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0 votes RE: what is the name of that feeling where

are finns less collectivist than the other scandanavians? i know that taxonomy is iffy as its a totally other genetic lineage

Posts: 499
1 votes RE: what is the name of that feeling where

I'd say that the odd one out is really Swedish people, because they're the only Nordic people that don't laugh at Sweden and the Swedes.

Srsly through, yes, you're right that it's a different lineage. Finland tends to be more individualistic and non conformist compared to most Nordic countries. Finnish is also socially a clumsy language. I'd say learning Finnish induces autism on people. Like you get mild asperger's if you learn it.

If you take English and replace the smiles and niceties with factual sentences, add a negative connotation to all risky behavior, remove chit chat, add a 5 minute pause between sentences without feeling awkward, and then make everything sound monotonous, you get something close to Finnish.

The language has a no nonsense overtone and it's difficult to hurt people's feelings, which sort of removes the need for any social consideration of the collective. If a consensus is needed then it's usually brought up in a factual manner as opposed to "feeling the air" or whatever else mind reading it is that the Italians are doing. Finland is like a heaven for retards and autists who would be booted out of the US for being inconsiderate and whose behavior wouldn't be tolerated elsewhere.

Finns as a whole are still left leaning and socialist, like most nordic countries. So in that sense they are collectivist. Individual freedom is probably emphasized more than it is in other Scandinavian countries.

last edit on 8/10/2024 10:47:18 AM
Posts: 395
0 votes RE: what is the name of that feeling where
Jada said: 

I'd say that the odd one out is really Swedish people, because they're the only Nordic people that don't laugh at Sweden and the Swedes.

Srsly through, yes, you're right that it's a different lineage. Finland tends to be more individualistic and non conformist compared to most Nordic countries. Finnish is also socially a clumsy language. I'd say learning Finnish induces autism on people. Like you get mild asperger's if you learn it.

If you take English and replace the smiles and niceties with factual sentences, add a negative connotation to all risky behavior, remove chit chat, add a 5 minute pause between sentences without feeling awkward, and then make everything sound monotonous, you get something close to Finnish.

The language has a no nonsense overtone and it's difficult to hurt people's feelings, which sort of removes the need for any social consideration of the collective. If a consensus is needed then it's usually brought up in a factual manner as opposed to "feeling the air" or whatever else mind reading it is that the Italians are doing. Finland is like a heaven for retards and autists who would be booted out of the US for being inconsiderate and whose behavior wouldn't be tolerated elsewhere.

Finns as a whole are still left leaning and socialist, like most nordic countries. So in that sense they are collectivist. Individual freedom is probably emphasized more than it is in other Scandinavian countries.

 Maybe you're the retard that romanticizes destructive behavior which is why you love christianity. You think life should be a movie of contrasts and puzzle instead of consistent and real responsibility in a safe society instead of a dramatic christian one. 

Imperfect Priest of Determinism
Posts: 499
0 votes RE: what is the name of that feeling where

And maybe hippos are pink and can fly.

Posts: 4578
0 votes RE: what is the name of that feeling where

Jada chooses not to believe you, Dragoon.  I thought you two had mutual understanding of some sort?  What's going on?

Thrall to the Wire of Self-Excited Circuit.
Posts: 395
0 votes RE: what is the name of that feeling where

well... nevermind. i focus on the negative because of trauma. you can have whatever opinion you want, i dont even really care no offense.

Imperfect Priest of Determinism
last edit on 8/11/2024 9:44:40 AM
Posts: 106
0 votes RE: what is the name of that feeling where


Jada said: 


Yes Med is an example of someone who evokes that feeling.


 Med has what is known as a Trauma Bond. But how it came to be with her is a bit unusual compared to most cases.

Trauma bonds develop after being love bombed, then the love bomber does a complete 180. The subject is then stuck reaching out for the person that loved them and they loved back so they trauma bond will have them putting up with and more tolerant of both physical and mental abuse.

In my personal opinion on Trauma bonds. The bonded person is stupid. Like sinfully stupid. The type of shit God hates, yet at the same time a trauma bond is unconditional love. That's only a good thing if oneself is in need of mercy or forgiveness lest it's time to pay for their ways. With that I'd say unconditional love doesn't mean letting an abuser off the hook or enabling them if the judge/protagonist is a righteous one. 

Since we're on this subject. I think some of CS's exes are trauma bonded. Barrel, Chapo, and Jim in particular. She love bombed them and they couldn't get enough of her. Jim was more resilient and him leaving SC is most likely a part of his coping. He also knocked her up so it would only annoy him while he wants to ignore the child. Barrel and Chapo on the other hand can't seem to get enough of her, at least, that's how it was. She did end up treating Chapo and Barrel like trash and they still wanted more from her. 

Posts: 499
0 votes RE: what is the name of that feeling where

I suppose there are two types of responses to those love bombs.

My thinking is that Med tends to have a hunger for love. Also Turq. I feel inclined to pull myself back whenever I talk with mostly Turq less so Med, from fear of being taken to reciprocate and commit myself to something. There was one time Turq sent me like 300 DM messages when I was away for 2 hours. Med seems to not be interested in me so she respects my personal space more.

I generally feel burdened by such behavior but at the same time I feel sympathy for the person. It's a feeling I deeply dislike, like I find the feeling distasteful on some primal level, which is one of the reasons I'm wondering if the feeling could ever be turned into comedy. It's so hard for me to imagine it could be.

But then Death was turned into comedy in the wake of the 21st century, or even earlier than that.

last edit on 8/11/2024 12:19:57 PM
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