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-1 votes RE: the four hottest men
Good said: 

a human trafficker, a scammer, a funny narc, and an insane black nazi

they should join SC

 Freaking hilarious 🤣 

Posts: 54
-1 votes RE: the four hottest men
Allure said: 

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Posts: 427
0 votes RE: the four hottest men
Lenalee said: 
Hawk said:

The man says lift, work hard, do what you're supposed to do, don't do drugs, find a good woman, put down the video games, be valuable. But that isn't faggotry, that masculinity which is supposed to be toxic. Schools these days are about queer and BLM. Degeneracy over what matters and what's important to us all. 

 Man said find a good woman and pimp her out on the internet to make income. He said himself that none of his gfs had been in the adult entertainment industry until they met him.

So then isn't he the one taking good women and making them "damaged"? Is he not just introducing them to sex work and then taking 50% of what they make, somewhat similar to what pimps would do? 

In addition to pimping his gfs out, he's also trying to be some sort of guru mentor to men by selling his hustler university or his PhD program thing- which again he's still getting men's money from the camgirls and from men trying to "have live better & values" who buy into the programs he claims will help them while he's apart of the adult entertainment industry that keep men captivated/addicted and warping their view of women.

Like he's identified that he can use women for his business but he has to pay them something for them to keep doing it, which is still sex trafficking by the way, but he's also identified men as being the source where he could take all their money and give them nothing in return except empty words. Maybe a weird mentor/father figure.

Just really weird for someone like to claim to be able to see the programming or whatever, to not be able to see the really basic shit because you hero worship this dude.  

 I read 2 paragraphs.

Prostitution is illegal, while live cams of women masturbating is not.

He gathered 5 girlfriends, 3 left 2 stayed and they made money and built a cam site and made millions. His girls were well paid, some of them 50k a month which is insane in Romania.  

Tate fired one of his workers for being a prostitute. Even he has standards. 

I don't really consider your opinion tbh.





Look at them victims.

Posts: 2835
1 votes RE: the four hottest men
Hawk said: 
Lenalee said: 
Hawk said:

The man says lift, work hard, do what you're supposed to do, don't do drugs, find a good woman, put down the video games, be valuable. But that isn't faggotry, that masculinity which is supposed to be toxic. Schools these days are about queer and BLM. Degeneracy over what matters and what's important to us all. 

 Man said find a good woman and pimp her out on the internet to make income. He said himself that none of his gfs had been in the adult entertainment industry until they met him.

So then isn't he the one taking good women and making them "damaged"? Is he not just introducing them to sex work and then taking 50% of what they make, somewhat similar to what pimps would do? 

In addition to pimping his gfs out, he's also trying to be some sort of guru mentor to men by selling his hustler university or his PhD program thing- which again he's still getting men's money from the camgirls and from men trying to "have live better & values" who buy into the programs he claims will help them while he's apart of the adult entertainment industry that keep men captivated/addicted and warping their view of women.

Like he's identified that he can use women for his business but he has to pay them something for them to keep doing it, which is still sex trafficking by the way, but he's also identified men as being the source where he could take all their money and give them nothing in return except empty words. Maybe a weird mentor/father figure.

Just really weird for someone like to claim to be able to see the programming or whatever, to not be able to see the really basic shit because you hero worship this dude.  

 I read 2 paragraphs.

Prostitution is illegal, while live cams of women masturbating is not.

He gathered 5 girlfriends, 3 left 2 stayed and they made money and built a cam site and made millions. His girls were well paid, some of them 50k a month which is insane in Romania.  

Tate fired one of his workers for being a prostitute. Even he has standards. 

I don't really consider your opinion tbh.





Look at them victims.

 Yes, yes, people not agreeing with you are brainwashed and whatever


Posted Image

 You don't have to answer, your delusional rambling is sad.

Posts: 32850
0 votes RE: the four hottest men
Hawk said: 

 I read 2 paragraphs.

Weirdest brag, doesn't stop being weird every time it happens. 

Plus Trypt. You're low IQ. Too much drinking has damaged you. So you're easily brainwashed like a liberal, I can see that.

