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To emily

Posts: 2927

You have been talking about microdosing on shrooms and psychedelics ect. And for many people, this can be a good thing. 

However, it is only good for those for whom is it suitable. 

Anyone who struggles with delusions, schizophrenia or schizophrenic like symptoms, fits of hysteria ect, are not fit for these things because it can make the person worse and develop schizophrenia or worse schizophrenia. 

But I am not here to shut you down, but guide you in a better direction. 

I think that something to get high off of for you that wouldn't worsen your symptoms and struggles would be the occasional kava root tea, of maybe before bed an occasional tea of passion flower, lavender, ginger, tumeric, and mugwort.  This will give you fun and exciting dreams but not be as much of a risk to your health and your well being. 

You have been doing well by communicating with your doctor and exploring medication as an option with them. 

Make sure that whatever herbs you try herbs are medicine to and might not be compatible with your medication, and do your research. 

I can help you do that research if you are open to sharing what medication you take, how much of it, and how frequently. 

You can also learn to practice deep meditation, as that can have a lot of the same effects of these substances you have been talking about but more in the long term, although it does require a lot of discipline anything worth it typically does. 

This way, you can find assistance in self improvement and enlightenment that you are looking for, instead of sacrificing your mental health.

What works for me are the occasional thought exercises especially when I fin myself in states of high emotion. 

Take a deep breath and pause as you exercise deep breathing and ask yourself

Is this rational? Is this helpful? And does this actually make sense? Does it align with reality? Because the best way to improve your reality is to try to understand what your reality is. 

On a side note do not forget to let thy food be thy medicine and eat a healthy diet with appropriate fat and calories discussed with your doctor, as it is extremely important to all of these things and none of my advice works nearly as well if at all if you do not have proper eating and exercise.

Thank you for reading 😊

🌺🐀 🌺
last edit on 9/2/2023 6:42:46 PM
Posts: 346
0 votes RE: To emily

Yeah I am a heyoka empath aka a superempath and a sacred clown and a holy fool and part of how I heal is being an example of what not to do,  because see now you have put information out there that might be beneficial for other people and I appreciate you trying to help and support other people  :)🤍🕊🎉

I often challenge social conventions and do the opposite of social conventions in many ways-  And I do not use those substances and I am sober as can be although I personally advise that microdosing those substances is safe for anyone no matter who they are or how they process information as long as it is under the care of a psychiatrist,  and I do not take any sort of antipsychotic and soo on,  and I am in deep meditation very very often in fact I am always in meditation because I am in between both this physical realm and the spiritual realm all of the time-  I have spiritual divine authority and I do not really take advice or guidance from other people-  mostly I give it because I am a Leader and the most powerful type of healer that exists in humanity and not a follower



last edit on 9/2/2023 7:05:45 PM
Posts: 2927
0 votes RE: To emily
She said: 

Yeah I am a heyoka empath aka a superempath and a sacred clown and a holy fool and part of how I heal is being an example of what not to do,  because see now you have put information out there that might be beneficial for other people and I appreciate you trying to help and support other people  :)🤍🕊🎉

I mean technically you are saying that a person with your personality type is a good reason to self harm. 

I often challenge social conventions and do the opposite of social conventions in many ways-  And I do not use those substances and I am sober as can be and I do not take any sort of antipsychotic and soo on,  and I am in deep meditation very very often in fact I am always in meditation because I am in between both this physical realm and the spiritual realm all of the time-  I have spiritual divine authority and I do not really take advice or guidance from other people-  mostly I give it because I am a Leader and the most powerful type of healer that exists in humanity and not a follower

 It isn't about social convention but rather about doing what is healthiest for you and your body. 

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 346
0 votes RE: To emily
Delora said: 
She said: 

Yeah I am a heyoka empath aka a superempath and a sacred clown and a holy fool and part of how I heal is being an example of what not to do,  because see now you have put information out there that might be beneficial for other people and I appreciate you trying to help and support other people  :)🤍🕊🎉

I mean technically you are saying that a person with your personality type is a good reason to self harm. 

I often challenge social conventions and do the opposite of social conventions in many ways-  And I do not use those substances and I am sober as can be and I do not take any sort of antipsychotic and soo on,  and I am in deep meditation very very often in fact I am always in meditation because I am in between both this physical realm and the spiritual realm all of the time-  I have spiritual divine authority and I do not really take advice or guidance from other people-  mostly I give it because I am a Leader and the most powerful type of healer that exists in humanity and not a follower

 It isn't about social convention but rather about doing what is healthiest for you and your body. 


there are articles online about heyoka empaths being gluttons to represent the greed of their society-  This is also a divergent from social norms


Because the society I was raised in is the the greediest ever really like the epitome of greed-  of course I would be a glutton  maybe if I was born into an indiginous tribe 1000s of years ago not so much


Additionally,  I am still healing from past trauma.  people recovering from c ptsd tend to turn to food for comfort



last edit on 9/2/2023 8:54:00 PM
Posts: 2927
0 votes RE: To emily
She said: 
Delora said: 
She said: 

Yeah I am a heyoka empath aka a superempath and a sacred clown and a holy fool and part of how I heal is being an example of what not to do,  because see now you have put information out there that might be beneficial for other people and I appreciate you trying to help and support other people  :)🤍🕊🎉

I mean technically you are saying that a person with your personality type is a good reason to self harm. 

