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Delora's journal

Posts: 2918

Probably gonna forget this post and let it die cus I'm to lazy to write. 

> Spent the morning writing songs tweaking my stream for Sunday which is sc movie night and drawing fat ass baby unicorns and ponies and shit for fluffy community.

>Husband says he's hungry. 

>I start making soup out of various leftovers

>Client suddenly wants me to install windows in their shed while I'm in the middle of making soup 

>Extremely last minute but the pay is good so I decide I'm in. 

>Starts panicking trying to find containers to put the f@cking soup in while getting my husband a bowl he ended up eating three bowls while I was running around the house looking for a container 

>None of the containers are clean enough and my ride is waiting for me

>Neighbor swoops in and saves the day with actually clean Tupperwares saying she owed me a solid, god she's cool. I was able to barely fit all the soup in. I guess my husbands stomach was the extra container thank God.

>Throw on my noise cancelling headphones and sunglasses, almost didn't find my fidget spinner. I decided looking wasn't worth it but I realized it was in my pocket the entire time. 

>I get there and manage to install like one window. The client wants me to come to his party says guests will like me and I should sing/play an instrument. Says he has a shit ton of instruments. 

> I can hear people in the distance. I'd rather install windows. Fixing these fucked up windows seems far better to me than going to a loud party full of people. I literally already did jazz club this month idk if I have the energy FUCK

> client really. Really. Really. Wants me to go. Says I will get the pay I was promised even if I don't finish the windows as long as I leave now and go. I explain I only did one window client says it's okay I didn't have enough time to finish anyway - 

> Sigh. Guess the real reason I'm being payed is to sing at this party. 

>Audience is a bunch of hippies so I make a song about talking trees and shit. They love it. 

> Was a pot luck. Luckily despite my religion I could eat there because the entire potluck was vegan. Client had a bowl of fruit ready for me to "give" to the potluck I can't help but feel this was pre planned 

> Client gets drunk and was my ride home from work. 

> I'm overwhelmed by noise. 

> so loud

> So many people 

> So much noise 

> Even the smells of food are to much 

>So. So fucking loud. 

> Help

> A woman comes up to me telling me I seem stressed and asks if I need a cupcake. I tell her I need to first organize a ride home before I think about food. She says I should just take the cupcake. I call a neighbor and that neighbor is one I did some favors for before so she (this is different than the other neighbor previously mentioned) she decides to give me a ride THANK YOU. 

>says she will swing by in two hours. 

> I start chowing down on my cupcake while waiting. 

> Cupcake is good. Suddenly I am feeling way less stressed and a lot better at the party, I even start dancing, although my dancing sucked and I fell to the floor. I was having extremely strong cravings for another cupcake. 

>Eats another. 

>Realizes I feel weird

>Decides to have lemonade. 

> Lemonade was infused with weed or some shit 

>Now I realize I am fucking high off the lemonade or so I think. I panic and someone tells me that I should eat more in order to make the high feeling go away. 

>Eats another cupcake. 

 Lemonade wasn't the only thing with weed oil in it. 

>When life gives you lemons don't trust that shit

>My ride picks me up thank god

> Husband is confused that I'm this stoned. 

> He is also stoned. 

> We ate all the soup leftovers. 

Moral of the story, don't trust people that try to push you to do things that make you uncomfortable or drop you on things last minute. If someone is pushy or drops something last minute don't trust that shit. That person doesn't give a fuck about you. Also hippie vegan potlucks are apparently very likely to be laced with weed.

Also moral of the story: I am a fucking idiot who needs to not rely on other fucking idiots and put myself in a situation like that. 

Although I was cash apped the money I was owed and now I have 85$ so that's good. and a plate of potluck food. A plate I threw away because FUCK THAT. What if it was laced with something worse I don't know what the fuck is in the shit? 

Never making this dumb mistake again.

The end.



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Posts: 2918
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Someone broke into my neighbors room and killed her kitten and opened her window wtf. Can't help but mention that. She just told me.

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Posts: 33586
0 votes RE: Delora's journal
Delora said: 

Someone broke into my neighbors room and killed her kitten and opened her window wtf. Can't help but mention that. She just told me.

Wait what? 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 2918
0 votes RE: Delora's journal
Delora said: 

Someone broke into my neighbors room and killed her kitten and opened her window wtf. Can't help but mention that. She just told me.

Wait what? 

 Yeah I know that's so fucking insane! She just told me like after I wrote all that! Like they killed one of her newborn kittens and they opened her fucking window 

🌺🐀 🌺
Posts: 2918
0 votes RE: Delora's journal

diary of the day is even weirder than the fucking last somehow. this is an extension of something that happened yesterday

"Someone broke into my neighbors room and killed her kitten and opened her window wtf. Can't help but mention that. She just told me."

>  now that we have a storyline I'm going to call this neighbor lady rose.  

> lady rose starts freaking out. she claims her kitten that was killed, which is a kitten her and i prayed for that she would get a rare valuable kitten so she could come by some money, the prayer was my idea i regret it. apparently, the prayer worked and she got a 100% pure black cat which apparently purely black like this one was and is very rare and worth 400 to 500$ for a kitten. all other kittens were orange tom cats. 

>lady rose starts screaming randomly today claiming that our other neighbor, who i will call him sir Ivan, well lady rose starts screaming that sir ivan broke into her room and closed and locker her window and killed her special cat by touching/holding it (its newborn) before it had a developed immune system apparently. well i dont think he actually did that. i told her maybe she closed the window and forgot or her daughter did, and that cats have multiple cats in a litter anyway, because some are sadly bound to die at least one is, and that it was just unlucky the black cat died. also im not going to mention this but i saw her touching the kittens herself at some point so honestly maybe she caused the kitten to die? but im not going to say that. so she kept insisting and insisting the neighbor did it so i decided to back off. i dont know if i should warn him, or stay out of the situation. however i think poor sir ivan already knows that lady rose is accusing him. 