This is not a direction I thought you'd Ad Hom, woah. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 1/31/2023 6:33:26 AM
Posts: 4370
0 votes RE: the four hottest men

Ironically out of everyone here, I probably have the most positive opinion of the four guys in the OP of anyone else here aside from Spatial. I just think it's not good to be so down for people that they can do no wrong. I will still say Tate has good advice on women and self-improvement even if he turned out to be a rapist.

last edit on 1/31/2023 6:55:32 AM
Posts: 3965
-1 votes RE: the four hottest men
Hawk said:

The man says lift, work hard, do what you're supposed to do, don't do drugs, find a good woman, put down the video games, be valuable. But that isn't faggotry, that masculinity which is supposed to be toxic. Schools these days are about queer and BLM. Degeneracy over what matters and what's important to us all. 

 yet you defend pedophiles constantly. make it make sense


Spatial Mind said:
New evidence won't convince me at this point.

So nothing would convince you at this point other than if Andrew Tate himself said he was guilty?

 lmao as if that would convince him, he'd be like 'they're making him say it/the video is faked'

Posts: 427
0 votes RE: the four hottest men

Ironically out of everyone here, I probably have the most positive opinion of the four guys in the OP of anyone else here aside from Spatial. I just think it's not good to be so down for people that they can do no wrong. I will still say Tate has good advice on women and self-improvement even if he turned out to be a rapist.

 I knew you'd say something like that so I'll say again.

You might think I'm unable to reevaluate my perception or that I'm ignorant and all that shit, but due to the actual circumstances and evidence provided, it's required for what's to be presented to be undone. It's simply that.... The current evidence must be undone. For now there's nothing but, in all honesty, liberal media, and haters. 

Liberal media is a fucking joke mind you.

- I don't  ignore the weight of that tweet from October. That shit is real.

- I see multiple women who are involved sticking up for the Tates. That's literally.

- I see how they refuse to remove those women as victims despite the above points. That's going on for real.

- I recognize the previous prosecutor calling this case corrupt. Like damn. People in Romanian law, think this case is bogus. Yes I provided that too.

- The courts don't recognize any evidence up to now. Seriously. These guys have 0 charges and being detained.

- I'm seeing audio professionals showing us how to identity deep fakes, and the same audio used in a hitpiece on Tate by VICE. 

Then you're going to say "if they" to me then complain about people who think they can do no wrong. 

It's not a matter of me thinking they can do no wrong, Andrew is potentially thee antichrist or not.

Undo the evidence. While there's corruption in play, they can do all kinds of shit. Hurt their children unless they plead guilty.

As mentioned, I think the Tates are fucked regardless. 

They are the good guys in this case. All I see from the MSM is mental conditioning and buzzwords. 

Look at Trump the best choice for President, and the MSM and Hollywood programs the NPC's to say "fuck that guy" Then you get Biden fucking up and the MSM is being all nice to him. 

Idiots, everywhere. 

Posts: 427
0 votes RE: the four hottest men
Hawk said:

The man says lift, work hard, do what you're supposed to do, don't do drugs, find a good woman, put down the video games, be valuable. But that isn't faggotry, that masculinity which is supposed to be toxic. Schools these days are about queer and BLM. Degeneracy over what matters and what's important to us all. 

 yet you defend pedophiles constantly. make it make sense

I spoke to CS about the ChallengeSeeker2 account, she said that wasn't her. She says it was her ex boyfriend Jim. She said the what happened was there were some boys in Turkey that helped her make it home one time.

You'll need to prove to me they are pedophiles. Cause I don't see any evidence. And secondly it's not that I defend them, I fucking hate doxxing and the bully crap. Calling up someones work to destroy them is very disgusting to me. Haters are just ugly to me, and nothing more.


Posts: 4370
1 votes RE: the four hottest men
Hawk said:

 I knew you'd say something like that so I'll say again.

You might think I'm unable to reevaluate my perception or that I'm ignorant and all that shit, but due to the actual circumstances and evidence provided, it's required for what's to be presented to be undone. It's simply that.... The current evidence must be undone. For now there's nothing but, in all honesty, liberal media, and haters. 

