The word groomer used to be considered a derogatory word that was cause for ban on the old Twitter.
No one is more flashy with their sexuality than the fruity man who dresses in female attire. With that the LGBTQ is being used to promote queer identity in the preschools.
Our species is being plauged by what appears to be a mind virus, where groups of infected people are choosing career paths that enables them to instill queer values into children during early years of development. "Some" queer couples with children ( that happens sometimes ) are grooming their children to be queer, also schools are doing this, with preschoolers.
I do think this is the final nail in the coffin before we see a generation accept pedophilia. This will be marched and protested while pedophiles will claim there's nothing wrong and it's their and children's constitutional right to basically breed mentally disordered miserable people, under the guise of children consenting to sex, while really they're being abused and damaged.
The resistance will be labeled the discriminatory ones, while others who disagree will do nothing.
If Jesus doesn't show up, we'll destroy ourselves, while if he does show up, he'll destroy if not many, then most of us.
It's not so much about being fruity, it's more about mental health which is key to our future. A creation that destroys itself, is indeed an abomination to it's creator.