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0 votes RE: Twitter dot com
Jada said: 

Well blocking the president of the US. Yeah, ok. Fair.

I don't agree with what they did, but they were citing the same policy violations by trump as the ones you're citing to defend

which policy violation did they cite that is the same as the one i am using to defend X? i was talking about government requests, and in that case the president was  the government. unless you mean something else

However, your defense of their actions rings hollow because those takedown requests that were "not" tolerated by Twitter.xom are now respected by Instead of complying with censorship requests, could've simply taken the Turkish dictators to court like... for example... did. But they didn't. has approved practically all censorship requests by authoritarian governments, whereas Twitter fought against them.

What has changed is that "certain" takedown requests are no longer respected.

you brought up how Twitter/X fulfilled more government requests with Elon based on changes from the year before. i don't think that's a shock given that the timeline of him buying Twitter coincided with the Turkish presidential election of 2023. so it would be a disingenuous argument to say that Elon came in and simply cucked to Turkey more, given the circumstance. 

As a whole, censorship has increased significantly and freedom of speech has narrowed on the platform. This is by any objective measure. You can of course find "individual" examples of doing better, but there is no evidence whatsoever to support that as a whole is a free speech platform, or freer than Twitter.

ok so it's by any objective measure...except the individual examples i can find that go against that? of which there are many, like the massive unbanning of users (left and right wing), and the loosening of what is considered bannable speech.

For the journalist thing, for one, they had that ex CNN journalist fired after interviewing Musk.

you mean Don Lemon? Don Lemon was going to have a show on X, and Elon backed out of the deal after he didn't like his style of journalism. but he still has an account on X with 1.5 million followers 

Posts: 4506
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com
Jada said: 

Also I'd argue that it's not whatever that Elon gets a giant megaphone. It'd be whatever if he didn't claim to be a free speech absolutist. What he's done is equivalent to starting a company about saving animals from slaughterhouses and preaching about the importance of treating animals well, and then turning around torturing animals on live TV.

ok, that's a bit dramatic...

Posts: 4469
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

Tryp, you invest so much into these things.  Why?

Thrall to the Wire of Self-Excited Circuit.
Posts: 348
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

Yeah I was referring to Don Lemon.

Can we at least agree that X entertained blatantly obvious censorship requests by the Turkish government? Like, no question that this was clear cut textbook censorship on behalf of the Turkish Government?

And can we agree that the last time they tried to do a similar thing, Twitter refused, fought back, and won the legal case?

last edit on 8/11/2024 2:15:46 AM
Posts: 348
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

The above is one example source. There have been individual infringements by both Twitter and X, but X has, as a whole, performed worse. The Turkey thing is such a blatantly obvious example of textbook censorship, which X claims to fight against, that it's just foolishness to think Elon bought X to address free speech like he says he does.

last edit on 8/11/2024 8:40:58 AM
Posts: 348
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

> ok, that's a bit dramatic... 

Fair. But the point is: Elon gave himself an algorithmic megaphone unrivaled by anyone on Twitter.

Then, he uses that algorithmic megaphone to endorse people like Jordan Peterson, Donald Trump, and many other conservatives. Intentionally or not, effectively what he's done is used X to politically boost conservatives. Something Twitter, Google, and others would not do, for fear of free speech issues.

I mean suppose I was a liberal leftist and bought X now, citing alarming right wing bias, and said I'd make it a free speech platform and get rid of the political bias. Suppose then I immediately tasked the twitter engineers to give me an algorithmic superpower that allows me to bypass the system to ensure whomever I want will get the biggest audience, used my cheat codes on the platform to artificially boost liberal left wing political figures, and then endorsed Kamala Harris. In that case, would you feel I was a bit hypocritical? How are you not seeing what I'm seeing?

last edit on 8/11/2024 9:01:07 AM
Posts: 102
1 votes RE: Twitter dot com

When Elon Musk acquired Twitter, the entire mainstream media lost their shit before he even walked in the building. They instantly went into panic mode, and of course they would. Twitter is the world's fastest and most powerful global news feed.

It's no secret that the establishment favored the left. That is true in Hollywood and for a time any celebrity who swung right got destroyed my the MSM. 

Elon Musk wiped out the old Twitter, fired 70% of the staff. He told many of them, either work hard, or leave, and they left. 

For the Right, this turned out glorious, no more shadow banning and censorship. 

