Time and example is what will really show that, I guess. 🤷
The other half of the family loves and accepts her he even has a gay uncle on that side and that side of the family is biracial as well.
Im not going to get into all that but you even ignored things br said to you directly but I will not open that can of worms it's over anyway we have been through the ringer on this and all I really want is peace with you.
All I know is he came to me talking about how much he fucking hated it, and discussed how people in the fam would respond to your antics (the ones you are ignoring) while feeling powerless to stop you.
There are a lot of things about that time and a lot of missing context. I can't properly defend myself here without dragging br through the mud, and we are over that part of our lives and I refuse to do so.
You clearly struggle with empathy, this kind of thing doesn't usually need explaining to people.Autism. It is a factor in my psyche I must accept and always work with. It's a part of myself and one I admit I have romanticized to cope. Of course I need to improve on my empathy it is harder for me to be cognitively empathetic. Not emotionally empathetic, however. My dear husband of course has the same struggle as myself. Luckily we are doing so much better now.
I already said, I may be a prankster, but I have MORALS.
So you're just pranking Emily right now?
Not a witch hunter because I only do things when I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW what they did, and it has to be REALLY BAD.
It's the witch hunt mindset for exactly how and why I said it.
Wow you have a lot wrong going on here. A lot. I would suggest you leave my husband alone, I am not 22 anymore I get VERY VERY defensive about my husband. VERY MUCH SO. Don't screw with my husband here. I respect you very much despite some things in our past but I do have BOUNDARIES, turncoat and I must set them.
It's not wrong, I was there, and he did look awkward while keeping his mouth shut as you ranted and raved about Tryp and how we needed to 'get back at him' when that chapter between he and I had been long closed.
We can agree to disagree then.
No lol, I was cool with tryp back then. I think you are combining what I said on sc at one point vs what I actually said in person down the line.
I was there, I listened to every word and judged you for them.
In all fairness you tend to misunderstand what others are saying and judge them for it quite a bit.
I don't think people understand I am actually over tryp. I had multiple chances to visit him in person, and br was the one suggesting it, and I said "maybe later" every time. If I were that absolutely OBSESSED I would have visited. I even had chances before br to get with tryp that I did not take at one point. If I still cared to the degree you are implying about tryp in such a way, I would have visited TRYP and NOT BR in Ohio wouldn't I have? But I didn't. Because I am not as obsessed as is implied or really at all, and I LOVE br.
None of that has to do with your revenge scheming, nor how similar in nature it appears to how you are treating the Emily case.
Not so. Also I didn't accuse tryp of anything THIS severe did I?
Now that you are reduced to lying to my face you make me stuck taking Turquie's side that much more.I am not lying. We can agree to disagree though.
he's trying to make you 'drag br's name through the mud' so he can offer a sympathetic ear and try to suck his dick 'oh br i can't believe she exposed u like that!'. he will never, ever stop trying to fuck br and trying to cause issues between the two of you.
well done for not taking the bait, you're officially smarter than tony lol
I'm not lying tc what I am saying is genuinely my honest perspective. We are just starting to get along more. You can opt out of the Emily fight if you want it's okay, but please I actually like you and I don't want to rip away the unspoken truce we have.
I took quite the break from SC so I could come back as less of a crazed lunatic and rethink some things. Although in my absence I did realize I have a lot of anger that I take out on other things, and one of the genuine roots of that anger is in fact many of the things that happened to me in the hands of Emily.
I don't recall everything about that day you and I met, but I know I love and did at the time love br immensely, and I know that I CAN lack empathy and I am trying to improve. What's important is I at least have the self awareness to TRY. I was a young stupid girl back then, give me some time to evolve I'm 24 and I feel it's time I grow up regardless of he said she said about the past.
The Emily thing is simply different due to the severity.
Those tryp things? Silly bullshit on both my part and his, who cares anymore?
And yes, I know I can vengeful and I can be quite sadistic at times if provoked by something enough, I am well aware. That much we can agree on?
Please don't be upset with me, I am being as honest as I can with you from my perspective. I am being quite sincere and I seek diplomacy with you.
Please tc please, I really would like to get along? Please don't be upset with me.
I think there is a lot of misunderstanding between you and I, give me a bit of a chance here upon my return to SC and you will find I just MIGHT surprise you.
stop trying to be his friend, he only knows how to manipulate females and try to suck dudes dicks. he has really high standards of morality for females (usually vulnerable ones) and when a guy abuses him he just wants their dick even more.
I suppose that Tony must have said one thing to me in one thread, and another thing to you all in another thread, because in the thread that I read he agreed with me that I was never interested in this person and wanted this person to stop posting violent sexual stuff about me and stop posting that I am this person's girlfriend because I never was and this person was trying to blur the lines between girl friends and girlfriends as a way to predate on myself
Nah I wouldn't do that.
I think only I can fix this and there's only 1 way to resolve this where both of them will be happy.
She drags you through the fucking mud like a scapegoat dude, it's like when she tried acting like you want a threesome
I was just going to say a threesome would fix this. 😶
Nah I wouldn't do that.
I think only I can fix this and there's only 1 way to resolve this where both of them will be happy.
She drags you through the fucking mud like a scapegoat dude, it's like when she tried acting like you want a threesome
I was just going to say a threesome would fix this. 😶
I am a married woman and also what the fuck tony well I guess she was telling the fucking truth on that one then
She drags you through the fucking mud like a scapegoat dude, it's like when she tried acting like you want a threesome
I was just going to say a threesome would fix this. 😶
I am a married woman and also what the fuck tony well I guess she was telling the fucking truth on that one then
literally trying to get rejected by every woman on here lmao
cs was the lowest of the low though, his ego must be in tatters