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0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Jada said: 
Now if I dreamed of a hot pink truck within the same constraints that might be a bit more surreal to see happen later. 
Would you change your world view?
I'd likely find an excuse in favor of the current canon, much like how it took a series of events for me to take Astrology seriously. 

This doesn't render it impossible so much as improbable, it's difficult to abandon an assumed positions no matter who you are. Rather than taking personal history and success into account as factors over sheer variation and the room for unreliable narration, it makes more sense to look at the issues devoid of them, which makes it harder to take the person who tells you aberrant ideas seriously without a personal comparison to draw from. 

I've had many cases where I was uncertain if I was cobbling the memory together from existing fragments of a similar enough nature or if the memory is something canonically useful, and many I've seen don't even question the accuracy of these reinventions. Sometimes someone will bring up something they're convinced I was in attendance for just for me to effectively "recreate" the memory from their words, with vague sensory visuals and everything that could convince someone like myself that it potentially really happened when it didn't.

Is what you're seeing now different? Because I think it's not. We're cobbling things together to fit things in our brain.

What I see now is largely presumptive, and there's no way around that.

In that sense even the stupidest person is working from similar groundwork. 


How much do you truly remember about what happened, even today? What did you do? How did you end up where you are? Does it make sense? Of course it does, within the purview of routine. 

Living a routine life full of repetitions makes it hard to forget, but it also makes it easier to blur the experiences together. 

Remembering what I ate for dinner the night before could be me recalling what I ate three nights ago for instance, and the only real difference between me and the proposed "them" in this case is my room to question and doubt the memory.

It makes it easier to forget everything. You simply assume you did it. But did you? Maybe, maybe not.

With day-to-day living it doesn't matter until it's brought to attention. 

People can believe in anything as long as it doesn't kill them. 

Elections are coming. I'm kept so busy I barely remember what I had for breakfast, and even less so who I am supposed to be. The modern society is so good at lulling you into a character you were never meant to be. Instead of understanding who you are, you become a pawn of the machine. We are so busy fighting staged fights for teams that don't hold any meaning that we don't observe the reality happening in front of our eyes.

More likely there's only so many character archetypes, and a large series of traits have been sorted into only so many boxes. 

If you were not meant to 'be this person', you'd be a different statistic within the current constraints. It's a matter of sorting and appeasing needs, then giving that process a label based on how it's done per the individual. The only way to really be devoid of that is to be unlearned of politics, but even there you'll still see the tendencies that could have been sorted into a box playing out. 

People are sponges of receptivity, and the very same people appealing to us are themselves receptive too. This is moreso a feedback loop of humanity's natural symptoms when given these constraints, and within other constraints we'd see similar sublimations.

You really believe that?

Why would I type it otherwise? 

What do you think in contrast to this idea? It makes enough sense to me, but maybe that's over a lack of data. After studying Graphic Design I have a hard time believing in individual autonomy, we by design are more meant to respond to stimulus than comprehend why we're doing it.

Any wisdom we have to grasp is always an afterthought, and they in the end idolize those who behave like children. 

Will you remember today? 

Seeing as it's one of my noneventful days, probably not. 

I will remember today.

I've already forgotten a good deal about what was once today (yesterday). 

And that's fine. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 349
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Jada said: 
Now if I dreamed of a hot pink truck within the same constraints that might be a bit more surreal to see happen later. 
Would you change your world view?
I'd likely find an excuse in favor of the current canon, much like how it took a series of events for me to take Astrology seriously.

You're taking astrology seriously? Why? It's considered a pseudoscience.

Is what you're seeing now different? Because I think it's not. We're cobbling things together to fit things in our brain.

What I see now is largely presumptive, and there's no way around that.

In that sense even the stupidest person is working from similar groundwork. 

Or from entirely different groundwork. We're assuming that we assume similar things. But clearly what you believe and what I believe are different. I've had a damascus road experience, but it's no good for anyone else.

Posts: 349
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
"More likely there's only so many character archetypes, and a large series of traits have been sorted into only so many boxes. 

