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Creating a new open-source Forum using GitHUB

Posts: 507

Hi longtime SC members.

I am a little bored and miss programming, so I purchased 

My hope is that the community can go back to how it used to be, where we were all involved in the ups and downs of development of SC, where everyone got to suggest new ideas and influence the direction of the site.

I do not wish to replace this site since the name is 100% different, but rather to add another website to the list of sites this community visits.

I set the index.html page to draw code from 

As you can see it works, and I believe I can use this method to allow all HTML and PHP pages to be coded on GitHU
B, and then imported to the website prior to loading of the page.

I think this could be a way to crowd-source code, and to ensure the code is trustworthy.

The website is just a homepage right now. You guys are welcome to submit changes to the code. I will ensure the changes seem okay, and then merge them in if so.

Let us use this thread to discuss the ongoing development of this public software, and issues we have with it etc.

The project is located at 



last edit on 7/5/2023 1:56:05 AM
Posts: 507
0 votes RE: Creating a new open-source Forum using GitHUB

Before we add more pages, I propose those who are interested in participating in this project start with the home-page design. The Home-Page will set the vibe for the rest of the website, and will set the stage of other systems. I think there is a lot of opportunity for contribution to the HTML and CSS, and these are contributions even the least technical should be able to figure out.

Once the home-page looks okay, I will add a Registration and Login page, and later on, the forum threads design itself

The home page can be edited at and viewed at 

last edit on 7/5/2023 3:48:21 AM
Posts: 201
0 votes RE: Creating a new open-source Forum using GitHUB

I can't code.

Posts: 507
0 votes RE: Creating a new open-source Forum using GitHUB

This is a great chance to learn. Submit your questions to and the AI will get you sorted. 

You can even give the AI your code, and ask it to make modifications. Try it out!

Posts: 2835
0 votes RE: Creating a new open-source Forum using GitHUB

Idk how coding shit works but why would someone would want to put in any work knowing that you'll throw a tantrum and delete/make the shit inaccessible? Idk looney, seems like a waste of time 

Posts: 507
0 votes RE: Creating a new open-source Forum using GitHUB

can someone help me fix the top nav bar? the register button wont go up to the right of the login button. It keeps overflowing to the next line and ruining the design

Posts: 201
0 votes RE: Creating a new open-source Forum using GitHUB

Posted Image

Posts: 201
0 votes RE: Creating a new open-source Forum using GitHUB

chat could be a little higher. never cared for the curtain style chat here, feels too theatrical.

last edit on 7/5/2023 12:48:29 PM
Posts: 160
0 votes RE: Creating a new open-source Forum using GitHUB

Hi longtime SC members.

I am a little bored and miss programming, so I purchased 

My hope is that the community can go back to how it used to be, where we were all involved in the ups and downs of development of SC, where everyone got to suggest new ideas and influence the direction of the site.

I do not wish to replace this site since the name is 100% different, but rather to add another website to the list of sites this community visits.

I set the index.html page to draw code from 

As you can see it works, and I believe I can use this method to allow all HTML and PHP pages to be coded on GitHU
B, and then imported to the website prior to loading of the page.

I think this could be a way to crowd-source code, and to ensure the code is trustworthy.

The website is just a homepage right now. You guys are welcome to submit changes to the code. I will ensure the changes seem okay, and then merge them in if so.

Let us use this thread to discuss the ongoing development of this public software, and issues we have with it etc.

The project is located at 



If you want to win others over to your side, you have to offer them something they can't get from here.

Having your site as opensource and allowing contributions are a step in the right direction but not enough. There has to be a better and more direct benefit.

You also tried to appeal emotionally, giving them a sense of importance by addressing 'longtime' members specifically. You know a new member (if this site had any) would try your site too without taking it personally. In other words, there was nothing to lose for the choice of words. Bravo.

Claiming you don't intend to replace the site is another good move. Starting small and building your way up is essential with anything. Prioritizing getting a foothold is the way.

I could tell you what changes you could make to win members over but I won't. I want this community to die and helping you would be akin to shooting myself in the foot. The only reason I'm telling you this is to keep things entertaining. If you manage to figure it out on your own, you deserve it.

last edit on 7/5/2023 8:49:37 PM
Posts: 132
0 votes RE: Creating a new open-source Forum using GitHUB

why do you want this "community to die"? did someone get to you?

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