You seem to think nonconsensual sex would still be enjoyable for you.
It's not the same energy at all.
You're very incompetent when your bias clouds your vision, and also when it doesn't.
Women actually do have strong procreative urges though, but I guess they don't display like that around you.
My girlfriend does. She also laughs at all my jokes and for anyone who knows her, it's obvious how she feels about me just by observing her.
Other than that, no I don't have a whole lot of women chasing after me. Isn't that normal Nathan ?
Mostly saying it reflects how much you don't seem to know about women over how few you talk to.
Feel free to tell me 1 thing I don't know about women.
Also, you don't know how many women call me regularly, nor do you know the ratios between men and women in my life.
Once they hit their 30s the whole "Biological Clock" trope starts up even, and the half-week to a week leading up to their period... many prove to be hornier than any man could hope to keep up with.
Even so, women set high standards for who they have sex with.
Is that how you cope with your aforementioned Rejection that you've externalized as the human condition?
So you'd argue women don't have any standards with who they fuck. Gotcha.
People like sex, men and women are both people, it's not that complicated.
Who said men and women don't like sex ?
Men on the other hand not so much. There is BBW porn featuring morbidly obese women and it makes mad money. Other way around, nope.
It's a fetish, there's women into fat dudes too.
Most of what you're seeing is a marketing thing.
Ugly girls get more hits than Chad's in dating apps, so as usual the truth is on my side. ( why haven't you learned by now, I only do the truth ? )
Guys don't give a shit if she's smart. If she's super hot that's only preferable.
Gross, I tend to need mental stimulation personally.
From what I gather, your partner doesn't have to be all that bright either.
Crow used to say sweet things to me. Call me cutie etc. Nice emails. She had my email from skype. Because I like flattery I never ratted her out to you, but you have to admit, it wasn't wise for her to flirt with me cause I could've inflicted damage to your relationship.
Now if I ever meet her I'll show her a nice time. Nothing sexual, even though she probably knows how to shine a knob. Inq likes it.
Thankfully with birth control and contraceptives, women don't have to wait gaps of time before going at it again. Overtime we are becoming more like the lions that eat their young to ensure more sex, which is perfectly natural.
Male lions kill a cub to make a statement to the others.
No, they do it to get the female open to having sex again.
It be about fucking, my dude.
When the female is in heat the lions will fuck again.
He doesn't kill cubs to induce estrus, he does it to make a statement when entering a preoccupied pride.
Who told you he'll kill cubs to get laid ? ( I'm asking this wuestion while I know there isn't an answer )
A woman who is like the male lion is unattractive and obtuse, major red flag.
Female lions are far superior to male ones, and lions overall show us that killing one's own young can be natural.
So you're fine with killing babies after they're born now.
I've wasted enough time I think. It's an energy thing. No more for you.