If you were not meant to 'be this person', you'd be a different statistic within the current constraints. It's a matter of sorting and appeasing needs, then giving that process a label based on how it's done per the individual. The only way to really be devoid of that is to be unlearned of politics, but even there you'll still see the tendencies that could have been sorted into a box playing out. 

People are sponges of receptivity, and the very same people appealing to us are themselves receptive too. This is moreso a feedback loop of humanity's natural symptoms when given these constraints, and within other constraints "

"What do you think in contrast to this idea? It makes enough sense to me, but maybe that's over a lack of data. After studying Graphic Design I have a hard time believing in individual autonomy, we by design are more meant to respond to stimulus than comprehend why we're doing it.

Any wisdom we have to grasp is always an afterthought, and they in the end idolize those who behave like children. "

I'm inclined to reject that solely over how depressing a world view it is. But for me it's enough that my lived experience is clearly not made up of what my surrounding is. If you take away my eyes, ears, and senses, I'll still be me, unburdened by what my senses tell me. That's what I believe, anyway. I'm not going to deny the fact that I take in many things from my surroundings. But at the end of the day, even if you took away my senses, I'd still be a person with thoughts and feelings of my own.

I can see why you believe what you believe though. I don't know how you hold it all together.


"I've already forgotten a good deal about what was once today (yesterday). 

And that's fine. "

I'm envious of how brave you are then. Are you afraid of even death?

last edit on 9/12/2024 2:08:55 PM
Posts: 349
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences


I arrived in Finland. Beyond the jetlag and struggling not to fall asleep when meeting with my grandma and grand aunt, I went to visit to see my childhood places to see if it would reveal something from my dreams. I was kind of expecting something magical to happen. But alas, I walked around, saw the same front I've seen a million times, looked around, and saw drunkards and lowlives. I couldn't connect with people, all I felt was empathy.

I did see an old art store that I'd never visited and went in. I thought maybe one of the art stores would speak to me, like, I walked around, and I felt like if I just found the right painting, it would speak to me somehow, or I could recognize it from one of my dreams. However, nothing came up. Just emptiness. I asked the shop owner if they have any photos of Malmi, and they said no, and then ignored me. In my dream, the shop owner I was talking with was very friendly and curious about where I had been etcetc, so I was kind of disappointed. I thought some magical interaction repeat of my dream would happen. I did buy a bright green painting with some pretty buildings, and I'll save it as a memento of my grandpa. He would've liked it.

So I went to visit my old home, the one I had my oldest memory of. I wasnt sure exactly where it was so I walking around, and then suddenly I started to see things I could vaguely recognize: bright red, tall tile houses. The area was quite posh. I was kind of surprised because somehow I was expecting something rather low key, but they had their gardens being taken care of, no trash around, and it was absolurely beautiful. This was before my family broke down and my parents divorced. I kept thinking that we would've been pretty well off if our family didn't split back then, because the next house I lived in was terrible.

But it was a total ghost town. I didn't see a single person there at all. Like, not even one. There were like 50 houses, all 4 floors or more, and it was "really" quiet. All lights were turned off from the houses, and no sign of life. It felt like I was in a Truman show and I'm there to see my life's story being played out for me. I felt like this eerie feeling like it's been set up for me. I kept walking, and I saw this place which I think I vaguely recognized, like a little daycare. They had posts saying something about coming in and making friends, like a support house. I thought it was sweet. Still no people.

I then realized that I knew which way my house was. It felt like I was guided by some sort of intuition as I walked there, and I saw the hiding spot where I went and climbed to the roof top. The old rust ladder was still there, and I saw the place I climbed up and where I could remember my dad telling me to jump down. It was high, like 4 stories, but not as high as I remembered. I turned around, and I saw my old home. It was exactly like I remembered it in my dream from when I was 4. I could feel a sort of breeze come over when I was just staring at the building. It felt like awe. I felt nostalgic, but also "whole" in some way, like I was satisfied for the first time in a very, very long while.

