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Twitter dot com

Posts: 9382

this thread is now the new official twitter dot com 



>@blanc tweeted: (1:35 pm est, 8/8/2024)

>"I have too much in my brain." 

>end tweet.



Posts: 4469
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

Are you trying to promote your Twitter?

Thrall to the Wire of Self-Excited Circuit.
Posts: 9382
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

Are you trying to promote your Twitter?

i'm not sure if i have one ever since twitter became x i'm like, where did it go, i don't know. it's a mystery. 


this is the new twitter though btw

last edit on 8/8/2024 6:00:54 PM
Posts: 33192
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

You mean X, right? 

The only good Twitter experiences are through Youtube. 🤷

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 9382
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

Keep it simple. 

Posts: 4506
1 votes RE: Twitter dot com

finally a free speech platform :)

Posts: 348
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com is censoring on behalf of Hungarian government and yielded to the government in a blatantly obvious censorship case where in a previous year refused to do it.

And then Elon Musk asked the programmers to give himself an algorithmic megaphone unrivaled even by Trump. And then he blocked news organisations and journalists he didn't agree with.

Lol. Free speech.

Posts: 4506
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

i think the government censorship angle is only superficially a valid criticism. as in, yes it's technically not total free speech  if X is acquiescing to takedown requests. but this is something all social media platforms have to do in order to be legally compliant with those countries. on Facebook there is not even the illusion of an open forum, and X's predecessor banned a sitting American president—never mind everything else it did of a lesser caliber. we are on a whole different level of unrestricted speech since then. of course there is Gab, but i have the feeling that people who are critical of Elon and X don't want to be on Gab. same with Bluesky and Mastadon.

Germany is one of the worst offenders in regard to social media censorship, they even threaten financial damage over takedowns. ironically, the censorship X engages in—within a Western context—is stuff that a lot of the people who hate Elon would actually want. for example, the German censorship is related to what they consider hate speech. and accounts which were unfairly never reinstated are people like...Andrew Anglin and Jared Taylor. so these arguments about how bad censorship is under Elon strike me as specious, particularly when they ring hollow & liberals levy them in one breath, but then cry about offensive content in the next. X has also been circumventing these takedowns by using their "freedom of speech, not freedom of reach" policy. by deprioritizing certain posts and people in aspects of the algorithm, X has made it that they don't need to totally remove a lot of content.

as for Elon boosting himself in the algo...honestly whatever, he bought the thing and you can block him. what's this about blocking news organizations and journalists?

last edit on 8/10/2024 1:44:33 PM
Posts: 348
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

Well blocking the president of the US. Yeah, ok. Fair.

I don't agree with what they did, but they were citing the same policy violations by trump as the ones you're citing to defend

However, your defense of their actions rings hollow because those takedown requests that were "not" tolerated by Twitter.xom are now respected by Instead of complying with censorship requests, could've simply taken the Turkish dictators to court like... for example... did. But they didn't. has approved practically all censorship requests by authoritarian governments, whereas Twitter fought against them.

What has changed is that "certain" takedown requests are no longer respected. As a whole, censorship has increased significantly and freedom of speech has narrowed on the platform. This is by any objective measure. You can of course find "individual" examples of doing better, but there is no evidence whatsoever to support that as a whole is a free speech platform, or freer than Twitter.

For the journalist thing, for one, they had that ex CNN journalist fired after interviewing Musk.

last edit on 8/10/2024 5:06:47 PM
Posts: 348
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

Also I'd argue that it's not whatever that Elon gets a giant megaphone. It'd be whatever if he didn't claim to be a free speech absolutist. What he's done is equivalent to starting a company about saving animals from slaughterhouses and preaching about the importance of treating animals well, and then turning around torturing animals on live TV.

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