and idk how to stop thinking that I was stupid for not respecting the earth and people
I was raised around people with a lot of subconscious hate and disrespect for themselves and other people and the earth in their subconscious that I picked up on even though most of them are blissfully unaware of their own subconscious because most people do not do shadow work and then I absorbed it became like them too except for I was conscious of it and so it did not look like the typical blissful narcissism of modern society
but now I feel stupid and I feel like other people are stupid too because I see through to their subconscious stuff and I do not want to be like them anymore I want to be self aware and compassionate and respectful of other people and the earth
but idk how to stop feeling so stupid and resenting humanity for the majority of them not doing shadow work and not actually coming to an understanding of themselves like I had to do and am still having to do
I do not want to see people this way but it is super difficult not to because I am in this world and the spirit world at the same time and I have been all of my life
I want to respect them but I am struggling to respect their lack of self-awareness like being unself-aware just looks like stupidity from my perspective how do I have a perspective shift because I feel soo annoyed and frustrated with humanity
and I feel frustrated at them that I did not do my own shadow work sooner because I was not raised in a culture that practices this as a regular practice
how do I accept all of the blissful narcissistic self and other people hatred that I pick up on so often ? I am willing to try I just do not know how