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Posts: 427
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female

So you're used to getting what you want, and now you want the world to consider you a female or else you'll be nasty.

Do you think I'm nasty for misgendering you?

For what it's worth, it isn't the misgendering I find nasty, that's old comedy. 

What I find more unsettling is the fact you're trying your best to hurt my feelings. Then it's like, you think misgendering is effective on me, and though it's not, I have to witness the next unsettling thing, which is you piercing me more while thinking I'm being destroyed.

That will of yours is inner ugliness. Self absorbed. I can see it. 

People don't understand when I say I have iron angels around me. They are letting me know they are here. I feel safe in an electrifying way.

So let me get this straight. In response to me coming out as a woman, you say I have a mental disorder, ridicule me, make a topic titled "transgender narcissism", harass me for being gay in chat, and call my ex-boyfriend a strange faggot, but I'm the bully by effectively saying "no u" to being misgendered?

You're being beyond idiotic and entitled. You think the whole world revolves around you.

That's very uninteresting.
It's mildly interesting, because it shows how much better I am than you are. I'm moving forward, while you are stuck in a limbo.
Listen lady. That strange faggot you divorced your ex wife for. He fed you estrogen. Lots of it.
Incorrect. I started dating only after I divorced my wife. I didn't leave my wife "for" anyone.
- Mental Disorder. Yes Transgenderism is a mental disorder. The results are chaotic and it's been a quite a burden for our civilization. Namely toward real women, Public Bathrooms, children and Sports. It pits the subject against society while doing the most damage to the trans themselves.
- Ridicule. I don't recall doing this. I'm not spiteful. However you did try to be validated as female. This title "Meaning of Being Female" You don't fit the description, nor will you reeducate anyone.
- Transgender Narcissism. This is a psychology forum too. Identity is egotistical, while you as a Father demand to be addressed as she. You've become anti science and claim to be a biological female. You're no longer thought of as resilient either here. Yes it's narcissistic behavior and we see it a lot with transgenders, often enough in viral videos It's worth discussing.
- Harass you for being gay in Chat. How so ? When I said BT is bisexual and proceeded to talk about 2 penises in heat leaning on one another ? That's not harassment.
- Calling your ex boyfriend a strange faggot. HA HA HA. Yes !
Bullies do things out of spite, the only thing I say that triggers you is the truth. Which is...
- You're a Father
- You have a penis
- You're not a woman
- You went from straight to gay to trans in the span on months and in the process divorced the ex wife, had a gay fling, then went back to your ex wife only to get turned down. Not trying to insult you but that is so foolish.
You're still newly divorced..... okay..... Divorced because you realized you're gay. Stillllll newly divorced, you got a boyfriend.
Still newly divorced you tried to hook up with your ex wife and, well you never got what you wanted.
Confusion has lead you down the road of shameful behavior. You're in ruin. You're confused you need help.
Posts: 968
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female

"Bullies do it out of spite"

What do you hope to achieve by telling me all this? You don't have my best interest at heart, that's for sure.

How likely do you think it is that I'll go:
"Jeez I never thought about this stuff. Thanks Spatial, for mocking and harassing me endlessly. I really learned my lesson."

You know better than that. If you wanted me to "see the truth" or whatever, you would do it in a very different way. What you are doing is bullying. Well, it would be bullying if you weren't so weak.

More precisely, what you are doing is mentally pleasing yourself by thinking you've picked a weak opponent and decided to bully him, and having the forum join in on your little show. You're basically masturbating to your own comments, as you finally found an outlet where you can parrot the cult-like right-wing agenda that your brain is dipping in on a daily basis.

It pains me to see someone so weak-willed. There's something about sheep that irks me so much, especially when they take so much satisfaction in their lack self awareness. It drives me crazy.

You talk about how some people unjustly get called a bigot for not praising trans "ideology". That might be true in some instances, but not in your case. You are a bigot.

last edit on 10/17/2022 2:55:36 PM
Posts: 2474
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female

Trans people should be made edible so we can finally solve world hunger for a while. If there are too many of them by now we could feed them to zoo animals too.

Posts: 33193
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female
Chapo said: 

Trans people should be made edible so we can finally solve world hunger for a while. If there are too many of them by now we could feed them to zoo animals too.

You could just eat them out instead if not suckle their dingus for them, win-win. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 10/17/2022 5:42:39 PM
Posts: 33193
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female

"Bullies do it out of spite"

What do you hope to achieve by telling me all this? You don't have my best interest at heart, that's for sure.

He has a 'The Truth Will Set You Free' mindset, and figures humor will make the truth more palatable while showing how he's not emotionally affected by the topic. 

