this new community will not try to replace SC. SC already exists right here, and its culture can stay here.
the new board 'The Republic" will not have the strictly free-speech and open culture SC had. distasteful trolling, spam, and low quality content will be minimized in this new board. it will not be open to the public but rather invite-only.
my hope is that the more mature members can have a place to keep in touch and support each other with out the spam, trolling, and negative connotations of having "sociopath" in the name of the board.
the values of SC are too extreme for me these days. when i was 16, i was edgy and into it, but i feel more mature now, and less interested in spending money, time, and effort to maintain a toxic culture of spam and trolling. i also did not enjoy having the BZ software associated with a website cetnered around the "sociopath" theme, and i did not enjoy taking on the legal liability and public scrutiny of running such a website. i am happy that tfi has taken over those responsiblities and i don't want them back
but i do miss many of the members of SC, and i still wish to be a part of their friend group
it is my hope that this more mature board can allow those who have grown out of SC to still be able to remain together there. i am hoping that together with BR, we can create a new board with a new culture centered around support of its members, and helping them to better themselves in all areas of life.. building each other up rather than tearing each other down
it is my hope that the more mature members of SC who have grown out of that toxicity can join up as a way to stay together, and to start a new chapter in our digital lives.
users who will not be welcome are:
Jim, cawk, TPG, Xadem
as for tc, tryp, alice, and challenge seeker, i am not sure about them, but i am willing to give them a chance if they promise to not spam, puppet, or troll on the community.
tldr: it is not the intent of The Republic to replace SC, but rather to provide a different culture entirely-- a more mature and supporting culture. weather or not members of SC will be interested in this we will find out, but its better to try and fail than not try at all.