Looks like Trump got unbanned from Twitter. Now for Jones and we can get some free speech. People should be able to hear all sides of any story. See the debate.
Only people with weak arguments censor.
I don't think Elon really cares what happens to Twitter.
He might have been pushed to buy it to shut down the left wing machine it was becoming, rather than fix it.
jews can leave twitter, we don't care
You really seem to have issues with The Jews, rather than just the few who made it big. It's weird.
Edit: In reference to when we last spoke about it.
your failure to recognize a pattern based on your worry about being prejudiced or perceived as such is on you
You keep going on about how "The Jews" are doing shit, but what percent would you even assign responsibility to?
When Kanye and Chappelle make mistakes, I don't suddenly blame black people.
i know you want to be white savior here, but what kanye and chapelle are talking about, has been in hip hop since the late 80s and early 90s. they seen the same pattern based on the contracts they were given. micheal jackson warned about it too
So because some jewish people are rich and take advantage of others, we should call on them as "The Jews"?
Should I be calling "The Blacks" racist because a few quote Farrakhan's ideas? Should I be calling "The Whites" racist over how enough of them mistreat black people, or "Men" sexist overall how enough of them abuse women?
Get real dude, stop calling it on an entire group of people. It makes your racism against them that much more apparent when you can't even escape generalizing them over a few noteworthy people.