Elon found corruption in Twitter, specifically CIA and FBI controlled censorship. Trump was banned for being Trump across all social media platforms at the same time. Journalist Matt Taibbi was appointed by Elon Musk to carry out what they called "The Twitter Files". A series on Matt Taibbi's twitter handle that exposed how Twitter was operated and subservient to the DNC.

Jack Dorsey's response to the Twitter Files

Search the #Twitterfiles on X, and you'll find it, specifically from Matt Taibbi who was granted full access to Twitters internal documents, that is, everything the public wasn't meant to see. 




Legga's source "Rest of the World" is founded by the Ford Foundation. An arm of the DNC. Like many MSM outlets they'll lie.

What's really happening with Elon Musk and X as of late.

- The President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro has declared Elon Musk his arch enemy.

- UK Government is gunning for Elon Musk and may want to extradite and arrest him. 

Things like that happen when you run a free speech platform that speaks truth. That is government vs. Elon Musk. 




I know why people hate Trump. It's because they were told he's a racists and Xenophobe, and a Nazi.

But explain to me Legga, what's the worry when it comes to Jordan Peterson ?

Posts: 348
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

I think youve misunderstood. I agree that the Twitter files are a smoking gun evidence of corruption, as you say, and I'd side with Elon Musk on that. Twitter had gone too far. They supported government corruption and censorship requests. I also don't view Trump or Peterson as "problematic."

The problem is that the approval rate those government censorship requests, which are the most concerning aspect of the Twitter files, has increased rather than decreased since the handover. Can we at least agree that, factually speaking, the approval rate (@trypt not just the volume) of government requests has gone up since the takeover? And that X is supporting blatant, obvious, non-murky censorship on behalf of Turkey and India? Or are you so far down the road that you'd say this is also "fake news"?

last edit on 8/11/2024 11:43:41 AM
Posts: 102
1 votes RE: Twitter dot com
Jada said: 

I think youve misunderstood. I agree that the Twitter files are a smoking gun evidence of corruption, as you say, and I'd side with Elon Musk on that. Twitter had gone too far. They supported government corruption and censorship requests. I also don't view Trump or Peterson as "problematic."

The problem is that the approval rate those government censorship requests, which are the most concerning aspect of the Twitter files, has increased rather than decreased since the handover. Can we at least agree that, factually speaking, the approval rate (@trypt not just the volume) of government requests has gone up since the takeover? And that X is endorsing blatant, obvious, non-murky censorship on behalf of Turkey and India? Or are you so far down the road that you'd say this is also "fake news"?

 Turkey demanded from all social media companies that they appoint a representative, before that Twitter has been banned from Turkey before, and they also had advertising blocked in Turkey too. 

Turkey is said to be Twitter's 7th largest market. Turkey also doesn't have an American constitution to protect free speech. Elon then accepter Turkey's terms, just as every other social media company did. 

Some will argue how terrible Elon is for granting this request to the draconian Turkish Government, but it's wiser to take the money and carry on, than to be available to an entire nation for free. 

If someone in Turkey wants to make the most of, they can use a VPN. 

Canada also suffers the same fate when it comes to social media. The Trudeau government pretty much made it illegal for social media platforms to give Canadians news, though youtube still gets away with it, just they had to push Canadian MSM news to the top of the search, while on facebook and instagram news is blocked.

Looking closer into this, just Meta placed this ban on news. 

The Trudeau Government is known to subsidize Canadian MSM $400,000,000 a year. We notice they never have anything bad to say about Trudeau but they do for his opposition which Canadians love and will be voting into power in our upcoming federal election.




I do believe for Elon to not accept Turkey's terms under that kind of pressure would be fucking dumb, and it would end up costing them billions while letting all of Turkey use X for free. can only get away with free speech, where free speech is available, and sadly that isn't everywhere.   

Posts: 348
0 votes RE: Twitter dot com

I agree with you its a tough dilemma. However, I think that's where I would personally draw the line and say that X is not supporting free speech. One of the biggest criticisms of Musk's of the old Twitter was compliance with government censorship requests.

Many of these requests are "murky" in the sense that there's a fine line between what should be complied with as a matter of law and what is actually blatant censorship. However, in the case of Turkey, it was such blatant and obvious censorship attempts that, if anywhere, that's where the fight for free speech really matters. They could've refused and fought in the Turkish court like they did in 2014, with the risk of losing money.

When it mattered, X had a choice, principle, or money. They chose money.

last edit on 8/11/2024 1:29:52 PM
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