It is no longer Sleep Cycle but Insomnia Cycle.
Better tools. I’m not a uh meteorologist but, lol this stuff is pretty standard to Floridians, they come in sets like this- just one after another… i really hate Florida and moisture right now and humidity thank yew
You sure?
Our tools have been pretty good for a while, at least within the range of error of before the internet. The major change is being able to study what weather's hitting other countries.
It feels like the weather's been worse, but that could be the hype.
i don't mind everyone's halloween decor, i find it all festive and enjoyable, like it very bigly. but seriously, this year- i mean maybe other years i'll feel differently but i really dont want my house to look like a halloween cake send tweet
Either the weather makes up its mind, or I will.
Weather's been perfect here wtf you on about?