Message Turncoat in a DM to get moderator attention

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My final contribution to SC before leaving for good

Posts: 501

The forum is on life support and, frankly, Luna is the only person who can save this place.

However, she will not join any forum that TC is a mod of, given how disloyal TC was to her. She made it very clear. By ruining our relationship with Luna, TC is basically by extension responsible for the inactivity of this forum.

The forum is dead anyway, with no solution at the horizon. I suggest we try one last ditch effort to restart the heart of the forum, by inviting Luna back. To do this, we need to demod TC.

So I'm making a thread to demote TC. Good has stated clearly he will follow the democratic process.

Please vote to give your opinion.

last edit on 3/30/2024 5:18:00 AM
Demod TC
Posts: 1331
0 votes RE: My final contribution to SC before leaving for good

This is genius. I'm in.

Posts: 346
0 votes RE: My final contribution to SC before leaving for good

bruh Luna has said multiple many times that she wanted sociopathcommunity to die,  she has nuked it three plus times now,  plus she could have demodded Turncoat if that was her issue on her version of that forum


Turncoat being a moderator here is not the problem,  plus who would delete all of the awful stuff that used to get spam posted on Luna's versions of sociopathcommunity ??  This forum would probably become pedorapeincestville in a second without Tunrocat remaining mod


are y'all retarded and neaderthalesque dualistic processing thinking creeps  ??  Idkk but pretty sure that Luna is not longing for the attention of three wackjobs that behave as if wacking off qualifies as a job,  fuck this Lmaoo


just joking

just joking



last edit on 3/30/2024 6:09:21 PM
Posts: 501
0 votes RE: My final contribution to SC before leaving for good

 I thought she did demod Turncoat on her forum and TC tried to dox her because of it but ended up being catfished by Luna in the end?

You're saying it like the spam was a problem. I'm first of all not sure if the spam would become a problem on a dead forum if Luna were in charge, at least not until Luna restarted the forum and it flourished again. However, as Luna has repeatedly pointed out, we need to employ high technology like boosting our Google searches. The spammers will drive up the apparent activity of the dead forum, reranking the forum in Google searches as the top 1 result. Under Luna's rule, the sociopath community was popular enough to end up in news articles.

Banning those SC contributors is therefore not necessarily the best course of action.Id say we should consider inviting back people like Dexter and whatshisname (the guy who clung to Jim, cockface or something like that). Luna could come up with innovative solutions to rehabilitate those folks. For Good, when someone presents a stick to him, he sees a stick. When Luna is presented with a stick, she sees a space ship. Good deals with what is, Luna deals with what could be. Let's be fair, many of her ideas didn't work out, but at least she tried. For her, even the sky is not the limit of what she thinks will be possible. I really, genuinely believe Luna will be the only person capable of saving the forum.

And for TC, I realize that this may seem a bit unfair, given how much work he's done for the forum. However, it's just a fact that he drove Luna away, and it is a fact that it resulted in the current state of the matters. Just good intentions are not enough. The simple fact is that Luna is the more competent one. So I would urge for people to vote in favor of what is best for the forum instead of what is the right "reward" for hard work, even if making the right choice for the forum may seem unfair. TC could still be an honorary member of the forum (for example he could receive a tag saying "thanks for the hard work" under his name), and receive our appreciation for years of work, and perhaps have some modding ability, like muting people at his own convenience for 10 minutes a day, if Luna approves. I think she would be willing to entertain some sort of a compromise in return for getting back her forum.

It's a decision between: Do we want TC as the king of a certainly dead forum, or do we want a possibility for this community to flourish in the future? It seems like a no brainer to me.

last edit on 3/31/2024 1:09:23 AM
Posts: 346
0 votes RE: My final contribution to SC before leaving for good

k well like I said Luna has already said many times that she doesn't want to be a part of this version of sociopathcommunity forum,  as she preferred her own version of sociopathcommunity soo how about you ask her to build a website or a section of a website that is your own little special place ??

And didn't you say that you were leaving ??  byee Lmaoo


just joking

just joking



last edit on 4/1/2024 3:20:33 AM
Posts: 480
0 votes RE: My final contribution to SC before leaving for good

Goodbye you wont be missed

Posts: 903
0 votes RE: My final contribution to SC before leaving for good

Something should be done, but won't be. To be honest I don't know how this forum got this many regular users in the first place. It's essentially the void between 4chan, kiwi, and bestgore. Sure was fun being here though, fun times. It'll never be what it once was. 

visceral normality
Posts: 2927
0 votes RE: My final contribution to SC before leaving for good
She said: 

bruh Luna has said multiple many times that she wanted sociopathcommunity to die,  she has nuked it three plus times now,  plus she could have demodded Turncoat if that was her issue on her version of that forum


Turncoat being a moderator here is not the problem,  plus who would delete all of the awful stuff that used to get spam posted on Luna's versions of sociopathcommunity ??  This forum would probably become pedorapeincestville in a second without Tunrocat remaining mod


are y'all retarded and neaderthalesque dualistic processing thinking creeps  ??  Idkk but pretty sure that Luna is not longing for the attention of three wackjobs that behave as if wacking off qualifies as a job,  fuck this Lmaoo


just joking

just joking



 Actually you are completely right. Can't argue with that logic. I may not like turncoat but I'm not going to sit here and pretend what you just said wasn't actually completely true.

🌺🐀 🌺
last edit on 4/5/2024 6:09:02 AM
Posts: 2927
0 votes RE: My final contribution to SC before leaving for good
cx3 said: 

Something should be done, but won't be. To be honest I don't know how this forum got this many regular users in the first place. It's essentially the void between 4chan, kiwi, and bestgore. Sure was fun being here though, fun times. It'll never be what it once was. 

 Dude I fucking love 4chan

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 678
0 votes RE: My final contribution to SC before leaving for good

This forum has always been on life support, and honestly that's probably a good thing. It's pretty swell that many people have grown out of this particular phase in their lives and don't spend as much time invested here. It's fine to visit occasionally and catch up but the whole argue, insult thing every day gets old fast. 

It'll probably pick up again, slow down later on and then we'll have yet another thread like this one only it'll be one of leggas different puppets that will say SC is dying and he's really leaving for good this time, really!(You'll miss him,truly you will!)

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