I was thinking, the whole time, that my family did a good job at finding such a nice place. I also kept thinking how my parents were around my own age when I was living there. Could I have done as good a job? Maybe it's time to forgive my parents for not being perfect. It's supposed to be a sign of adulthood and all.

I spent some time just feeling nostalgic and walking around. Then, next to my old home, I saw an entrance with some signs. I thought, hmm, I should go check. Very nice, there's an art centre. And what's this? A church? There are 3 church names. It's a very specific type of church, not like the official churches in Finland. I used to think that my dream as a 4 year old meant something, and this was the next door, now showing this church. So I look at it, like, in awe. Then I look at the name again, and I remember what it was. It's the same cult that one of my friends from Asia escaped. They do sex trafficking. I didn't even know it existed in Finland. As I look at the sign, I start to hear some sounds coming from the doorway, like ooh, ah ah ah, and some fuckimg weird chanting. Now this is literally the first people I come across in the last 40 minutes of me walking around these ghost neighborhoods. I'm just looking at the door, for, like, a better part of 10 minutes, considering if I should go in.

I didn't. I'm regretting it now. When I came home, both at my dad's and mother's place, I felt a bit schizophrenic. I was afraid of my parents. Like, I felt they were looking at me weird. I kept imagining they were part of that cult, which could've explained why I remember my dad telling me to jump from a building as a kid. It's the house they divorced in.

last edit on 9/23/2024 8:18:47 PM
Posts: 33207
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Jada said: 
Jada said: 
Would you change your world view?
I'd likely find an excuse in favor of the current canon, much like how it took a series of events for me to take Astrology seriously.

You're taking astrology seriously? Why? It's considered a pseudoscience.
Personal testing without reading the material until after I'd compiled what felt like enough data, then continuing to compile said data once I had the comparison and could critique it in comparison to my own data. Sift through the happy good vibes BS or Barnum bait and occasionally some data conforms to notions closer to Seasonal Drift and Time of Day scripts. Most of what I work with though came from my own Independent Study through interviews. 

The scam artists try to find ways to make it sound like it could apply to most people, while the seasoned pros go with details that would apply to only a minority. If they aren't trying to otherwise trick someone into appearing psychic through being wonderously vague and applying bullshit mysticism to it you tend to instead see people who know how to sort out what signs someone isn't, working reductively, to find the answers they seek.

After a point too the statements people make, or the patterns of their speech, show uncanny similarities that are hard to ignore. Once you've seen it enough times it's hard to unsee it, especially if your field dips into social sciences. Rather than asking for birthdays and applying the material to them in advance, it's better to observe them and see what behaviors they do that conform to the expected tendencies. 

There is also more room for someone who knows the craft to get false positives and wrong answers, but do so within a means of showing their work as far as to how they came to that conclusion. Within said work are usually hints over what signs they couldn't possibly be and clues towards what details led to that answer, like if they have an odd interaction between their Sun and Moon that makes for altered enough motivations (like an Aries sun with a Libra moon compared to an Aries/Aries). 

In general it's easier to see what someone is not than what they are, but that's still a step in the right direction. For example, while you give Fixed Water vibes I wouldn't presume you to be Pisces or Taurus as a sun sign. In general though Sun Signs tend to be the easiest over it being symptoms of the time of year you were born; Obviously a Summer Child will show different behaviors from a Winter Child based on physical factors of the mother's diet, environmental conditions, and how the first year starts off seasonally. There are physical signs and symptoms, even down to what eyeshape you're born with being influenced or what disorders you have higher odds of being born with.

The field is hurt by those who want to keep it mystical, which is itself a symptom of old school astrologers not wanting others to steal their jobs or find the room to impress lords and kings with it. With The Internet as a basis of data collection however it's sprawling a lot further if you learn to ignore the Tarot-inspired Wicca BS. Once denatured of it's "magic" affect you instead see something more similar in nature to crop patterns and seasonal roles in our survival. 

Is what you're seeing now different? Because I think it's not. We're cobbling things together to fit things in our brain.

What I see now is largely presumptive, and there's no way around that.

In that sense even the stupidest person is working from similar groundwork. 

