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Delora- the weeb, the nerd, the furry, you name it.

Posts: 2278


This rant has been a long time coming, and honestly, I can't keep quiet about it anymore. Delora, there are some things you need to hear, and I’m done sugarcoating it.

First off, let’s talk about your hentai addiction. Seriously? Of all the things to get hooked on, you chose hentai? It’s not just embarrassing—it’s downright pathetic. You spend hours indulging in the weirdest, most outlandish fantasies, getting lost in a world of animated characters that have zero basis in reality. It’s one thing to enjoy a bit of fantasy, but you’ve taken it to a whole new level of obsession. It’s unhealthy, and it’s honestly disturbing. While most people are out there living their lives, you’re glued to your screen, getting off to cartoons. How did it come to this?

And then there’s your undying love for Pokémon. I get it—everyone has a bit of nostalgia for their childhood, but come on, you’re 25 years old, and you’re still into Pokémon like it’s the best thing ever. There’s a fine line between enjoying something from your past and clinging to it like it’s your entire identity. You’re not 10 anymore, so maybe it’s time to grow up a little and find some new interests that actually match your age. It’s one thing to have fond memories, but it’s another to act like you’re still living in them. 

And then there’s your My Little Pony obsession. I don’t even know where to start with this one. Of all the things to get into, you choose a show meant for little kids, and you’re actually proud of it? It’s one thing to enjoy something harmless, but you’ve taken it to a level that’s just embarrassing. Collecting pony figurines, watching episodes on repeat, and even engaging with the Brony community—it's like you’re completely disconnected from reality. It’s cringey beyond belief, and instead of growing out of it, you’re doubling down. How did a grown adult end up idolizing a show about pastel-colored ponies? It’s sad to watch, and even sadder that you don’t seem to see how weird it is.

Let’s not forget the furry thing. Out of all the interests you could have chosen, you pick the one that’s all about dressing up as anthropomorphic animals and indulging in some of the most bizarre and off-putting fantasies out there? It’s like you’ve completely given up on any sense of normalcy. The internet is full of weird stuff, but furries take it to a whole new level. It’s embarrassing, and yet you seem totally fine with being a part of it.

And then there’s your 4chan addiction. 4chan was once a place where you could find edgy, unfiltered content with a bit of wit. But now, it’s been overrun by the same kind of degeneracy you seem to love so much. It’s no surprise that you’ve found a home there, considering the state of that place. What was once a hub for clever trolling and dark humor is now a breeding ground for the exact kind of mindless crap you’re into. It’s sad to see how far 4chan has fallen, and even sadder to see you still clinging to it like it’s something worth being proud of.

And don’t even get me started on the weeb stuff. Your obsession with anime and Japanese culture has gone way beyond normal fandom. You’ve let it consume your life to the point where it’s all you seem to care about. Collecting figurines, obsessing over waifus, and spending your time in online communities that are just as deep into it as you are—it’s like you’ve given up on reality in favor of living in some fantasy world where you’re the main character in a badly animated series. It’s cringey, and it’s sad to watch.

And what’s up with those weird science experiments you’re always talking about? “Rodentology”? Really? You’re spending your time studying rats like it’s going to make a difference in the world. Or what about “pomology”? You’re seriously dedicating time to studying fruit? As if the world’s greatest minds are just dying to know all about different types of bananas. It’s like you’ve gone out of your way to pick the most pointless, ridiculous “special interests” possible. You’re diving deep into the most niche and irrelevant topics, pretending like it’s some big intellectual pursuit when really, it’s just another way to avoid facing reality.

The worst part is that you try to hide that you’re a gigantic nerd, like it’s some kind of deep, dark secret. Newsflash—everyone already knows. You’re not fooling anyone with this act. You think you’re being subtle, but it’s painfully obvious. Whether it’s your obsession with anime, your endless Pokémon obsession, or your constant lurking on 4chan, it’s clear as day that you’re a huge nerd. And instead of owning it, you try to keep it under wraps, like you’re ashamed or something. If you’re going to be this deeply into nerd culture, at least have the guts to admit it. If this is what autism looks like there needs to be a cure.

