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Therapy log 🪵

Posts: 2670

Apparently my violent and bloody sexual fantasies are a result of severe childhood trauma that my brain is trying to make sexual in order to cope with it. I have witnessed so much gore and violence in my childhood to teenage years that my brain wants to make it less bad. I need to find other outlets of joy and learn to calm myself down with grounding exercises where I focus on the taste, touch, and smell ect surrounding me to help me not commit violent acts on myself. 

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Posts: 9384
0 votes RE: Therapy log 🪵

How did you get that log emoji is that a thing in the iPhone. I love it. Also good luck on your therapy journey 🌺


log emoji 🪵 log emoji 🪵 log emoji 🪵

last edit on 8/6/2024 4:32:46 PM
Posts: 33193
0 votes RE: Therapy log 🪵
Delora said: 

Apparently my violent and bloody sexual fantasies

Which are? 

Could you elaborate? 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 2670
0 votes RE: Therapy log 🪵
Delora said: 

Apparently my violent and bloody sexual fantasies

Which are? 

Could you elaborate? 

 Though you dislike me, having someone take interest in what I experience is rare and so I will tell you and therefore betray my own self. 

I have thoughts like I might look at a carpet that was clearly pressed into a machine and I imagine myself going through the machine being pulverized. I have things flash in my mind during rising sexual feelings of tying people up, removing their organs while they are still alive, cooking these organs in front of them and then forcing the person to eat the organs while giving the person drugs like ecstasy and laughing gas. Then taking photos of it. 

I have fantasies about sewing people together and also sewing people's genitals together for humiliation, or forcing people to have sex with each other that would have great shame from it. Like if they are related. Or making them have relations with an animal and filming it and forcing the person to smile, then sending such imagery to their families/putting it online. 


Body modification like sewing someone's foot where their hand should be. Or slowly removing someone's eyelids/lips ect. 


Giving intelligent people severe mental illness and trauma and then mocking/humiliating them for no longer being able to function, therefore rendering their intelligence useless. 


Sewing rats inside of people and watching as the rats bite and writhe inside the person trying to get out. This one is the worst for me because I love rats. 


Forcing people to commit necrophilia on people I just made them kill and then consuming that persons flesh. 


I will watch surgeries ect and see organs like a heart or liver and I swear to God, actually craving it like I feel like it would be fatty and hearty and juicy if cooked.


Sewing someone's vagina where there mouth should be. 


Stupid edgy bullshit. 


These thoughts lead to intense sexual feelings with a combination of crying 

🌺🐀 🌺
last edit on 8/6/2024 6:04:49 PM
Posts: 2670
0 votes RE: Therapy log 🪵

the way tony described someone longingly looking at a dog like a man looks at a woman-

although that is not how the invasive thoughts work for me at all about these types of situations. it is the phobia of a loss of mental autonomy.  you get sexually abused in some horrible fucked up painful way and you are no longer even spared your own mental autonomy. sure. on the outside you are just- idk. losing yourself. but in the mind? 

you slowly lose free well. and the more free will you lose the more free you feel. a paradox. 

free enough that you can escape the metal illness and the pain free enough that you can escape the memories and the relentless shame you can jump!

there is a ghost of a young girl crying out inside of me. there is a ghost of a girl who was made to do unspeakable things with animals and now must live with it every day. 

sometimes i feel like all i am is the ghost and the ghost is all i am to me. 

and i just face the hard upwards battle try try again no matter what. living in the jungle going on adventures trying to prove something. 

look at me. i am here, i would say. i am happy i am here and i am alive. that was everything i would say without saying in each naive youthful word. 

just that moment of the shame, and fear that i felt were so drowning when i was being made to do that with an animal. i was drowning in self hatred in that very second. when that pedophile made me do that i was 7. that one moment is now a part of me forever and it is a part of me that i HATE.  you take a delicate and sacred part of myself, something so pure and precious and you smeared shit all over it. go ahead. smear shit in my face.  stain me.