He seems to think a barrage of 'the facts' is all it might take to cure someone, even though that never works on him either. 

You know better than that. If you wanted me to "see the truth" or whatever, you would do it in a very different way. What you are doing is bullying. Well, it would be bullying if you weren't so weak.

The guy believes women and children should be beat when acting foolish, and it shows in his words. He isn't trying to be convincing so much as forward. 

More precisely, what you are doing is mentally pleasing yourself by thinking you've picked a weak opponent and decided to bully him, and having the forum join in on your little show.

It is worth noting how he has made you into the token trans figure for his material rather than me, it does imply a focus on easy targets like when he has a go with Med. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 427
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female

"Bullies do it out of spite"

What do you hope to achieve by telling me all this?

Isn't it obvious that you're being spiteful while I'm being truthful ?

You don't have my best interest at heart, that's for sure.

I actually don't, considering your best interest is an ideology I think is make belief. And how could I when you've claimed to be gay and now straight within month. Your ex never took you back, because you've been making mistakes. It's a bad idea in my opinion.

How likely do you think it is that I'll go:
"Jeez I never thought about this stuff. Thanks Spatial, for mocking and harassing me endlessly. I really learned my lesson."

lol harassing. More like responding. I'm the only one telling you anything really, the others are straight up mocking you.

You know better than that. If you wanted me to "see the truth" or whatever, you would do it in a very different way. What you are doing is bullying. Well, it would be bullying if you weren't so weak.

I have no reason to believe you're a woman.

There's a difference between being honest and bullshit. In all honesty you're confused. From straight to gay to self proclaimed lesbian within half a year. You still have some reevaluating to do. Why does it not occur to you that you're fucked up ?

More precisely, what you are doing is mentally pleasing yourself by thinking you've picked a weak opponent and decided to bully him, and having the forum join in on your little show. You're basically masturbating to your own comments, as you finally found an outlet where you can parrot the cult-like right-wing agenda that your brain is dipping in on a daily basis.

You're deluded.

It pains me to see someone so weak-willed. There's something about sheep that irks me so much, especially when they take so much satisfaction in their lack self awareness. It drives me crazy.

Heh. For me to say "you're a female now" would be sheepish. Technically you're looking for sheep.

You're doing the narcissistic blame shifting. You're the one discarding people shortly after changing your mind. Ex wife shouldn't take you back, that will surely be unwise. You tossed the gay lover aside rather quickly too. Very self absorbed and destructive behavior.

I get it though, you'd rather I put on your goggles and sprinkle sugar on all of this. I said seek help.

You talk about how some people unjustly get called a bigot for not praising trans "ideology". That might be true in some instances, but not in your case. You are a bigot.

 Well I did on occasion point out a transgender person I respect. Not just when it came to you either.

I dislike bullshit, which is a fairly broad range of behaviors. I dislike people's disdainful behaviors.

No one will respect how you got to this point, the process has been very dysfunctional. In my opinion telling the truth is the kind thing to do.

Do I find this laughable ? Of course. And at the same time, you're not going to reeducate anyone on, as you say, Meaning of being female. That's crossing the line.

If you're a firm believer of personal truth then you're going to have a problem when you want others to participate with that. 

Posts: 427
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female

"Bullies do it out of spite"

What do you hope to achieve by telling me all this? You don't have my best interest at heart, that's for sure.

He has a 'The Truth Will Set You Free' mindset, and figures humor will make the truth more palatable while showing how he's not emotionally affected by the topic. 

He seems to think a barrage of 'the facts' is all it might take to cure someone, even though that never works on him either. 

Your false claims about me never worked out for you did it.


You know better than that. If you wanted me to "see the truth" or whatever, you would do it in a very different way. What you are doing is bullying. Well, it would be bullying if you weren't so weak.

The guy believes women and children should be beat when acting foolish, and it shows in his words. He isn't trying to be convincing so much as forward. 

I like how you say women and children, but not men. It shows how you exaggerate and fool others.

I believe in corporal punishment. A parent who fails to discipline their child, will raise people with inflated sense of entitlement.

The disciplined hold no resentment to their strict parents, while those abused by parents do.


More precisely, what you are doing is mentally pleasing yourself by thinking you've picked a weak opponent and decided to bully him, and having the forum join in on your little show.

It is worth noting how he has made you into the token trans figure for his material rather than me, it does imply a focus on easy targets like when he has a go with Med. 

 You're claiming Legga is an easy target with that statement.

You don't respect Legga, and here you are enabling him. Clearly you did nothing but throw gasoline on the fire. He shouldn’t follow your lead, no one should.

It so happens you shrink from the truth as well, hence when the forum questions the lies you said about me, it so burdens you to be honest. 

