It does suck that you get limitations and obstacles that others didn't have to deal with. For example if you grow up without a parental figure, usually you end up socially fucked in some way. Some lose those close to them early on to death, and it makes it more difficult for them to handle things. Not everyone gets to grow up on some island in Italy, and furthermore when you grow up elsewhere there's usually some genetic baggage that locks people into certain environments. It's not fair, but it's also not the fault of the person who got a better dice roll on where they were born and to who.
yeah I think that I need to accept that everyone is on their own unique different life path and to forgive them and accept forgiveness for myself and to let go of trying to control anyone else and let God be in control and not myself
I release this burden and responsibility of feeling like other people who have not done shadow work are cheating to God to take care of
and yeah sometimes life at least appears to be unfair and unjust and I do not know all of the reasons why it appears that way or if it is that way even from a more expansive perspective
Emphasize what you're good at, don't worry about how others are more lucky in some ways. That's my 2 cents, I can be mad all day about how I was born poor, but after a certain point it's just emotional masturbation.
Healthy attitude. Can you help me too lol I hate being a former only child and lately I would sooner kill myself than outlive my parents