Presumably when you pay someone through Patreon, you're giving patronage to a person for some work they do. Whereas with malingering, someone is exploiting the sympathy of others through deception.
Being a yt douchebro and bitching about Hilary Clinton is not the same as having a job lol
Playing videogames? Srsly?
Those people who do heritage home reno, ok.
Musicians, poets historians, ok.
But douchebros and mgtows and PUAs
stfu lol
They're an even worse kind of malingerer.
Always tryinta blame women or poc or some politician for their sickness.
Not even stopping at "please support my wellness fund" but also begging ppl to support some douchey politician they've been duped by.
That. Is. Not. Employment. :P
You might as well say News Reporters and Reality TV people don't deserve to get paid.
Reporting The News is important.
Even when that news is based in human interest, pop culture, videogames, etc?
You'd find The Soup from E! to be more valuable than what's online?Reality tv blah lol
But no, they usually get paid like other tv shows get paid, don't they?
What's your point, that one deserves money over the other simply because of the medium?
There's a product placement like "Hey Gracie, I'm lovin this Carnation canned milk" or w/e?
They often compete for the sponsor's product? Like on The Price is Right?
Even if I'm not a fan of the product myself, it's usually smthg that makes somebody's life easier or happier.
So it's acceptable, imo.
Youtubers do sponsors too.
I didn't say every youtuber is an asshole, either.
Read before you argue ffs.
That is one of the most annoying things about you.