Why didn't you fight?

If I had to recall something similar happening to me, I had this one dream where I saw a face, but, like, blurred. I was dreaming, but wide awake. I realised that I can't "focus" on the person's face. The features just don't come up. But I felt like I was not really paying attention, like, the face was blurred but mostly because I wasn't focusing on the details of the face. So I tried to see closer, and tried to forcefully focus on details of the face, and it started to become more focused. As I could focus on the face more, the more "real" the face became, and the less like a dream it felt. Then at some point I couldn't wake up anymore. I had to shake myself up forcefully, with eyes open, until I succeeded.


This last image here. I just thought it looked funny. I like using Ai as a co-pilot these days.


Do you have as light a skin as here?




I don't think this being looks like this, I think it appeared in a way that our culture would understand who or what this is supposed to be. After rendering these images I think he appeared topless so I can even see him, while we can see if he were completely covered we wouldn't even begin to understand the form standing there in this dark environment.

I think you're right. What appeared in my dream was different. The dream world evolves with us I guess.

 Do you recall saying anything out loud that has to do with the supernatural ? Like requesting some kind of experience like this ? We can manifest things simply by speaking it.

I ask cause in my case as described, I asked for it openly and I meant it before I laid to rest that day.

I can't recall the previous night at all. I've tried, but I have no recollection of what happened the night before. I've checked my emails. Apparently I was working at the cafe in my building and helped out one postdoc with his funding application. There is only a few emails from that day, and I didn't message anyone. I had recently returned from a work trip. From the records, it looks like an uneventful day, but with less communication than usual. My wife dreamt apparently of our home being flooded the previous night.

The dream itself was not menacing at all. If anything, I felt "happy" in the dream. I chatted with neighbors from around. I saw some of my old neihborhood and met people there. They were unusually curious about what I've been doing, but I can't recall the exact questions they asked. I was going to go see my old neighbor's parents whom I haven't met in several decades when the dream ended. I felt "dreafully" homesick when I woke up, which I never do. I guess that part is similar to your story. It's more that the dream gave me a "feeling" rather than, say, a character in my dream telling me that my grandpa is dying. It was a happy dream, filled with "warmth". The dream coincided with my grandpa dying. In fact, he may have died even during the dream, but I need to verify the time of death to make sure.

My grandparent was apparently involved in the kind of things you talk about. Probably not all of it; I'm not sure if he did astral projection. But he was a highly independent thinker and was easy to laugh. He adhered to a very particular nutrition and fasted for weeks every now and then. He was curious about everything around him. He's one of the few people I would call "wise." Not just intelligent. I only realised this ~2 years ago; before that, I didn't know that side of him. In his funeral, there were some people who met him through some alternative religious movement, but he chose a Christian funeral.

I can't recall requesting anything, and it would be a bit out of the ordinary for me, but not impossible. I'll let you know if I remember. I've requested things in my dreams, and I always get them. I feel like even in real life, I get what I want, always, somehow, but only if I want it. So I do suspect we can manifest things by our minds. Or voice, as you suggest.

last edit on 9/28/2024 5:31:45 PM
Posts: 349
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Cuckoo said: 

Some black people. I met them in 2017 I think. I was in the area and the kids on the street wanted to race me, so we went up the street by the house and I met them. They were very cool.

So nothing out of the ordinary huh?


In Toronto the Church of Scientology had a similar set up. It was psychological in nature. I did buy their book Dynetics but I never got around to ever reading it. 

I'd pick neither. It's all social conditioning. If you want to get closer to God, then it's better to do it without any conditioning. I grew up Roman Catholic and I see it as something the Lord dislikes. They idolize and kneel to art pieces, which their own book instructs them not to do. This month I had a classmate from elementary school hit me up asked for my number and she then added me to her whatsapp group. She's bringing in all of the old classmates. She still goes to St. Barnabas church, weekly and I know I can't even point out why I think they're wrong or else they'll get triggered. 

