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The Reincarnation of the SC Family and The Republic

Posts: 2278

Hello members of the SC family, I come bearing glorious news to you all! To those who miss the Boardzone software, mourn no longer, for I am ecstatic to inform you that it shall burst forth from ashes like a pheonix in due time! I know many of you are concerned about the state of affairs for this community at the moment. Jim and his sycophants have once again managed to derail it, spreading all manner of chaos, discord (pun intended), and degeneracy in their wake. They destroy everything they touch. Forums, discord servers, the lives of those who let them get close to them, and worst of all- the cohesion and dynamics of this community that differentiated it from a board like 4chan in the first place.

For too long, this scourge has been plaguing this community and yes, I'll admit, even before I joined. But nevertheless, I enjoy this community for my experience so far and wish to see it rise up from these devils that have dragged it so far into the depths of Hades. I have contributed much, I know you all pretty well now, and have demonstrated through my wide plethora of threads that I do care about the success of this community. And for this diligence; in sticking around, in making threads for people, and for supporting high quality discussion and interactions over lowly spam and substanceless trolling- I have been chosen to be the creator and leader of the new Republic. Luna cares about the community and will continue to work on the software sides and be highly present, but for all intents and purposes, I will be the president of the new forum.

The objective of this new forum will be as follows: -To bring back the original SC family.

-To put an end to the CP crisis once and for all, and keep Jim and his sycophants OUT.

-To foster an environment of intellectualism and genuine discourse.

 -To discourage an environment of toxic and vitriolic trolling, and mindless and mundane spamming.

-To put an emphasis on the concept of a Republic and ensure that decisions on the forum are dictated autonomously by the users rather than one man or women.

-To bring in new users that will bring forth unique and fresh contributions with variety and value.

-To make this community GREAT AGAIN.

On top of this list is most important point, bringing the SC family back together. In the times when Jim and his cronies were not compromising the quality of SC, there was a strong core of members who were unified and interacted on a daily basis. These were friends who had eachothers' back yet still engaged in civil discourse on real topics with real substance, and had genuine conversations that provoked real thought, and this bond based on substance created something that was not seen on other sites, until Jim came along with the intent to destabilize that atmosphere, and so first and foremost it is a goal to bring that atmosphere back and keep out anybody who would bring their culture of filth into our community to compromise this atmosphere of scholarship and genuinity.

In order to do this it is necessary to keep Jim and anybody who supports his destructive and terrible behavior out of the community. Additionally, those who choose to only contribute mindless spam and troll rather than have genuine discussions ought to be kept out as to preserve the quality of the family. To do this, our community will be invite-only. Each new member will get an invite link to get in and subsequently recieve their own invite link. With this they can invite members who they feel contribute to the quality of the family in a positive way. However, if they invite a scourge who seeks to destabilize the community such as Jim or any of his sycophants, that person and the person invited will be banned, and their invitation priveliges revoked.

The function of the invite is not just to keep out the unworthy, but to let in the worthy, and if anybody a member knows is somebody that they feel is smart and brings something new to the table, then inviting them is encouraged. The goal with this is to expand the family, while keeping its original essence and dynamics intact. But don't worry, because if you genuinely care and have been contributing to the community, you will be there.
Integral to keeping the family together is ensuring that everybody is at the helm as far the direction of the forum goes. I, as president, reserve the right to veto certain bills and ideas but I will try my very best to maintain the rule by the votes of the community. Veto will only be for bills intended to purposely cause chaos or compromise the quality of the community. The invite only system can NOT be voted away, for example. However, many many things can be and since it will be my job to oversee the Republic, I will dedicate my presidency to ensuring that as many bills are given a serious consideration as I can. I understand that some did not take it seriously before, but also recall that disruptive people compromised the purpose of republic for their own trolling, spamming, and otherwise selfish and unproductive needs. We will keep out those kinds of unnesessary agitators to usher in a republic of a more serious and mature nature, meant to actually grow and improve this community.
At the end of the day, all of this is designed from the ground up to bring back the glory days of SC re-establish the family and community SC once was, before Jim and his brigade of degeneracy brought it all down, and make SC GREAT AGAIN.
For those sick of the scourge that plagued this community and hope to see it grow, improve, return to a better time- you can contact me right now about being invited, and as soon as the board opens you will be invited if you are deemed a person of quality or a member of the original SC family. We can do this, folks, and together we will usher in the next brave new era of SC and take back our amazing forum!
(note from delora)- AND we will also be having a new Youtube series starting in august which is a play by play on the shennanigans that go on there. I have been wanting to do this for a while but have found a great opportunity to do so recently! :3


My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 1937
1 votes RE: The Reincarnation of th...

>tfw the newfag doesn't realize I've always been in the community since September 2013



2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: The Reincarnation of th...

Oh I know Jim, I just believe you to be a living scourge.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 1937
1 votes RE: The Reincarnation of th...

Nah you know nothing about the community, evidenced by you thinking it's about intellectual discourse and low tolerance for trolling. Since it's inception in Nabble it's been about vitriolic trolling and mind games, sociopaths trying to beat other sociopaths (or feed on victims).

You're just a clueless newbie who's attempting to gain some sort of power and position in the community without realizing what it stands for and how it works. You're a facebook normie basically

You've made nearly 5 threads about me and countless posts which looks bad on you bro. Hop off my dick and try to learn something about the community first

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
last edit on 4/25/2019 9:01:08 PM
Posts: 507
0 votes RE: The Reincarnation of th...

@BR Did you actually talk to Luna?

last edit on 4/25/2019 8:56:21 PM
Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: The Reincarnation of th...

Inquirer, yes.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: The Reincarnation of th...

Jim, you are a worthless parasite whose opinion means nilch. You betray everyone and ought not to be trusted. I am the roach exterminator and I could not care less about your bullshit macho act.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 1937
0 votes RE: The Reincarnation of th...

Keep fighting to be someone online while everybody else is busy doing something with their lives buddy

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 507
0 votes RE: The Reincarnation of th...

Inquirer, yes.

Luna was pretty clear that she thought the community was rotten and full of bad people and that killing it was good for humanity. Has she had a change of heart?

Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: The Reincarnation of th...



 What are your thoughts on this?

last edit on 4/25/2019 9:39:52 PM
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