Liberal media is a fucking joke mind you.

- I don't  ignore the weight of that tweet from October. That shit is real.

- I see multiple women who are involved sticking up for the Tates. That's literally.

Yes, but you're glossing over the shit I've said that Lena corroborated on the loverboy stuff. Mainly in the sense that what he is on trial for, he fucking detailed on video and bragged about it for a course, and you're just hand waving that as "people do stuff for views." Maybe they do, but how are you going to act like that doesn't look suspicious? It's like if I made videos talking about robbing peoples' houses, and then someone went to the police and claimed I did a B&E on them and I got arrested. Even if I was just doing entertainment, there's really good reason to suspect there might be more to it than just getting views.

I don't care what MSM thinks, I don't watch it.

Two women saying something doesn't make it true. I thought with all the MeToo shenanigans, the redpillers would be less trusting of what 2 women have to say on a matter. I guess not, if they're on the right team. It doesn't matter if 100 people stand up for a guy, every last person with Jim Jones drank the Kool Aid and burned with Koresh in Waco. When a lot of people stand up for someone, that tells me they are liked. And that doesn't have much weight to me. People liked Jimmy Saville too.

If these women are even 2 of the 6 women who were part of the case, for all we know they had a change of heart, or they got death threats and decided to back out. It doesn't matter the motives pure or impure, that's what the trial is for.

Spatial Mind said:
- I see how they refuse to remove those women as victims despite the above points. That's going on for real.

Where's this?

Spatial Mind said:
- I recognize the previous prosecutor calling this case corrupt. Like damn. People in Romanian law, think this case is bogus. Yes I provided that too.

I watched the video. Take with a grain of salt that these are the words of one person, and we don't know what their agenda is. Just like I don't automatically assume the women saying they got raped are telling the truth. I need to see something more conclusive than word of mouth on either side. Frankly, I wouldn't be shocked if through some chain a powerful American pulled some strings to make this trial go hard. What it comes down to ties to the next thing you're saying:

Spatial Mind said:
- The courts don't recognize any evidence up to now. Seriously. These guys have 0 charges and being detained.

I bring up that the electronics were taken 5 days ago for forensics. If that pans out to nothing, and there is no other smoking gun, then looks like there's no case. There are charges...he's being tried for human trafficking. Mind you he details this process on fucking video. Hype for clicks or not, that's the reality. The detainment was extended another 30 days while authorities do the forensics. I don't think this is a martyr situation, it looks like due diligence given the crime being purported. If things just continued from here indefinitely like a circus (as in nothing substantial comes to light), I will not maintain this opinion.

Spatial Mind said:
Undo the evidence. While there's corruption in play, they can do all kinds of shit. Hurt their children unless they plead guilty.

So if anyone who came forward sticks to their testimony, it's because they were under coercion? You set impossible barriers to overcome for proving guilt. If there is corruption at play that I'm seeing, it's that he's probably being treated like shit in jail.

What is there to undo here? Biggest thing that I seen you bring up was the audio might be fake. Because I don't know anything about audio analysis other than one guy on YouTube, I suspend my judgment on it. Didn't you say there is 0 evidence in court, and doesn't that mean the audio is totally irrelevant to the case?

You're saying many of the woman that worked there are speaking highly of the Tates. Lots of people will do that if they're making bank and don't personally feel wronged. But I don't really care what people are saying, I care about evidence in this matter.

To me it seems pretty obvious that guilt isn't proven, and the case probably hinges on the electronics. If anything, things are looking pretty good right now if there's 0 evidence in court, no? But I get the sense that if it came out he was out in the open about playing the loverboy game in his texts as he was on video, you'd just say it was planted or something. The Matrix taking him down. When you say you wouldn't even trust the man himself saying he's guilty because you are so aligned with his innocence, that seems like a pretty big suspension of judgment. Are you really so sure he didn't do this thing he's been talking about doing repeatedly, as well as describing on his courses as a way to help sell them? Maybe he didn't, it just doesn't seem like it takes a leap of faith to wonder about that.

last edit on 1/31/2023 10:37:15 AM
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