I agree. But this runs a bit deeper than that. I'm not interested in joining Elohim academy per se. It's a korean cult  that thinks some dude from Korea is Christ reborn. However, the reason I found it interesting to have that there is because I had a very impactful dream as a child when I was 4 and because of a friend I met from Asia. It's the earliest memory I have. It's also the most "impactful" dream I've ever had.

The dream was of myself looking at my red tile house from when I was 4 years old. I didn't have a body. I was just "floating". And I thought, "so this is my home". Then I flew in, and I saw myself, and I thought "so this is me" and then I woke up, and I saw my parents, and I thought "so this is my parents". It was all sort of matter-of-fact.

The thing is, I never woke up. It's such  weird dream because this dream feels like it's continuing now. I don't know how to explain it. I feel like this was my first time I ever saw my parents, or recognised them as my parents. It's a bizzarre dream. How could I not know my parents? After this moment, I had a fully functioning brain. I was never confused about anything. How is this my earliest memory?

When I was a kid, I felt like the dream was something I wanted to keep. So I kept replaying it. When I went to primary school, I thought I was Christ reborn after hearing the stories, combined with the story. Then I grew into rationality and all that and forgot all about this.

However, this by itself is not interesting. 10 years ago I met a friend on the opposite side of Earth who has had a major impact on my life. She's sort of like a spiritual friend to me. She's hinted at divine interventions guiding her steps in several stages of her life. She told me that she escaped this Korean sex cult when she was in Australia, by luck. She would've become a cult member had her mother not pulled her out. She told me a lot of things about how the cult took her in and cared for her. So I researched that cult quite a bit because I was interested in her story. So which cult is this? Elohim Academy.

So you can imagine my surprise when I go back to my old home, locate the place where I saw my dream when I was 4 years old, and find that next to it Elohim academy, the religious cult that my friend from the opposite side of the Earth got recruited into, and which is supposed to be a Korean/Asian thing (wtf is it doing in Finland). How can I not be curious? The place does not show on Google map.


I'll be 47 in December. I'm at a point where I won't take in any new people unless there's some kind of worthwhile exchange. That is, something I can do for them, and them for me. I think that's a good practice at any age. If you don't get any kind of fulfillment from someone don't waste your time on them cause they'll rub off on you and you won't be happy in life since their energy holds you back from where you'd rather be. You'll also have to hide them from people who align with your goals or who are key to what you're trying to achieve. Your own company can fuck things up for you. 

Sounds like you speak from experience. I'm at an age where I'm willing to bet. I usually bet right. Crazy people I avoid for the sake of my family.


 I believe I was yes. The point is to keep awareness. OBE is an acronym for Out of Body Experience. I have a book that trains oneself to heal through the human energy field and astral projection is one of the practices it teaches.

There's a meditation exercise for this, though it entails relaxation it's quite difficult to do, cause we have to mouth breathe and that really drys out the throat and if we swallow it breaks it and we'd have to start over again.

We pay mind to the 2-4 breathing, that 4 seconds inhale, hold for 2 seconds, then exhale 4 second and hold for 2. We build a rhythm to the mental count. Of course we can hear our own breath and the dryness combined with the feeling ( kinda annoying cause we really can't swall ) and the sound. It's like a windpipe. The heart starts to beat harder causes the breathing to sound like an echo. Like imagine breathing in, and the heart beat is disturbing the breaths we take in and out The following sounds all sync up to make music.

- Breathing

- Heart beat

- Clicking in the ears

- electronic pulsing  < This one starts to happen and it sounds like a lightsaber. Very electronic sounding, we can also feel a vibration pulsing to the rhythm like Vroom Vroom Vroom + the hear, and the eco breathing and the clicking in the ears. At this point you no longer have to count mentally or monitor different parts of your body trying to make it more relaxed Just follow the music which is literally there in the physical even though only you'd hear some of the sounds. You really feel it. You can even think to yourself it's working while it's working, and that's when I found myself somewhere else, something came at me and it got swatted by something beautiful and I was sent back. 

Later on I'll take a snapshot of the page and post it. I'm sleepy now.

Ill reply to this later

last edit on 9/28/2024 5:57:39 PM
10 / 31 posts
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