Or from entirely different groundwork. We're assuming that we assume similar things. But clearly what you believe and what I believe are different. I've had a damascus road experience, but it's no good for anyone else.

It's still presumptive, there's no way around that really. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 9/24/2024 12:24:45 PM
Posts: 33207
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Jada said: 
"More likely there's only so many character archetypes, and a large series of traits have been sorted into only so many boxes. 

If you were not meant to 'be this person', you'd be a different statistic within the current constraints. It's a matter of sorting and appeasing needs, then giving that process a label based on how it's done per the individual. The only way to really be devoid of that is to be unlearned of politics, but even there you'll still see the tendencies that could have been sorted into a box playing out. 

People are sponges of receptivity, and the very same people appealing to us are themselves receptive too. This is moreso a feedback loop of humanity's natural symptoms when given these constraints, and within other constraints "

"What do you think in contrast to this idea? It makes enough sense to me, but maybe that's over a lack of data. After studying Graphic Design I have a hard time believing in individual autonomy, we by design are more meant to respond to stimulus than comprehend why we're doing it.

Any wisdom we have to grasp is always an afterthought, and they in the end idolize those who behave like children."

I'm inclined to reject that solely over how depressing a world view it is.

So if Chapo denies your worldview because it pisses him off, it's less valid? 

But for me it's enough that my lived experience is clearly not made up of what my surrounding is. If you take away my eyes, ears, and senses, I'll still be me, unburdened by what my senses tell me. That's what I believe, anyway. I'm not going to deny the fact that I take in many things from my surroundings. But at the end of the day, even if you took away my senses, I'd still be a person with thoughts and feelings of my own.

So a you who never used a computer would be identical, or a you in the middle ages? 

I can see why you believe what you believe though. I don't know how you hold it all together.

What makes it depressing though? I think it's kind of nice. There is a means of seeing and interpreting why people act as they do that sprawls across multiple fields, and that sorting process is interesting over how it spites the belief we are individuals and therefor special. 

"I've already forgotten a good deal about what was once today (yesterday). 

And that's fine. "

I'm envious of how brave you are then. Are you afraid of even death?

Death represents the unknown beyond what physical aspects of it we can observe of it while we're alive (like decay and growing fingernails). 

I don't see how that is related to finding comfort in known living patterns. Beyond that it feels like all paths I take converge towards Existentialism, which to me feels comfy. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 9/24/2024 12:08:00 PM
Posts: 349
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences

 You're kind of disagreeable.

I mean my world view is one that suits my philosophy. I'm not like using the scientific method or something. I'm basically just winging it. There's not much depth to it, like you seem to think there is (sorry to disappoint you). My need for logic went out the window already.

What do I feel is depressing about losing yourself and dying? It is the permanence of it. When you lose your memories, a part of you ceases to exist. I don't know why you don't find that scary, but there's no way I can teach you what it feels to be afraid of that if you're not. It's like trying to teach a dog lover how some people feel when they are deathly afraid of puppies.

last edit on 9/24/2024 4:55:56 PM
Posts: 349
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences
Jada said: 
I'd likely find an excuse in favor of the current canon, much like how it took a series of events for me to take Astrology seriously.

You're taking astrology seriously? Why? It's considered a pseudoscience.
Personal testing without reading the material until after I'd compiled what felt like enough data, then continuing to compile said data once I had the comparison and could critique it in comparison to my own data. Sift through the happy good vibes BS or Barnum bait and occasionally some data conforms to notions closer to Seasonal Drift and Time of Day scripts. Most of what I work with though came from my own Independent Study through interviews.
Fair, this is what I used to do as well.

The scam artists try to find ways to make it sound like it could apply to most people, while the seasoned pros go with details that would apply to only a minority. If they aren't trying to otherwise trick someone into appearing psychic through being wonderously vague and applying bullshit mysticism to it you tend to instead see people who know how to sort out what signs someone isn't, working reductively, to find the answers they seek.