it is the most vivid childhood memory i have. i live it over and over like i am reliving a horrible moment. over and over and over again. it never ends. even when i rest i do not rest it burns it's way into my nightmares. the most shameful thing in my life i cannot even sleep. 

i was raped by my cousin my own cousin i can't even feel OKAY in my own body anymore. i tried to tell an adult but they said shes a woman and women do not rape. it felt like all my fault. my body feels alien to me and it hurts all over in my heart and soul in a way i do not understand. but when i am sad, the tree angels talk to me and make me feel like everything is OK. I feel like i am running a race stubbornly dragging weights behind me while everyone else runs. that is why PTSD is a disability. and most people on the outside looking in who do not live your mental time loop helldo not realize unlike them, you can never fully make the mind loops go away. you can never really know what might trigger flashbacks or memories, potentially creating a fight or flight episode which feels so real it only creates more trauma. 

and as a result there can be a lot of times that this fight or flight........can be transformed into something- else...

inappropriate trauma related invasive thoughts and urges that might make one see themselves in a negative light of self hatred and panic. 

but have no fear! there is a perfectly healthy solution. 

that is what porn is for.

and then we fall into hentai. the magical land along the border where TRAUMA and ADDICTION meet. and where you try not to face yourself. because you hate yourself and you hate how disgusting and alien your own body is. 

icky feeling

and if you have a partner/spouse.....oh my dear creator of all things and one with all things 

the roleplay will save you. it is healthier and better than porn addiction and you just need to try to get over that. but sharing it with your partner is honestly a really good way, ten out of ten recommend. 

just remember not to tie his ropes too tight-

just whatever you do DO NOT become co-dependent OH MY LAWD 

it means putting invisible leashes on eachother and those leashes get SHORTER and SHORTER my friend. 

fuck after my miscarriage i started "being self involved" with any miscarriage hentai i could find i am so ashamed to admit it was so bad.  and i would be sobbing. 

will i ever get out of this cave i cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel

i struggled and struggled and struggled and yet my education is still in jeopardy despite being academically excellent there!

but i have not given up hope on myself! i can foster myself a better tomorrow, a normal tomorrow. 

where i am dead

haha jk i dont want to die right at this very second rn

🌺🐀 🌺
last edit on 8/13/2024 7:47:47 AM
Posts: 2670
0 votes RE: Therapy log 🪵
Blanc said: 

How did you get that log emoji is that a thing in the iPhone. I love it. Also good luck on your therapy journey 🌺


log emoji 🪵 log emoji 🪵 log emoji 🪵

 you so cute 

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Posts: 102
0 votes RE: Therapy log 🪵

A friends younger brother was molested by some guy when he was a child and he grew up to be a homosexual. 

I wonder if that experience with your cousin is the reason you're bisexual as well. Probably is.  

And what happened to that cousin of yours now ? Maybe her life is private and the family isn't sure what's going on with her. 

EDIT: Also I don't see the log emoji cause fruity Apple is selfish and doesn't play well with others. 

last edit on 8/14/2024 3:25:57 AM
Posts: 2670
0 votes RE: Therapy log 🪵
Cuckoo said: 

A friends younger brother was molested by some guy when he was a child and he grew up to be a homosexual. 

I wonder if that experience with your cousin is the reason you're bisexual as well. Probably is.  

And what happened to that cousin of yours now ? Maybe her life is private and the family isn't sure what's going on with her. 


Yes it is. It is also why I am afraid of women. It has permanently impacted me.


EDIT: Also I don't see the log emoji cause fruity Apple is selfish and doesn't play well with others. 

 Oh apple?

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Posts: 2670
0 votes RE: Therapy log 🪵

talked to the therapist about my hentai addiction. therapist said it is likely because of the sexual abuse i had to deal with as a child. 

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 33193
0 votes RE: Therapy log 🪵
Delora said: 

talked to the therapist about my hentai addiction. therapist said it is likely because of the sexual abuse i had to deal with as a child. 

Well yeah, I figured you would have connected the two when you were in chat specifically asking for your memories in Hentai form. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
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