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0 votes RE: Übermensch: The great Atheistic Gods who will lead us to the Ne...

Regarding Christian statesmen following the 10 commandments, I'm not sure why someone who breaks or doesn't care about the 10 commandments should be considered Christian. Or is the point that everyone is a sinner? I'm saying that if a country wants to call itself Christian, then the country and its leaders should at least be Christian. Whether one calls someone who doesn't follow the 10 commandments a true Christian or not I don't know. But on the just war theory, I agree with you that it is thoroughly uninteresting. I'm sure they have plenty of apologetics regarding wars but honestly I don't care about it either. Let's just agree that Christians can encounter scenarios where they'd be willing to go to war for just reasons.

You're saying that the Christian meekness and humility, and the "inability"  to hurt people is Nietzsche's point? I understand the argument, but I think Nietzsche's analysis is too simplistic and the evidence does not actually support his conclusions. For example, imagine a scenario where there are two men. One of them is willing to hurt the other, the other one will turn their cheek. No doubt Nietzsche would argue that the Christian is at a disadvantage, and he would likely be right. However, this analogy is flawed. Imagine, instead, that you come across two people. You need to work together with one of them to survive. One of them is willing to hurt you and take advantage of you, and the other one will not. Who do you choose to work with?

The point of the reframing is not only that historically Christianity played an instrumental role in producing societies with high levels of trust, but that there are many factors that play a role in answering the question "what makes someone powerful." How do you think a society with eroded levels of trust would fare against one with high levels of trust? There can be multitude of factors that all collectively play a role in making a society powerful. At the end of the day, it is hard to say, so we should look at historical data. Those societies that crumbled no longer exist. If we look at things historically, the societies that came out on top were Christian societies. So while it's certainly debatable if this implies that Christian societies have a significant advantage, it seems at the very least surprising that societies which according to Nietzsche will crumble and be at a disadvantage come out on top, isnt it?

Take for example your order from chaos, I would argue that a country that says they're going to defend themselves by retaliation if they get nuked is one of peace. I would say that Christianity prevents one from standing idly by when those around me are hurt and severe injustice takes place. So I'd say violence is justified in certain scenarios, even in the Christian mindset.

Ps. You're not Christian, huh? But you were, right?

last edit on 3/29/2024 3:36:50 PM
Posts: 4588
0 votes RE: Übermensch: The great Atheistic Gods who will lead us to the Ne...

This makes sense; a society of Christians who are brothers in Christ is going to be more coheisve than a society where some are superior by power, and are considered more moral than those who they subjugate. I was thinking of how Christian morality handles external threats, but I think that misses the point about what Nietzsche was talking about—which society is better considered on its own internal dynamics. It's certainly not a weakness that individuals are held to high standards regarding their treatment of others, if the social group reciprocates.

last edit on 3/31/2024 4:38:20 AM
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