Honestly, it’s just sad. You’re letting all these cringey, immature obsessions control your life. Instead of being upfront about your interests, you try to play it off like you’re something you’re not by trying to act normal. But everyone can see through the facade, and it’s not doing you any favors. If anything, it’s just making you look more out of touch and more desperate to cling to a fantasy world where you don’t have to face reality.

It’s time to wake up and get your act together, Delora. Quit hiding behind your nerdy obsessions, and start living in the real world. Maybe then, you’ll actually get somewhere instead of just spinning your wheels in the same tired, juvenile habits.

Anyway, rant over.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 62
0 votes RE: Delora- the weeb, the nerd, the furry, you name it.

ok first of all thank you for bringing this to my attention.

secondly thank you fir embarrassing your ugly piece of shit wife. You can do so kuch better than her.


thirdly lol delora your an actual fucking embarrassment.

fourthly she is obsessed with rats because her cousin made her have sex with a rat and she liked it.

last edit on 8/29/2024 3:22:14 PM
Posts: 2670
0 votes RE: Delora- the weeb, the nerd, the furry, you name it.

ok first of all thank you for bringing this to my attention.

secondly thank you fir embarrassing your ugly piece of shit wife. You can do so kuch better than her.


thirdly lol delora your an actual fucking embarrassment.

fourthly she is obsessed with rats because her cousin made her have sex with a rat and she liked it.

 no one ever made me do anything sexual with a rat and even if they did, that sounds like something to have compassion about not be a dick

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 2670
0 votes RE: Delora- the weeb, the nerd, the furry, you name it.

BR you forgot my video game addiction. do better next time

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 102
0 votes RE: Delora- the weeb, the nerd, the furry, you name it.

She should've kept up the vlogging, plus accepted donations. People earn a good living from that once they have their foot in the door. 

Posts: 2670
0 votes RE: Delora- the weeb, the nerd, the furry, you name it.
Cuckoo said: 

She should've kept up the vlogging, plus accepted donations. People earn a good living from that once they have their foot in the door. 

 you know what tony you are fucking right i really should have

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 102
0 votes RE: Delora- the weeb, the nerd, the furry, you name it.
Delora said: 
Cuckoo said: 

She should've kept up the vlogging, plus accepted donations. People earn a good living from that once they have their foot in the door. 

 you know what tony you are fucking right i really should have

 Yes, because people want to see eccentric people doing weird things, and they throw money at them for it.

See that streamer iShowSpeed ? Don't have to be on his level, but he's now a superstar for basically barking like a dog and playing an ass online. Guy bought a 10 million dollar home and he wasn't even out for that long. Smaller streamers at the least are able to buy houses and drive nice cars and live in stability. 

If BR is going to be mean to you, might as well get paid. He could've slithered in and became something from that too. 


Posts: 102
0 votes RE: Delora- the weeb, the nerd, the furry, you name it.

People with 10,000 subs and even more view make some okay money. Just need to post daily


Posts: 2670
0 votes RE: Delora- the weeb, the nerd, the furry, you name it.
Cuckoo said: 
Delora said: 
Cuckoo said: 

She should've kept up the vlogging, plus accepted donations. People earn a good living from that once they have their foot in the door. 

 you know what tony you are fucking right i really should have

 Yes, because people want to see eccentric people doing weird things, and they throw money at them for it.

See that streamer iShowSpeed ? Don't have to be on his level, but he's now a superstar for basically barking like a dog and playing an ass online. Guy bought a 10 million dollar home and he wasn't even out for that long. Smaller streamers at the least are able to buy houses and drive nice cars and live in stability. 

If BR is going to be mean to you, might as well get paid. He could've slithered in and became something from that too. 


 fuck okay maybe

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 4472
0 votes RE: Delora- the weeb, the nerd, the furry, you name it.

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Thrall to the Wire of Self-Excited Circuit.
last edit on 8/29/2024 5:28:09 PM
10 / 34 posts
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