I often challenge social conventions and do the opposite of social conventions in many ways-  And I do not use those substances and I am sober as can be and I do not take any sort of antipsychotic and soo on,  and I am in deep meditation very very often in fact I am always in meditation because I am in between both this physical realm and the spiritual realm all of the time-  I have spiritual divine authority and I do not really take advice or guidance from other people-  mostly I give it because I am a Leader and the most powerful type of healer that exists in humanity and not a follower

 It isn't about social convention but rather about doing what is healthiest for you and your body. 


there are articles online about heyoka empaths being gluttons to represent the greed of their society-  This is also a divergent from social norms


Because the society I was raised in is the the greediest ever really like the epitome of greed-  of course I would be a glutton  maybe if I was born into an indiginous tribe 1000s of years ago not so much


Additionally,  I am still healing from past trauma.  people recovering from c ptsd tend to turn to food for comfort



 If you want to heal from past trauma and be a better empath and be more helpful to the world, I am certain taking this advice would help you in your endeavors 

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 346
0 votes RE: To emily
Delora said: 
She said: 
Delora said: 

I mean technically you are saying that a person with your personality type is a good reason to self harm. 

 It isn't about social convention but rather about doing what is healthiest for you and your body. 


there are articles online about heyoka empaths being gluttons to represent the greed of their society-  This is also a divergent from social norms


Because the society I was raised in is the the greediest ever really like the epitome of greed-  of course I would be a glutton  maybe if I was born into an indiginous tribe 1000s of years ago not so much


Additionally,  I am still healing from past trauma.  people recovering from c ptsd tend to turn to food for comfort



 If you want to heal from past trauma and be a better empath and be more helpful to the world, I am certain taking this advice would help you in your endeavors 


Lmfao,  I am already an amazing heyoka empath and I am naturally healing everything in existence with every breath that I take as I am a natural transmuter and transformer of energies not in alignment with the qualities of the divine primal primordial lifeforce energy such as unconditional love,  peace,  compassion and soo on and soo I'm not interested  :)


unconditional Love is not about what you do



last edit on 9/2/2023 10:45:50 PM
Posts: 2927
0 votes RE: To emily
She said: 
Delora said: 
She said: 


there are articles online about heyoka empaths being gluttons to represent the greed of their society-  This is also a divergent from social norms


Because the society I was raised in is the the greediest ever really like the epitome of greed-  of course I would be a glutton  maybe if I was born into an indiginous tribe 1000s of years ago not so much


Additionally,  I am still healing from past trauma.  people recovering from c ptsd tend to turn to food for comfort



 If you want to heal from past trauma and be a better empath and be more helpful to the world, I am certain taking this advice would help you in your endeavors 


Lmfao,  I am already an amazing heyoka empath and I am naturally healing everything in existence with every breath that I take as I am a natural transmuter and transformer of energies soo I'm not interested  :)



 Look, I am not attacking you. Everyone has problems and everyone needs an outside perspective.

Did you take your medication today?

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 346
0 votes RE: To emily
Delora said: 
She said: 
Delora said: 

 If you want to heal from past trauma and be a better empath and be more helpful to the world, I am certain taking this advice would help you in your endeavors 


Lmfao,  I am already an amazing heyoka empath and I am naturally healing everything in existence with every breath that I take as I am a natural transmuter and transformer of energies soo I'm not interested  :)



 Look, I am not attacking you. Everyone has problems and everyone needs an outside perspective.

Did you take your medication today?



She said: 
Delora said: 
She said: 


there are articles online about heyoka empaths being gluttons to represent the greed of their society-  This is also a divergent from social norms


Because the society I was raised in is the the greediest ever really like the epitome of greed-  of course I would be a glutton  maybe if I was born into an indiginous tribe 1000s of years ago not so much


Additionally,  I am still healing from past trauma.  people recovering from c ptsd tend to turn to food for comfort



 If you want to heal from past trauma and be a better empath and be more helpful to the world, I am certain taking this advice would help you in your endeavors 


Lmfao,  I am already an amazing heyoka empath and I am naturally healing everything in existence with every breath that I take as I am a natural transmuter and transformer of energies not in alignment with the qualities of the divine primal primordial lifeforce energy such as unconditional love,  peace,  compassion and soo on and soo I'm not interested  :)


unconditional Love is not about what you do







last edit on 9/2/2023 10:47:27 PM
Posts: 346
0 votes RE: To emily

just breathe.  just be.  I am,  and that is all that I desire to to do or be



Posts: 346
0 votes RE: To emily

shhhhhhhhhhhh.  quiet your mind.  be still and know that I am God and that I am One, and that you are ultimately a part of me



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