Posts: 33193
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female
Hawk said: 

"Bullies do it out of spite"

What do you hope to achieve by telling me all this?

Isn't it obvious that you're being spiteful while I'm being truthful ?

The truth can be spiteful, they aren't mutually exclusive. 

How likely do you think it is that I'll go:
"Jeez I never thought about this stuff. Thanks Spatial, for mocking and harassing me endlessly. I really learned my lesson."

lol harassing. More like responding.

When it hits the chat without  him  her replying to you it has the appearance of letting off steam. 

I'm the only one telling you anything really, the others are straight up mocking you. 

You're the only one taking Legga seriously more like, rather than as a bad actor. Alena isn't taking her seriously while I'm using the less expected parts as a jumping off point for the discussion as a mental exercise. 

You know better than that. If you wanted me to "see the truth" or whatever, you would do it in a very different way. What you are doing is bullying. Well, it would be bullying if you weren't so weak.

I have no reason to believe you're a woman.

There's a difference between being honest and bullshit. In all honesty you're confused. From straight to gay to self proclaimed lesbian within half a year.

When you put it like that, Legga is starting to sound more like Blanc, but couldn't all of this (other than the gender change) be lumped under bisexual? 

More precisely, what you are doing is mentally pleasing yourself by thinking you've picked a weak opponent and decided to bully him, and having the forum join in on your little show. You're basically masturbating to your own comments, as you finally found an outlet where you can parrot the cult-like right-wing agenda that your brain is dipping in on a daily basis.

You're deluded.

Do you not enjoy mocking her with 'the truth' though? 

You look like you're having fun with this. 

You: Do I find this laughable ? Of course.


I get it though, you'd rather I put on your goggles and sprinkle sugar on all of this. I said seek help.

The way you're saying it though is often how people who need help end up not seeking it, as you are proposing how they need help as a form of attack. 


And at the same time, you're not going to reeducate anyone on, as you say, Meaning of being female. That's crossing the line.

A bunch of men are the ones currently spouting off what it means to be a female, while ignoring what women have to say about it. It's a bit ironic and displays the patriarchy in full view. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 10/17/2022 6:16:38 PM
Posts: 33193
0 votes RE: Meaning of being female
Hawk said: 

You know better than that. If you wanted me to "see the truth" or whatever, you would do it in a very different way. What you are doing is bullying. Well, it would be bullying if you weren't so weak.

The guy believes women and children should be beat when acting foolish, and it shows in his words. He isn't trying to be convincing so much as forward. 

I like how you say women and children, but not men. It shows how you exaggerate and fool others.

True, you do talk about how boys should be beaten for their mistakes as well. 

I believe in corporal punishment. A parent who fails to discipline their child, will raise people with inflated sense of entitlement.

I see plenty of entitlement in people who got their ass beat as a form of teaching, if anything they are quicker to respond in a fight/flight fashion to things that weren't even serious. 

The disciplined hold no resentment to their strict parents, while those abused by parents do. 

So if the kid finds being disciplined abusive from being sensitive or whatever, then the parents become abusers? 

Fascinating, that puts all the power in the children's hands. 

More precisely, what you are doing is mentally pleasing yourself by thinking you've picked a weak opponent and decided to bully him, and having the forum join in on your little show.

It is worth noting how he has made you into the token trans figure for his material rather than me, it does imply a focus on easy targets like when he has a go with Med. 

You're claiming Legga is an easy target with that statement.

Yes, yes I am, and considering how recent Legga's pains are I don't even think she'd disagree. 

You meanwhile are like a piranha who just noticed Legga's menstrual blood hitting your local lake. 

You don't respect Legga, and here you are enabling him.

I'd argue you're the one enabling her actually, by presenting a strong enough antagonist. 

It so happens you shrink from the truth as well,

More like my having pointed out the truth, and your feeling a lack of resolution, is contributing towards an obsession you have with that event. It rustled your jimmies and the silence following it isn't enough to grant you peace. 

I am super bored of repeating the same shit to you just to have you repeat the same shit to me, so I ignore it now. Enough people know what you've done and play polite to your face, so I figured I'd do the same to save us both some time. 

Obviously this is going to provoke a response from you over it, but expect it to be ignored like the others so that you can resist losing track of the topic. You've used this to derail numerous topics, there isn't a point to it now over the sheer repetition. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
last edit on 10/17/2022 6:35:12 PM
Posts: 2474
1 votes RE: Meaning of being female
Chapo said: 

Trans people should be made edible so we can finally solve world hunger for a while. If there are too many of them by now we could feed them to zoo animals too.

You could just eat them out instead if not suckle their dingus for them, win-win. 

 I’d rather catch cancer you absolute faggot.

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