>so anyway, this is where shit starts getting weirder 

> she starts screaming that i need to call the police on her behalf because she is going to kill somebody. but my husband and i were the only people home at the time so who the fuck was she going to kill? 

>she is knocking on our door now asking us to call the police on her. but police in our area dont do shit and if i call the police on this woman even if she is requesting it it might piss her off more. then her 16 year old daughter (oh god) who im going to call princess, i really like her, sweet kid. but anyway her daughter starts knocking on my door asking me to call the police on her mom saying her mom asked her, princess to ask me to call the cops on lady rose. and i, do not want to be involved but i am worried about the safety of the kid and so i offer that she can come with us and we will be in the garden if she needs us, and i ask her if she wants us to have her come and we can lend her our cell phone so she herself can call the police. the daughter says no. so i called the daughters uncle, aka lady marys brother, explaining the situation and the brother said he was going to pick up princess. 

so we book it with the excuse i have to test my stream for the sc movie night again and i go over to where the internet connection is good down the street at our house garden, and im chilling there just testing the stream. i give her one last invitation to come with us she declines.

so princess (the daughter) comes up to us in the garden while im testing the stream, and when i first see her i wave hello because im thinking maybe she decided to wait with us until her uncle comes. but actually shes saying the mom, lady rose wants us to come back to the house. she says the police already came and went and so did her uncle.

i said no but thank you. made an excuse im still doing streaming stuff for my "secret club."

so, now i go back home tonight and i find her dead kitten in our freezer, mind you we have two freezers and a set rule about how she should TRY putting meats in the one freezer and all meat should be in containers, or a ziplock or just something plastic or glass and SEALED. and also im jewish. so this is part of it.


i end up finding this dead cat in our fucking VEGETABLE freezer not even the meat one with no container. the previous day i just told her about doing the same thing with fucking pork and now she did it again but this time with a DEAD CAT.

i try telling lady rose this is NOT okay and lady rose starts arguing with me. 

i smile and remain friendly because this woman is insane and i am fucking terrified of pissing her off at this point.

i make her move it anyway and i spray disinfectant on all my vegetables which i keep tightly wrapped and frozen in containers. 

but i still due to karaite jewish religious adherence ended up having to throw a lot away...

princess comes to me while doing this and whispers "i am so sorry" to me and i put my hand on her shoulder and smile at her whispering back its not her fault. 

the fucking end for now.


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last edit on 3/24/2023 6:55:32 AM
Posts: 2918
0 votes RE: Delora's journal

update: lady rose is now insisting her brother, the uncle of princess, is demon possessed. 

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Posts: 2918
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woke up this morning, caught some bug specimens and looked at them under my microscope. played virtual piano and worked on some art. wrote some poems and took notes in my organic farming/gardening book on aquaponics. ate some tuna and vegetables for breakfast. am nervous about the stream on sunday. am about to run another test. 

pjut daily aloe mask on my face

did some vocal warm ups for the day which i find help me because i talk SO MUCH SO FAST irl and sing to every day

getting ready for my two mile walk to the bus stop. 

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last edit on 3/24/2023 5:42:39 PM
Posts: 2918
0 votes RE: Delora's journal


picked up some trash and cleaned up the park, picked up some cans to sell for recycling. <3


went to the cafe and retested the stream for movie night AGAIN. <3


worked on my sc movie night surprise. <3

got some presents in the mail for my grandma i'm sending her. <3


lady rose was very peaceful and kind today. <3


a christian friend tried to get me to go to a "jewish" dinner at a christian church but none of the food is actually kosher and i dont worship Jesus but only the one and only god so i politely thanked my friend but also declined. 


bought groceries to prepare for shabbos. <3


nervous and excited for sc movie night and i have a surprise for everyone that night i hope they like it <3


waiting for the bus <3


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last edit on 3/25/2023 3:09:36 AM
Posts: 2918
0 votes RE: Delora's journal

💕Public Bus broke down. Looks like I'll be walking home in the woods in the dark for two miles since it's so late.💕

💕It will be good for toughing me up I am a spoiled American and I am aware that children all over the world have harder and scarier journeys just to get to school and back. I need to remain thankful and thank hashem for his mercy and kindness and his many blessings.💕

💕It is forbidden to carry goods on shabbos which begins tonight at sunset so I will try my best to hurry home. If not I will pray and fast and ask for god's forgiveness. However I know God is lenient in emergency situations such as this.💕

💕The public bus does not care about the people though, the replacement bus driver came early and knows we all have to walk through the woods and kept saying "I don't have to leave til five!" While various people questioned him. I decided to keep my mouth shut. I have miniature portable cart full of groceries and I'd much rather focus on making sure I get that home. Arguing with the driver won't do anything but cause contempt. 💕


💕The only real danger on the way home in the ohia forest are the wild boar and wild dogs but as long as I sing on the way home they should be afraid of the human noise and stay away. The singing will also keep me from being scared. It's a good thing I'm walking home with my husband br. Thank you br. Such a good man.💕

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last edit on 3/25/2023 3:08:19 AM
Posts: 2918
0 votes RE: Delora's journal

Sometimes I am so amazed that I am not longer in a white room with nothing. 


Every raindrop every piece of grass anything that isn't an endless white 


It makes me grateful for every moment that I am free and have independence and choice. Even when things go wrong. Even when I'm upset and losing my shit a part of me smiles.


In a way this is a strange sort of dissociative but pleasant form

 of perpetual mild insanity.  🐀💕🌺💕🌺💕🌺💕🌺💕🐀



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last edit on 3/25/2023 3:24:20 AM
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