After a point too the statements people make, or the patterns of their speech, show uncanny similarities that are hard to ignore. Once you've seen it enough times it's hard to unsee it, especially if your field dips into social sciences. Rather than asking for birthdays and applying the material to them in advance, it's better to observe them and see what behaviors they do that conform to the expected tendencies. 
Aren't you listing reasons NOT to take astrology seriously?

There is also more room for someone who knows the craft to get false positives and wrong answers, but do so within a means of showing their work as far as to how they came to that conclusion. Within said work are usually hints over what signs they couldn't possibly be and clues towards what details led to that answer, like if they have an odd interaction between their Sun and Moon that makes for altered enough motivations (like an Aries sun with a Libra moon compared to an Aries/Aries). 


In general it's easier to see what someone is not than what they are, but that's still a step in the right direction. For example, while you give Fixed Water vibes I wouldn't presume you to be Pisces or Taurus as a sun sign. In general though Sun Signs tend to be the easiest over it being symptoms of the time of year you were born; Obviously a Summer Child will show different behaviors from a Winter Child based on physical factors of the mother's diet, environmental conditions, and how the first year starts off seasonally. There are physical signs and symptoms, even down to what eyeshape you're born with being influenced or what disorders you have higher odds of being born with.

The field is hurt by those who want to keep it mystical, which is itself a symptom of old school astrologers not wanting others to steal their jobs or find the room to impress lords and kings with it. With The Internet as a basis of data collection however it's sprawling a lot further if you learn to ignore the Tarot-inspired Wicca BS. Once denatured of it's "magic" affect you instead see something more similar in nature to crop patterns and seasonal roles in our survival. 

Can you predict my sign?

What I see now is largely presumptive, and there's no way around that.

In that sense even the stupidest person is working from similar groundwork. 

Or from entirely different groundwork. We're assuming that we assume similar things. But clearly what you believe and what I believe are different. I've had a damascus road experience, but it's no good for anyone else.

It's still presumptive, there's no way around that really. 


Posts: 349
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences

 I think the heart of the problem is that you've had some experiences I haven't had and vice versa. Which is why I think Astrology is bullshit and tend to challenge you on that, and you think my experiences are bullshit and tend to challenge me on that. We're both right, maybe, and we will never know.

last edit on 9/24/2024 5:07:21 PM
Posts: 349
0 votes RE: Otherworldly experiences

I've had yet another experience to share from my trip.

I went to the funeral. It was a nice chance to see my old relatives from years ago. I haven't seen them in ages.

Now for the weird part. There were these two women, one maybe 50 years old, the other maybe 30+, probably younger than me. I recognized them both from somewhere, so I went and said hi to the older one, and said I'm sure I've seen them before. She went "yeah maybe" and I asked her if she was to my grandma's funeral, and she said no. But I was 100% sure I saw her from somewhere. Oh well. Funeral started and I didn't really think much of it.

The younger girl went to give out flowers during the ceremony and couldn't finish her sentence before breaking down in tears. Very sweet.

After we carried out the funeral casket we had the funeral service. I was jumping from table to table, just to say hi to people I haven't seen in ages. The two girls were sitting in a separate table together.

When people started leaving, I thought I'd just go chat with them one more time. So I went there and said hi. The older one told me that I look a lot like my grandpa, which was nice. She started telling me about how my grandpa was a wonderful person and the usual stuff they say at the funerals. Because some of it was pretty detailed, and because she said she knows about me, I asked her how they got to know my grandpa. At first the older one said she's known my grandpa for 30 years. The younger one said 14 years.

Ok, interesting, but not what I asked. So I went again and asked, so we're you like introduced through a relative... or.. ?

Turns out they're not introduced through relative. They met him on some spiritual new age thing. So my grandpa was taking them to the bee farm and flying them out on his plane. He was apparently into like these alternative religions and stuff. So they met in like some religious thing.

I tried to pry from my dad about it but he wouldn't elaborate. He just said they're some hippies and he didn't know them until after my grandpa died. But then he later detailed what the older one did for a living in enough detail that he clearly at least met them before.

I'm convinced at least that my religious experience was real.

last edit on 9/24/2024 6:09:13 PM
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